NOAA Pacific Services Center
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Mission Goals and Implementation Elements

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Staff members met in May 2003 and several times since then to develop elements of the NOAA Pacific Services Center's (PSC) strategic plan, including this preliminary version of PSC's mission goals and the elements devised to implement these goals. The vision, mission, and core values the staff worked on are listed elsewhere. We welcome your input; please send your thoughts to us at


  • Build regional capacity to understand and manage for climate risks
  • Protect and enhance community lifelines
  • Protect and restore coastal and marine natural resources
  • Integrate social, cultural, and economic considerations in resource stewardship
  • Promote crosscutting ocean and coastal management

Build regional capacity to understand and manage for climate risks

As the Earth's climate changes, Pacific islands are especially vulnerable to sea-level rise, droughts, and extreme weather events. These changes threaten such resources as fresh water, public health and safety, and ecosystems. PSC works collaboratively to improve the resilience and adaptive capabilities of island communities in preparing for and addressing the risks associated with climate change and variability.

Protect and enhance community lifelines

The "lifelines" of transportation and communication are of utmost importance to people living on islands. These systems rely on accurate and up-to-date information and are vulnerable to natural and man-made hazards. PSC supports activities that enhance the integrity of lifelines and reduce their vulnerability—through improved, effective, and appropriate products and services.

Protect and restore coastal and marine natural resources

The natural resource base on which livelihoods and quality of life in the islands depend are vulnerable to human-induced impacts, including hazardous materials releases, ship groundings, invasive species threats, and impacts related to coastal population growth, such as recreational overuse and land-based pollution. PSC helps coastal communities plan for and respond to these threats and protect resources for future generations.

Integrate social, cultural, and economic considerations in resource stewardship

Natural resource management issues cannot be separated from human elements such as traditional practices, culture, and economics. Responsible and sustainable decision-making incorporates both human and environmental factors. PSC supports resource stewardship that recognizes the inseparability of humans from the natural resource base on which they depend.

Promote crosscutting ocean and coastal management

Natural resources cross man-made boundaries, such as agency jurisdictions, private-public property lines, land-air-water boundaries, and the lines between coastal, nearshore, and ocean environments. PSC encourages resource management that recognizes ecosystem-scale interactions and coordinates the efforts of different agencies to effectively conserve, use, and restore Pacific coastal and ocean natural resources.


All PSC programs and activities will reflect the following elements of an integrated, regional program:

  • Training: Providing access to educational, training, and professional development opportunities.
  • Technical Assistance: Providing expert assistance and consultation to develop plans, review documents, and synthesize information as requested by partners.
  • Partnership: Engaging and sustaining diverse partnerships to enhance collaboration.
  • Data: Responding to the data information needs of the Pacific region to further resource planning and management efforts.
  • Tools: Developing, evaluating, and applying enhanced information products, innovative technologies, and decision-support tools.
  • Information Sharing: Facilitating the exchange of pertinent information through technology, partnerships, and collaboration.
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Updated on August 27, 2007
NOAA Pacific Services Center
737 Bishop Street, Suite 2250
Honolulu, HI 96813-3213