NIGMS Predoctoral Training Program Guidelines

NIGMS Predoctoral Research Training Program

Trainee-Based Program Features

Training Goals

Program Activities

Program Responsibilities

Special NIH Requirements

NIGMS Predoctoral Training Programs

Behavioral-Biomedical Sciences Interface (BBI)

Program Director: Alison Cole

Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (BI)

Program Director: Jerry Li

Biostatistics (BS)

Program Directors: Jerry Li & Shawn Drew

Biotechnology (BT)

Program Director: Warren Jones

Cellular, Biochemical and Molecular Sciences (CBMS)

Program Directors: Marion Zatz and Peter Preusch

Chemistry Biology Interface (CBI)

Program Director: Michael Rogers

Genetics (GN)

Program Director: Marc Rhoades

Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP)

Program Director: Bert Shapiro

Molecular Biophysics (MB)

Program Director: Paula Flicker

Molecular Medicine (MM)

Program Director: Marion Zatz

Pharmacological Sciences (PS)

Program Director: Richard Okita

Systems and Integrative Biology (SIB)

Program Director: Alison Cole

NIGMS Special Requirements

  1. Describe the mission and objectives of the program to be supported by the training grant in relation to one or more of the identified NIGMS training grant program areas.

  2. Describe how the proposed training grant fits into the institution’s overall graduate training programs: how is it unique from other existing predoctoral training programs?

Special  NIGMS Requirements

3. Describe collaborative and interdisciplinary features of the proposed training program. For ongoing programs, has training in any scientific disciplines or fields been added or deleted?

4. Describe any innovative features or activities that will be provided for trainees.

Special NIGMS Requirements

  1. Describe what the training program does to ensure that students have appropriate quantitative graduate training to pursue cutting-edge biomedical research. 

  2. Describe how the training program provides opportunities for exposure to topics related to human health, physiology, and disease.

Suggested Features

  1. Programs may offer opportunities for experience in teaching

  2. Programs may recruit trainees from various backgrounds, including mathematics, engineering, and physical sciences

Common Review Questions

Common Reviewer Questions

How do you weight the value-added or impact of the T32 training program against other factors?


It depends on how the T32 program fits into the institution’s broader training efforts. In some cases the T32 program will be unique and have distinct value added or impact for its trainees. In other cases the special features of a T32 training program may have been incorporated into a broader training program so that T32 trainees are a subset of a larger program that meets NIGMS objectives. NIGMS recognizes the value of established programs that are providing effective interdisciplinary training and programmatic activities to their own trainees and including other students who may be part of a broader program. NIGMS also recognizes the impact that a T32 program has had by serving as a model for the development of an institutional training program. NIGMS strongly encourages innovation in its training programs and recognizes the value of established programs that are providing effective interdisciplinary training and programmatic activities to their own trainees and are serving as models for other predoctoral training programs in the institution. into in the institution’s overall graduate training programs. In some cases

Common Reviewer Questions

How do you determine the number of recommended trainee positions?


The recommendation should depend on both the size and quality of the relevant pool (applicant and matriculant), and for renewals, on the recent outcomes. In general, the maximum recommendation should be no more than the number of incoming eligible students, considering other sources of training support for the pool.

Common Reviewer Questions

How do you evaluate the rationale for the use of trainee positions, i.e. number of years on grant and when supported?


The number of years and timing of support is very variable from program to program. Each training program should provide its rationale. Earlier year support is emphasized to provide common training, cohesiveness, and time of greatest impact on training. It is common for programs to support students in years 1 and 2, or 2 and 3 but other options are allowed if well justified.

Common Reviewer Questions

How do you weight the breadth of a program vs. its scientific focus?


This depends, to a large extent, on which of the NIGMS program areas is under consideration. The least specific and most general programs, e.g. CBMS, can be quite broad. Other programs, e.g. MB, CBI, Genetics, are more targeted and need to provide a focus responsive to the NIGMS guidelines for that program.

NIGMS Predoctoral Guidelines Including Expanded Descriptions of Specific Programs: