Uses of Class

Packages that use Rectangle2D.Double
gov.noaa.pmel.sgt Core classes for the Scientific Graphics Toolkit. 
gov.noaa.pmel.sgt.awt Classes to simplify the creation of standard plots using java.awt (deprecated). 
gov.noaa.pmel.sgt.swing Components that use the package javax.swing
gov.noaa.pmel.util Contains date and time facilities and miscellaneous utility classes. 

Uses of Rectangle2D.Double in gov.noaa.pmel.sgt

Methods in gov.noaa.pmel.sgt that return Rectangle2D.Double
 Rectangle2D.Double ColorKey.getBoundsP()
          Get the bounding rectangle for the key in physical coordinates.
 Rectangle2D.Double Ruler.getBoundsP()
          Get the bounding box for the axis in physical units.
 Rectangle2D.Double PointCollectionKey.getBoundsP()
 Rectangle2D.Double Layer.getBoundsP()
          Get the Layer bounds in physical coordinates.
 Rectangle2D.Double LineKey.getBoundsP()
          Get key bounds in physical coordinates.
 Rectangle2D.Double VectorKey.getBoundsP()
 Rectangle2D.Double SGLabel.getBoundsP()
          Get the label bounds in physical units.

Methods in gov.noaa.pmel.sgt with parameters of type Rectangle2D.Double
 void ColorKey.setBoundsP(Rectangle2D.Double r)
          Set the bounds of the key in physical coordinates.
 void Ruler.setBoundsP(Rectangle2D.Double bounds)
          Set the bounding box for the axis in physical units.
 void PointCollectionKey.setBoundsP(Rectangle2D.Double r)
          Set the bounds, in physical units, of the PointCollectionKey
 void LineKey.setBoundsP(Rectangle2D.Double r)
          Set the bounds of the LineKey in physical units.
 void VectorKey.setBoundsP(Rectangle2D.Double r)
          Set the bounds, in physical units, of the VectorKey

Constructors in gov.noaa.pmel.sgt with parameters of type Rectangle2D.Double
ColorKey(Rectangle2D.Double pr, int valign, int halign)
          ColorKey constructor that include location, size, and alignment information.

Uses of Rectangle2D.Double in gov.noaa.pmel.sgt.awt

Methods in gov.noaa.pmel.sgt.awt that return Rectangle2D.Double
abstract  Rectangle2D.Double GraphicLayout.getKeyBoundsP()
 Rectangle2D.Double LineProfileLayout.getKeyBoundsP()
 Rectangle2D.Double RasterTimeSeriesLayout.getKeyBoundsP()
 Rectangle2D.Double LineTimeSeriesLayout.getKeyBoundsP()

Methods in gov.noaa.pmel.sgt.awt with parameters of type Rectangle2D.Double
abstract  void GraphicLayout.setKeyBoundsP(Rectangle2D.Double r)
 void LineProfileLayout.setKeyBoundsP(Rectangle2D.Double bounds)
 void RasterTimeSeriesLayout.setKeyBoundsP(Rectangle2D.Double bounds)
 void LineTimeSeriesLayout.setKeyBoundsP(Rectangle2D.Double bounds)

Uses of Rectangle2D.Double in gov.noaa.pmel.sgt.swing

Methods in gov.noaa.pmel.sgt.swing that return Rectangle2D.Double
abstract  Rectangle2D.Double JGraphicLayout.getKeyBoundsP()
          Get the bounds for the line or color key.
 Rectangle2D.Double JPlotLayout.getKeyBoundsP()
          Get the key size in physical units
 Rectangle2D.Double JLineProfileLayout.getKeyBoundsP()

Methods in gov.noaa.pmel.sgt.swing with parameters of type Rectangle2D.Double
abstract  void JGraphicLayout.setKeyBoundsP(Rectangle2D.Double r)
          Set the bounds for the line or color key.
 void JPlotLayout.setKeyBoundsP(Rectangle2D.Double bounds)
          Set the key size in physical units
 void JLineProfileLayout.setKeyBoundsP(Rectangle2D.Double bounds)

Uses of Rectangle2D.Double in gov.noaa.pmel.util

Methods in gov.noaa.pmel.util with parameters of type Rectangle2D.Double
 boolean Rectangle2D.Double.equals(Rectangle2D.Double r)
          Test for equality.

Constructors in gov.noaa.pmel.util with parameters of type Rectangle2D.Double
Rectangle2D.Double(Rectangle2D.Double r)

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Generated on December 13 2001