Table 1. Share of U.S. Freight Shipments by Mode of Transportation: 2002,,, (Commodity Flow Survey Data1 ),,, Mode, Share/Value (% of total) ,Share/Tons (% of total),"Share/Ton-miles (% of total)" All modes,100.0,100.0,100.0 Truck,74.3,67.2,40.0 For-hire truck,44.7,31.3,30.6 Private truck,29.1,35.6,9.3 Rail,3.7,16.1,40.2 Water,1.1,5.8,9.0 Air (incl. truck and air),3.2,-,0.2 Pipeline,1.8,5.9,S Multiple modes,12.9,1.9,7.2 "Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier",11.8,0.2,0.6 Other multiple modal combinations2,1.0,1.7,6.6 Other and unknown modes3,3.2,3.1,1.4 NOTE: The value of goods measured in the CFS includes the market value of goods used in production and final demand. Hence the goods may be counted more than once in the production cycle. The tonnage of products could also be counted multiple times depending on the number times the product is transported in the production and consumption cycle.,,, S = Estimate does not meet publication standards because of high sampling variability or poor response quality.,,, 1 The Commodity Flow Survey is estimated to capture approximately 80% of the value of goods shipped in the United States and over 70% of tons and ton-miles. ,,, "2 Other multiple modal combinations include truck and rail, truck and water, rail and water, and other multiple modes.",,, 3 Examples of other modes are bus and recreational vehicle.,,, "SOURCE: U.S. Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, Commodity Flow Survey 2002, December 2004.",,,