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Lymphedema (PDQ®)
Patient Version   Health Professional Version   En español   Last Modified: 07/01/2008
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Acute versus gradual-onset lymphedema
Temporary versus chronic lymphedema
Risk factors
        Compression garments
        Drug therapy
        Dietary Management
        Pain Management
Psychosocial considerations
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This patient summary is adapted from the summary on lymphedema written by cancer experts for health professionals. This and other credible information about cancer treatment, screening, prevention, supportive care, and ongoing trials is available from the National Cancer Institute. Lymphedema is the buildup of lymph (a fluid that helps fight infection and disease) in the fatty tissues just under the skin. The buildup of lymph causes swelling in specific areas of the body, usually an arm or leg, with an abnormally large amount of tissue proteins, chronic inflammation, and thickening and scarring of tissue under the skin. Lymphedema is a common complication of cancer and cancer treatment and can result in long-term physical, psychological, and social issues for patients.

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The lymphatic system consists of a network of specialized lymphatic vessels and various tissues and organs throughout the body that contain lymphocytes (white blood cells) and other cells that help the body fight infection and disease. The lymphatic vessels are similar to veins but have thinner walls. Some of these vessels are very close to the skin surface and can be found near veins; others are just under the skin and in the deeper fatty tissues near the muscles and can be found near arteries. Muscles and valves within the walls of the lymphatic vessels near the skin surface help pick up fluid and proteins from tissues throughout the body and move the lymph in one direction, toward the heart. Lymph is slowly moved through larger and larger lymphatic vessels and passes through small bean-shaped structures called lymph nodes. Lymph nodes filter substances that can be harmful to the body and contain lymphocytes and other cells that activate the immune system to fight disease. Eventually, lymph flows into one of two large ducts in the neck region. The right lymphatic duct collects lymph from the right arm and the right side of the head and chest, emptying it into the large vein under the right collarbone. The left lymphatic duct or thoracic duct collects lymph from both legs, the left arm, and the left side of the head and chest, emptying it into the large vein under the left collarbone.

The lymphatic system collects excess fluid and proteins from the body tissues and carries them back to the bloodstream. Proteins and substances too big to move through the walls of veins can be picked up by the lymphatic vessels because they have thinner walls. Edema may occur when there is an increase in the amount of fluid, proteins, and other substances in the body tissues because of problems in the blood capillaries and veins or a blockage in the lymphatic system.

Lymphedema may be either primary or secondary. Primary lymphedema is a rare inherited condition in which lymph nodes and lymph vessels are absent or abnormal. Secondary lymphedema can be caused by a blockage or cut in the lymphatic system, usually the lymph nodes in the groin area and the armpit. Blockages may be caused by infection, cancer, or scar tissue from radiation therapy or surgical removal of lymph nodes. Lymphedema that is secondary to cancer is not usually life-threatening. This summary discusses secondary lymphedema.

Acute versus gradual-onset lymphedema

There are four types of acute lymphedema. The first type of acute lymphedema is mild and lasts only a short time, occurring a few days after surgery to remove the lymph nodes or after injury to the lymphatic vessels or veins just under the collarbone. The affected limb may be warm and slightly red, but is usually not painful and gets better within a week by keeping the affected arm or leg supported in a raised position and by contracting the muscles in the affected limb (for example, making a fist and releasing it). The second type of acute lymphedema occurs 6 to 8 weeks after surgery or during a course of radiation therapy. This type may be caused by inflammation of either lymphatic vessels or veins. The affected limb is tender, warm or hot, and red and is treated by keeping the limb supported in a raised position and taking anti-inflammatory drugs. The third type of acute lymphedema occurs after an insect bite, minor injury, or burn that causes an infection of the skin and the lymphatic vessels near the skin surface. It may occur on an arm or leg that is chronically swollen. The affected area is red, very tender, and hot and is treated by supporting the affected arm or leg in a raised position and taking antibiotics. A compression pump should not be used and the affected area should not be wrapped with elastic bandages during the early stages of infection. Mild redness may continue after the infection. The fourth and most common type of acute lymphedema develops very slowly and may become noticeable 18 to 24 months after surgery or not until many years after cancer treatment. The patient may experience discomfort of the skin; aching in the neck, shoulders, spine, or hips caused by stretching of the soft tissues or overuse of muscles; or posture changes caused by increased weight of the arm or leg.

Temporary versus chronic lymphedema

Temporary lymphedema is a condition that lasts less than 6 months. The skin indents when pressed and stays indented, but there is no hardening of the skin. A patient may be more likely to develop lymphedema if he or she has one of the following:

  • Surgical drains that leak protein into the surgical site.
  • Inflammation.
  • Inability to move the limb(s).
  • Temporary loss of lymphatic function.
  • Blockage of a vein by a blood clot or inflammation.

Chronic (long-term) lymphedema is the most difficult of all types of edema to treat. The damaged lymphatic system of the affected area is not able to keep up with the increased need for fluid drainage from the body tissues. This may be caused by one of the following:

  • Recurrence or spread of a tumor to the lymph nodes.
  • Infection of and/or injury to the lymphatic vessels.
  • Periods of not being able to move the limbs.
  • Radiation therapy or surgery.
  • Inability to control early signs of lymphedema.
  • Blockage of a vein by a blood clot.

A patient who is in the early stages of developing lymphedema will have swelling that indents with pressure and stays indented but remains soft. The swelling may easily improve by supporting the arm or leg in a raised position, gently exercising, and wearing elastic support garments. Continued problems with the lymphatic system cause the lymphatic vessels to expand, allowing lymph to flow back into the body tissues and make the condition worse. Pain, heat, redness, and swelling result as the body tries to get rid of the extra fluid. The skin becomes hard and stiff and no longer improves with raised support of the arm or leg, gentle exercise, or elastic support garments.

Patients with chronic lymphedema are at increased risk of infection. No effective treatment is yet available for patients who have advanced chronic lymphedema. Once the body tissues have been repeatedly stretched, lymphedema may recur more easily.

Risk factors

Factors that can lead to the development of lymphedema include radiation therapy to an area where the lymph nodes were surgically removed, problems after surgery that cause inflammation of the arm or leg, a larger number of lymph nodes removed in surgery, and being older. The part of the body treated may affect where lymphedema occurs. For example, lymphedema in the arms may occur after treatment for breast cancer and lymphedema in the legs may occur after treatment for vulvar cancer.

Risk factors for lymphedema include the following:

  • Breast cancer, if the patient received radiation therapy or had lymph nodes removed. Radiation therapy to the underarm area after surgical removal of the lymph nodes and having a larger number of lymph nodes removed increases the risk of lymphedema.

  • Surgical removal of lymph nodes in the underarm, groin, or pelvic regions.

  • Radiation therapy to the underarm, groin, pelvic, or neck regions.

  • Scar tissue in the lymphatic ducts or veins and under the collarbones, caused by surgery or radiation therapy.

  • Cancer that has spread to the lymph nodes in the neck, chest, underarm, pelvis, or abdomen.

  • Tumors growing in the pelvis or abdomen that involve or put pressure on the lymphatic vessels and/or the large lymphatic duct in the chest and block lymph drainage.

  • Having an inadequate diet or being overweight. These conditions may delay recovery and increase the risk for lymphedema.


Specific criteria for diagnosing lymphedema do not yet exist. About half of patients with mild edema describe their affected arm or leg as feeling heavier or fuller than usual. To evaluate a patient for lymphedema, a medical history and physical examination of the patient should be completed. The medical history should include any past surgeries, problems after surgery, and the time between surgery and the onset of symptoms of edema. Any changes in the edema should be determined, as should any history of injury or infection. Knowing which medications a patient is taking is also important for diagnosis.

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Patients at risk for lymphedema should be identified early, monitored, and taught self-care. A patient may be more likely to develop lymphedema if he or she eats an inadequate diet, is overweight, is inactive, or has other medical problems. To detect the condition early, the following should be examined:

It is important that the patient know about his or her disease and the risk of developing lymphedema. Poor drainage of the lymphatic system due to surgical removal of the lymph nodes or to radiation therapy may make the affected arm or leg more susceptible to serious infection. Even a small infection may lead to serious lymphedema. Patients should be taught about arm, leg, and skin care after surgery and/or radiation (see Considerations for Teaching Patients Prevention and Control of Lymphedema below). It is important that patients take precautions to prevent injury and infection in the affected arm or leg because lymphedema can occur 30 or more years after surgery. Breast cancer patients who follow instructions about skin care and proper exercise after mastectomy are less likely to experience lymphedema.

Lymphatic drainage is improved during exercise; therefore, exercise is important in preventing lymphedema. Breast cancer patients should do hand and arm exercises as instructed after mastectomy. Patients who have surgery that affects pelvic lymph node drainage should do leg and foot exercises as instructed. The doctor decides how soon after surgery the patient should start exercising. Physiatrists (doctors who specialize in physical medicine and rehabilitation) or physical therapists should develop an individualized exercise program for the patient.

Better recovery occurs when lymphedema is discovered early, so patients should be taught to recognize the early signs of edema and to tell the doctor about any of the following symptoms:

  • Feelings of tightness in the arm or leg.
  • Rings or shoes that become tight.
  • Weakness in the arm or leg.
  • Pain, aching, or heaviness in the arm or leg.
  • Redness, swelling, or signs of infection.

Considerations for Teaching Patients Prevention and Control of Lymphedema

  1. Keep the arm or leg raised above the level of the heart, when possible. Avoid making rapid circles with the arm or leg to keep blood from collecting in the lower part of the limb.

  2. Clean the skin of the arm or leg daily and moisten with lotion.

  3. Avoid injury and infection of the arm or leg.
    • Arms:
      • Use an electric razor for shaving.
      • Wear gardening and cooking gloves.
      • Use thimbles for sewing.
      • Take care of fingernails; do not cut cuticles.
    • Legs:
      • Keep the feet covered when outdoors.
      • Keep the feet clean and dry; wear cotton socks.
      • Cut toenails straight across; see a podiatrist as needed to prevent ingrown nails and infections.
    • Either arms or legs:
      • Suntan gradually; use sunscreen.
      • Clean cuts with soap and water, then use antibacterial ointment.
      • Use gauze wrapping instead of tape; do not wrap so tight that circulation is cut off.
      • Talk to the doctor about any rashes.
      • Avoid needle sticks of any type in the affected arm or leg.
      • Avoid extreme hot or cold such as ice packs or heating pads.
      • Do not overwork the affected arm or leg.

  4. Do not put too much pressure on the arm or leg.
    • Do not cross legs while sitting.
    • Wear loose jewelry; wear clothes without tight bands.
    • Carry a handbag on the unaffected arm.
    • Do not use blood pressure cuffs on the affected arm.
    • Do not use elastic bandages or stockings with tight bands.
    • Do not sit in one position for more than 30 minutes.

  5. Watch for signs of infection, such as redness, pain, heat, swelling, and fever. Call the doctor immediately if any of these signs appear.

  6. Do prescribed exercises regularly as instructed by the doctor or therapist.

  7. Keep regular follow-up appointments with the doctor.

  8. Check all areas of the arms and legs every day for signs of problems.
    • Measure around the arm or leg at regular intervals as suggested by the doctor or therapist.
    • Measure the arm or leg at the same two places each time.
    • Tell the doctor if the limb suddenly gets larger.

  9. The ability to feel sensations such as touch, temperature, or pain in the affected arm or leg may be lessened. Use the unaffected limb to test temperatures for bath water or cooking.


Lymphedema is treated by physical methods and with medication. Physical methods include supporting the arm or leg in a raised position, manual lymphatic drainage (a specialized form of very light massage that helps to move fluid from the end of the limb toward the trunk of the body), wearing bandages or custom-fitted clothing, such as stockings, that apply controlled pressure around the affected limb, and cleaning the skin carefully to prevent infection. Lymphedema may be treated by combining several of these physical methods. This is known as complex physical therapy (or complex decongestive therapy). which consists of manual lymphedema treatment, compression wrapping, individualized exercises, and skin care followed by a maintenance program. Complex physical therapy must be performed by a professional trained in the techniques.

Surgery for treating lymphedema usually results in complications and is seldom recommended for cancer patients.

Compression garments

When pressure garments are used, they should cover the entire area of edema. For example, a stocking that reaches only to the knee tends to become tight and block the lymphatic vessels and veins if there is edema in the thigh. Pumps connected to cuffs that wrap around the arm or leg and apply pressure on and off may be helpful; however, some physicians and therapists feel these pumps are not effective and may make the edema worse. The cuff is inflated and deflated according to a controlled time cycle. This pumping action is believed to increase the movement of fluid in the veins and lymphatic vessels and keeps fluid from collecting in the arm or leg. Compression pumps should be used only under the supervision of a trained health care professional because high external pressure can damage the lymphatic vessels near the skin surface.

Drug therapy

Antibiotics may be used to treat and prevent infections. Other types of drugs such as diuretics or anticoagulants (blood thinners) are generally not helpful, and may make the problem worse.

Finding the exact cause of the swelling and treating it correctly is important. Edema often leads to infection, which then increases fluid and protein deposits in the tissues. If an infection is diagnosed, appropriate antibiotics should be given. Blood clots should be ruled out because massage and other therapy techniques to encourage drainage may cause the clots to move through the bloodstream and cause more serious heart or lung problems. If blood clots are found, they should be treated with anticoagulants.

Coumarin is a dietary supplement that has been studied as a treatment for lymphedema. In the United States, dietary supplements are regulated as foods, not drugs. Supplements are not required to be approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) before being put on the market. Because there are no standards for manufacturing consistency, dose, or purity, one lot of dietary supplements may differ considerably from the next.

Coumarin was once used in some foods and medications in the United States. It was found to cause liver damage, and its use in foods and medications in the United States has been banned since the 1950s. Coumarin is available in several countries, but has not been approved for use in the United States or Canada.

Dietary Management

The nutritional status of the patient should be evaluated and appropriate dietary recommendations should be made. Blood protein levels and weight should be monitored regularly, and patients should be encouraged to eat protein-rich foods.

Pain Management

Patients with lymphedema may experience pain caused by the swelling and pressure on nerves; loss of muscle tissue and function; or scar tissue causing shortening of muscles and less movement at joints. Pain may be treated with medications, relaxation techniques, and/or transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS); however, the most successful treatment is to decrease the lymphedema.


Edema can make tissues less able to take in nutrients and more likely to be damaged if the affected limb is not moved for long periods. Therefore, patients with lymphedema should be monitored for areas of skin breakdown, especially over areas with very little tissue between the skin and bone (i.e., hips, knees, and elbows).

Bladder emptying problems can develop from lymphedema in the pelvic or groin areas. Patients with lymphedema who are also taking opioids may develop bowel problems. Bowel and bladder status should be monitored regularly for any signs of urine retention or constipation.

Psychosocial considerations

Because lymphedema is disfiguring and sometimes painful and disabling, it can create mental, physical, and sexual problems. Several studies have noted that women who develop lymphedema after treatment for breast cancer have more mental, physical, and sexual difficulties than women who do not develop lymphedema. The added stresses associated with lymphedema may interfere with treatment that is often painful, difficult, and time-consuming.

Coping with lymphedema in the arm after breast cancer treatment is especially difficult for patients who have little social support. Some patients may react to the problem by withdrawing. Coping is also difficult for patients with painful lymphedema. Patients with lymphedema may be helped by group and individual counseling that provides information about ways to prevent lymphedema, the role of diet and exercise, advice for picking comfortable and flattering clothes, and emotional support.

(See the PDQ summaries on Normal Adjustment and the Adjustment Disorders and Sexuality and Reproductive Issues for more information.

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In addition to the complications associated with chronic lymphedema noted in previous sections, a rare but fatal complication of lymphedema is lymphangiosarcoma, a tumor of the lymphatic vessels. The average time between mastectomy and the appearance of lymphangiosarcoma is about 10 years. After a patient develops lymphangiosarcoma, the average survival time is a little more than 1 year.

The cause of lymphangiosarcoma is not known. It appears as one or more bluish-red bumps on the affected arm or leg. First, one purple-red, slightly raised area in the skin of the arm or leg appears. The patient usually describes it as a bruise. Later, more tumors appear, and the bumps grow. Death usually results from metastases to the lungs.

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Changes to This Summary (07/01/2008)

The PDQ cancer information summaries are reviewed regularly and updated as new information becomes available. This section describes the latest changes made to this summary as of the date above.

Editorial changes were made to this summary.

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PDQ is a comprehensive cancer database available on NCI's Web site.

PDQ is the National Cancer Institute's (NCI's) comprehensive cancer information database. Most of the information contained in PDQ is available online at NCI's Web site. PDQ is provided as a service of the NCI. The NCI is part of the National Institutes of Health, the federal government's focal point for biomedical research.

PDQ contains cancer information summaries.

The PDQ database contains summaries of the latest published information on cancer prevention, detection, genetics, treatment, supportive care, and complementary and alternative medicine. Most summaries are available in two versions. The health professional versions provide detailed information written in technical language. The patient versions are written in easy-to-understand, nontechnical language. Both versions provide current and accurate cancer information.

The PDQ cancer information summaries are developed by cancer experts and reviewed regularly.

Editorial Boards made up of experts in oncology and related specialties are responsible for writing and maintaining the cancer information summaries. The summaries are reviewed regularly and changes are made as new information becomes available. The date on each summary ("Date Last Modified") indicates the time of the most recent change.

PDQ also contains information on clinical trials.

A clinical trial is a study to answer a scientific question, such as whether one method of treating symptoms is better than another. Trials are based on past studies and what has been learned in the laboratory. Each trial answers certain scientific questions in order to find new and better ways to help cancer patients. Some patients have symptoms caused by cancer treatment or by the cancer itself. During supportive care clinical trials, information is collected about how well new ways to treat symptoms of cancer work. The trials also study side effects of treatment and problems that come up during or after treatment. If a clinical trial shows that a new treatment is better than one currently being used, the new treatment may become "standard." Patients who have symptoms related to cancer treatment may want to think about taking part in a clinical trial.

Listings of clinical trials are included in PDQ and are available online at NCI's Web site. Descriptions of the trials are available in health professional and patient versions. Many cancer doctors who take part in clinical trials are also listed in PDQ. For more information, call the Cancer Information Service 1-800-4-CANCER (1-800-422-6237); TTY at 1-800-332-8615.

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