NOAA Pacific Services Center
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Vision, Mission, and Core Values

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Staff members met in May 2003 and several times since then to develop elements of the NOAA Pacific Services Center's (PSC) strategic plan. The vision, mission, and core values the staff worked on are listed below. Elsewhere we share with you and are open to comments on a preliminary version of PSC's mission goals and the elements devised to implement these goals. We welcome your input; please send your thoughts to us at


To be the regional focal point for dialogue, information, and collaboration for resilient and sustainable Pacific coastal and ocean communities.


To provide integrated, locally relevant services and information that support the well-being of Pacific coastal and ocean communities, economies, and natural resources


Mälama: Care, respect, stewardship

The Hawaiian word mälama expresses a value that PSC adopts from Pacific Island cultures: the inseparability of humans from the environment and the obligation to care for both. We will deliver products and services to foster effective stewardship of the Pacific Island natural resources while promoting care and respect for people, knowledge, traditions, and culture.

Kulia i ka nu`u: Excellence, innovation, discovery

The Hawaiian phrase kulia i ka nu`u, "Strive for the highest," expresses our approach to setting personal and organizational goals and standards. We will view the pursuit of our goals as a journey of discovery, characterized by creativity, learning, and growth.

Pau `äkoakoa: Collaboration, engagement, equity

The phrase "all gathered together," from the Hawaiian pau `äkoakoa, explains PSC's approach to accomplishing objectives for the region. We will form effective and equitable partnerships that encourage the active and valued involvement of diverse voices and perspectives.

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Updated on August 27, 2007
NOAA Pacific Services Center
737 Bishop Street, Suite 2250
Honolulu, HI 96813-3213