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 Image Spacer  Image Spacer Ecosystems
 Black Dot Image Geospatial
 Black Dot Image Restoration
 Black Dot Image System-wide Assessments
 Black Dot Image Watersheds

Environmental Resources
 Black Dot Image Aquatics
 Black Dot Image Endangered Species
 Black Dot Image Environmental Stewardship
 Black Dot Image Invasive Species
 Black Dot Image Recreation Resources
 Black Dot Image Riparian
 Black Dot Image Terrestrial
 Black Dot Image Wetlands

Environmental Assessment
 Black Dot Image Contaminant Effects
 Black Dot Image Environmental Chemistry
 Black Dot Image Environmental Sensing
 Black Dot Image Fate & Transport
 Black Dot Image Site Characterization & Monitoring
 Black Dot Image Water Quality

Evaluation Tools
 Black Dot Image Decision Analysis
 Black Dot Image Ecological Modeling
 Black Dot Image Environmental Benefits Analysis
 Black Dot Image Risk Assessment
 Black Dot Image Water Quality Modeling

Environmental Engineering
 Black Dot Image Cleanup / Remediation
 Black Dot Image Dredging
 Black Dot Image Ordnance
 Black Dot Image Riverine / Stream Restoration

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Environmental Sensing

    Environmental sensing research deals with the acquisition of information by sensor systems, which can be used to support a diverse array of civil and military environmental and natural resource projects. Geographic information systems, positioning systems, and sensor systems are tools that are used in helping to understand and protect our nation's environmental resources. Sensor systems detects energy forms of electromagnetic, seismic, acoustic, visible, infrared, ultra-violet, micro-wave, chemical, and radiation are used in environmental sensing. The positioning systems used in environmental sensing make use of global positioning, laser, inertial, and radio frequency techniques. The sensing systems can be used to evaluate vegetation stress and growth patterns in both terrestrial and aquatic environments.
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Updated January 2009