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President Bush Meets with Prime Minister Nasser Al-Sabah of Kuwait
President Bush on Friday said, "Kuwait is a strategic partner of the United States. And our discussion today was .. - 6.7KB
19 Sep 08
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President Bush Attends Iftaar Dinner
President Bush on Wednesday said, "Over the past eight years, we have made the Iftaar dinner an annual tradition here at the White .. - 9.2KB
17 Sep 08
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President Bush Meets with Former Multi-National Force-Iraq Commander General David Petraeus
President Bush on Wednesday said, "The United States is fortunate to have great men and women who volunteer ... - 8.1KB
17 Sep 08
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President Bush Meets with President Torrijos of Panama
President Bush on Wednesday said, "We talked about bilateral issues. One key issue, of course, is the free trade agreement .. - 8.0KB
17 Sep 08
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President Bush Receives a Briefing on Hurricane Ike Damage
President Bush on Tuesday said, "We're fixing to go down to Galveston and obviously are going to see a devastated part of .. - 10.6KB
16 Sep 08
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President Bush Receives Update on Hurricane Ike Response and Relief Efforts
President Bush on Monday said, "I'm going down tomorrow. I'm looking forward to going down. Members of my .. - 8.2KB
15 Sep 08
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President Bush Receives Update on Hurricane Ike
President Bush on Sunday said, "I do urge people in the affected areas to listen closely to local authorities before they attempt to ... - 9.8KB
14 Sep 08
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President Bush Discusses Hurricane Ike
President Bush on Saturday said, "Obviously, this is a huge storm that is causing a lot of damage not only in Texas, but also in parts .. - 8.8KB
13 Sep 08
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President Bush Participates in Roundtable on Health Savings Accounts
President Bush on Friday said, "Today we're talking about a way for small businesses and individuals -- and large .. - 9.4KB
12 Sep 08
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President Bush Visits Oklahoma, Discusses Volunteers, Hurricane Ike
President Bush on Friday said, "Our country is better off because millions of citizens such as these three folks have .. - 7.8KB
12 Sep 08
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