Table 5. Tons of U.S. Freight Shipments by Mode of Transportation: 2002,, (Commodity Flow Survey Data ),, Mode,Tons (thousands),Tons (% of total) All modes,"11,667,919",100.0 Truck,"7,842,836",67.2 For-hire truck,"3,657,333",31.3 Private truck,"4,149,658",35.6 Rail,"1,873,884",16.1 Water,"681,227",5.8 Air (incl truck and air),"3,760",- Pipeline,"684,953",5.9 Multiple modes,"216,686",1.9 "Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier","25,513",0.2 Other multiple modal combinations,"191,173",1.7 Other and unknown modes...,"364,573",3.1 "SOURCE: U.S. Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, Commodity Flow Survey 2002, December 2004.",,