Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Table 2
Questions Used in This Report - June 2003

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Questions Results Margin of Error Population Estimates Sample
During May, did you have access to the Internet from home, work, or some other location?        
Yes 69% ± 3.23% 145,975,626 709
No 31% ± 3.23% 64,084,536 319
During May, how many times did you use the Internet to purchase merchandise to be delivered to your home?        
None 73% ± 3.02% 153,203,015 743
One or more times 27% ± 3.02% 56,175,399 281
During May, how many times did you use the telephone to purchase merchandise to be delivered to your home?        
None 77% ± 2.80% 161,230,178 768
One or more times 23% ± 2.80% 47,342,334 253
During May, how many times did you mail an order form to a business or company to purchase merchandise to be delivered to your home?        
None 85% ± 2.47% 178,567,627 868
One or more times 15% ± 2.47% 30,468,253 152
During May, how many times did you fax an order form to purchase merchandise to be delivered to your home?        
None 95% ± 1.45% 199,877,113 977
One or more times 5% ± 1.45% 9,608,437 46
During May, how many times did you purchase merchandise in person at a store or business that had to be delivered to your home; that is, you did not take the merchandise home with you?        
None 90% ± 1.94% 189,846,189 922
One or more times 10% ± 1.94% 19,942,542 104
During May, how many deliveries did you receive at your home that were delivered by a company other than the US Postal Service - someone other than your regular mail delivery person? Non-US Postal Service companies include FedEx, UPS, Emory, Airborne Express        
None 59% ± 3.37% 113,497,982 584
One or more deliveries 41% ± 3.37% 85,464,848 440

SOURCE: US Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, Omnibus Household Survey, June 2003. Data cover activities for the month of May.