
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
Worker Health Chartbook, 2000
September, 2000
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 2000-127

Table 6-1

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Table 6–1. Number and annual average rate* of fatalities associated with various
types of employers and commodities, by work location, 1988–1997

Type of employer
and commodity
Work location

Underground mines Surface mines



Surface areas
open pit/


Other surface operations
  Number Rate   Number Rate   Number Rate   Number Rate   Number Rate   Number Rate   Number Rate
All   993   31.9   388   56.9   51   46.3   383   29.4   21   38.3   10   37.2   140   15.0
Mine operator:
  Coal   432   37.9   298   54.2   27   49.5   74   19.1   0   0.0   4   25.7   29   22.0
Metal 98 21.6 53 83.8 6 36.5 28 16.6 0 0.0 0 0.0 11 5.7
  Nonmetal   36   13.4   14   40.0   0   0.0   11   18.5   0   0.0        NA NA   11   6.6
Stone 157 23.5 15 93.5 3 77.1 95 33.7 0 0.0 0 0.0 44 12.1
  Sand and gravel   83   28.2   NA   NA   NA   NA   65   26.3   18   38.3   NA   NA        NR§ NR
Independent contractor:
  Coal   75   59.1   2   17.6   12   52.3   40   62.5   0   0.0   5   253.2   16   60.3
Metal and nonmetal** 112 71.3 6 102.0 3 49.0 70 75.0 3 278.1 1 232.7 29 57.7
Source: MSHA [1999].
  *Computed per 100,000 full-time workers or 200 million employee hours.
  Includes culm banks, auger mining, independent shops and yards, and surface mining n.e.c.
  NA=Not applicable for this commodity.
  §NR=Not reported separately. Sand and gravel operators report mill employment under strip or dredge operations.
**Includes metal, nonmetal, stone, and sand and gravel.