Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Table 8. Canada-U.S./U.S.-Canada Travel by Mode of Transportation

(Thousands of roundtrips)

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  1990 1996 1999 Percentage change, 1990-1999
Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent
Canadian resident overnight travel to the United States17,262 100.0 15,301 100.0 14,116 100.0 -18.2
Air 4,039  23.4  4,496  29.4  4,962  35.2  22.9
Motor vehicles 12,770  74.0 10,251  67.0  8,563  60.7 -32.9
Personal vehicles 12,164  70.5  9,579  62.6  7,869  55.7 -35.3
Intercity and charter buses    606   3.5    672   4.4    694   4.9  14.5
Intercity rail     36   0.2     33   0.2     35   0.2  -2.8
Other1    416   2.4    521   3.4    556   3.9  33.7
Canadian resident same-day travel to the United States53,171 100.0 37,398 100.0 28,081 100.0 -47.2
Air   137   0.3    124   0.3    150   0.5   9.5
Motor vehicles 52,629  99.0 37,159  99.4 27,807  99.0 -47.2
Personal vehicles 51,829  97.5 36,267  97.0 27,107  96.5 -47.7
Intercity and charter buses    800   1.5    892   2.4    700   2.5 -12.5
Intercity rail Nonexistent Nonexistent Nonexistent  Nonexistent Nonexistent Nonexistent Nonexistent
Other1    405   0.8    115   0.3    124   0.4 -69.4
U.S. resident overnight travel to Canada12,252 100.0 12,909 100.0 15,180 100.0  23.9
Air 2,372  19.4  3,047  23.6  3,760  24.8  58.5
Motor vehicles  9,103  74.3  9,097  70.5 10,419  68.6  14.5
Personal vehicles  8,381  68.4  8,325  64.5  9,609  63.3  14.7
Intercity and charter buses    722   5.9    772   6.0    810   5.3  12.2
Intercity rail Nonexistent Nonexistent     72   0.6    101   0.7 Nonexistent
Other1    778   6.3    692   5.4    900   5.9  15.7
U.S. resident same-day travel to Canada22,482 100.0 25,563 100.0 29,450 100.0  31.0
Air   165   0.7    365   1.4    525   1.8 218.2
Motor vehicles 21,412  95.2 24,700  96.6 28,315  96.1  32.2
Personal vehicles 20,692  92.0 23,804  93.1 27,318  92.8  32.0
Intercity and charter buses    720   3.2    896   3.5    997   3.4  38.5
Intercity rail Nonexistent Nonexistent      6 Negligible     15 Nonexistent Nonexistent
Other1    905   4.0    492   1.9    595   2.0 -34.3

1 Other includes boaters, pedestrians, and cyclists.

SOURCE: Statistics Canada, International Travel: Travel Between Canada and Other Countries (Touriscope) , Catalogue No. 66-201-XPB (Ottawa, Ontario: Various years).