Uses of Class

Packages that use Layer
gov.noaa.pmel.sgt Core classes for the Scientific Graphics Toolkit. 
gov.noaa.pmel.sgt.awt Classes to simplify the creation of standard plots using java.awt (deprecated). 
gov.noaa.pmel.sgt.swing Components that use the package javax.swing

Uses of Layer in gov.noaa.pmel.sgt

Methods in gov.noaa.pmel.sgt that return Layer
 Layer ColorKey.getLayer()
          Returns the layer the ColorKey is attached.
 Layer Ruler.getLayer()
 Layer JPane.getFirstLayer()
 Layer JPane.getLayer(java.lang.String id)
 Layer JPane.getLayerFromDataId(java.lang.String id)
 Layer PointCollectionKey.getLayer()
          Get layer.
 Layer Logo.getLayer()
          Get layer.
 Layer Layer.copy()
          Copy the Layer and its attached classes.
 Layer Graph.getLayer()
          Get the associated Layer.
 Layer AbstractPane.getFirstLayer()
          Get the first Layer associated with the Pane
 Layer AbstractPane.getLayer(java.lang.String id)
          Get the Layer associated with the Pane indicated by the id.
 Layer AbstractPane.getLayerFromDataId(java.lang.String id)
          Get the Layer associated with the Pane indicated by the data id.
 Layer LineKey.getLayer()
          Get layer.
 Layer Pane.getFirstLayer()
 Layer Pane.getLayer(java.lang.String id)
 Layer Pane.getLayerFromDataId(java.lang.String id)
 Layer VectorKey.getLayer()
          Get layer.
 Layer LayerChild.getLayer()
          Get the associated Layer.
 Layer SGLabel.getLayer()
          Get the layer.

Methods in gov.noaa.pmel.sgt with parameters of type Layer
 void ColorKey.setLayer(Layer l)
          Set parent Layer.
 void Ruler.setLayer(Layer l)
 void JPane.moveLayerUp(Layer lyr)
          Move the Layer up in the stack.
 void JPane.moveLayerDown(Layer lyr)
          Move the Layer down in the stack.
 void PointCollectionKey.setLayer(Layer l)
          Set parent layer.
 void Logo.setLayer(Layer l)
          Set parent layer.
 void LineKey.setLayer(Layer l)
          Set parent layer.
 void PlotMark.paintMark(java.awt.Graphics g, Layer ly, int xp, int yp)
          Used internally by sgt.
 void Pane.moveLayerUp(Layer lyr)
          Move the Layer up in the stack.
 void Pane.moveLayerDown(Layer lyr)
          Move the Layer down in the stack.
 void VectorKey.setLayer(Layer l)
          Set parent layer.
 void LayerChild.setLayer(Layer l)
          Associate a Layer with the LayerChild.
 void SGLabel.setLayer(Layer l)

Uses of Layer in gov.noaa.pmel.sgt.awt

Methods in gov.noaa.pmel.sgt.awt that return Layer
 Layer LineProfileLayout.getFirstLayer()
 Layer LineTimeSeriesLayout.getFirstLayer()

Uses of Layer in gov.noaa.pmel.sgt.swing

Methods in gov.noaa.pmel.sgt.swing that return Layer
 Layer JPlotLayout.getFirstLayer()
 Layer JLineProfileLayout.getFirstLayer()
 Layer ValueIcon.getLayer()
 Layer UserIcon.getLayer()

Methods in gov.noaa.pmel.sgt.swing with parameters of type Layer
 void ValueIcon.setLayer(Layer l)
 void UserIcon.setLayer(Layer l)

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Generated on December 13 2001