Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Table 1-33M: Roadway Vehicle-Kilometers Traveled (VKT) and VKT per Lane-Kilometer by Functional Class

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  1980 1985 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
Urban VKT, total (millions) 1,376,416 1,680,313 2,052,693 2,073,635 2,193,623 2,268,647 2,332,337 2,397,173 2,452,457 2,499,240 2,567,901 2,619,397 (R) 2,677,583 2,697,870 2,780,296 2,905,683
Interstate 259,494 347,921 448,848 459,186 488,058 510,804 532,012 549,636 565,812 581,670 602,896 616,796 (R) 633,221 643,561 657,607 696,255
Other arterialsa 779,227 930,635 1,125,306 1,138,640 1,199,956 1,245,597 1,284,094 1,311,889 1,343,196 1,362,514 1,388,857 1,413,250 (R) 1,449,040 1,470,499 1,508,530 1,567,398
Collector 133,645 144,162 171,068 172,652 186,789 189,721 193,263 204,272 208,104 209,450 212,281 211,794 (R) 217,860 221,964 228,324 247,438
Local 204,050 257,595 307,470 303,157 318,821 322,525 322,968 331,375 335,345 345,607 363,868 377,557 (R) 377,462 361,847 385,835 394,592
Rural VKT, total (millions) 1,081,527 1,175,993 1,398,324 1,421,941 1,422,816 1,427,015 1,461,833 1,501,983 1,545,282 1,608,180 1,661,693 1,710,126 (R) 1,743,164 1,778,459 1,815,598 1,746,758
Interstate 217,397 248,414 322,147 329,933 330,812 335,239 346,923 359,498 374,277 386,653 404,782 418,697 (R) 431,594 440,999 450,555 434,434
Other arterialsa 422,894 455,127 532,477 538,736 553,714 562,574 575,065 593,196 609,695 630,955 649,345 665,174 (R) 676,888 687,101 698,141 670,446
Collectorb 304,919 332,602 386,983 395,303 378,051 364,188 371,000 380,043 387,900 408,934 414,998 425,596 (R) 430,067 436,071 442,581 424,323
Local 136,318 139,850 156,716 157,968 160,239 165,014 168,844 169,245 173,410 181,639 192,568 200,659 (R) 204,615 214,287 224,320 217,554
Urban VKT per lane-kilometer, total (thousands) 987 1,089 1,229 1,233 1,247 1,259 1,278 1,304 1,320 1,327 1,358 1,382 1,398 1,372 1,386 1,378
Interstate 5,355 6,072 7,215 7,310 7,255 7,384 7,511 7,699 7,881 8,050 8,258 8,415 (R) 8,567 8,643 8,756 8,748
Other arterialsa 2,335 2,504 2,818 2,829 2,869 2,861 2,902 2,943 2,988 3,004 3,059 3,138 (R) 3,176 3,214 3,259 3,237
Collector 921 888 1,020 1,044 1,061 1,056 1,054 1,104 1,113 1,109 1,132 1,137 1,155 1,171 1,196 1,193
Local 235 271 295 288 291 288 286 291 292 296 309 318 (R) 315 291 302 295
Rural VKT per lane-kilometer, total (thousands) 166 182 219 222 224 225 232 238 244 253 265 272 276 283 289 281
Interstate 1,660 1,883 2,371 2,417 2,478 2,536 2,643 2,725 2,815 2,904 3,038 3,120 (R) 3,207 3,275 3,348 3,332
Other arterialsa 834 892 1,029 1,040 1,051 1,070 1,085 1,118 1,144 1,175 1,207 1,233 (R) 1,252 1,267 1,283 1,255
Collectorb 213 227 264 269 262 254 259 268 274 288 293 301 304 308 314 306
Local 31 32 37 37 37 39 40 40 41 43 46 48 48 51 53 52

KEY: R = revised.

a For urban: the sum of other freeways and expressways, other principal arterials, and minor arterials.

For rural: the sum of other principal arterials and minor arterials.

b Collector is the sum of major and minor collectors (rural only).


See table 1-6M for estimated highway lane-kilometers by functional class.

1.609344 kilometers = 1 mile.


1980-94: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Highway Statistics Summary to 1995, FHWA-PL-97-009 (Washington, DC: July 1997), table VM-202.

1995-2003: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Highway Statistics (Washington, DC: Annual issues), table VM-2 and VM-2A.


1980-95: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Office of Highway Information Management, unpublished data, 1997, table HM-260.

1996-2003: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Highway Statistics (Washington, DC: Annual issues), table HM-60.