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 Image Spacer  Image Spacer Ecosystems
 Black Dot Image Geospatial
 Black Dot Image Restoration
 Black Dot Image System-wide Assessments
 Black Dot Image Watersheds

Environmental Resources
 Black Dot Image Aquatics
 Black Dot Image Endangered Species
 Black Dot Image Environmental Stewardship
 Black Dot Image Invasive Species
 Black Dot Image Recreation Resources
 Black Dot Image Riparian
 Black Dot Image Terrestrial
 Black Dot Image Wetlands

Environmental Assessment
 Black Dot Image Contaminant Effects
 Black Dot Image Environmental Chemistry
 Black Dot Image Environmental Sensing
 Black Dot Image Fate & Transport
 Black Dot Image Site Characterization & Monitoring
 Black Dot Image Water Quality

Evaluation Tools
 Black Dot Image Decision Analysis
 Black Dot Image Ecological Modeling
 Black Dot Image Environmental Benefits Analysis
 Black Dot Image Risk Assessment
 Black Dot Image Water Quality Modeling

Environmental Engineering
 Black Dot Image Cleanup / Remediation
 Black Dot Image Dredging
 Black Dot Image Ordnance
 Black Dot Image Riverine / Stream Restoration

 Image Spacer


    Watersheds are defined by natural hydrology; therefore, they represent the most logical basis for managing water resources. When used as a resource, watersheds become the focal point, and managers are able to gain a more complete understanding of overall conditions in an area and the stressors that affect those conditions. Watershed management can offer a stronger foundation for uncovering the many stressors that affect a watershed. For the Corps of Engineers, increasing agricultural and urban development in watersheds has resulted in substantial water, sediment, and nutrient loadings, leading to reduced water quality in receiving waters (CE reservoirs).
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Updated January 2009