United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

I Need Peace Now, I Must Prepare For the Third Round, 1944
The Art and Politics of Arthur Szyk
wartime caricaturist

[USHMM/Image courtesy of Irvin Ungar through the Arthur Szyk Society;
Location and dimensions of original artwork unknown]
I Need Peace Now, I Must Prepare For the Third Round, 1944
Detail from I Need Peace Now..., 1944
Since World War I, Szyk had been concerned with German militarism. Here, Nazi leaders incite the Wehrmacht (German armed forces) to continue fighting. The war-weary vulture, however, begs for peace now so he can prepare for the next round. In the background are the impatient, nearsighted Germania (a German national symbol) and plans for the V-1 rocket and World War III.

Jewish Artist
Action-not Pity
Szyk resources
Action-not Pity
