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Numbers and Types of Public Elementary and Secondary Schools From the Common Core of Data: School Year 2006-07

NCES 2009-304
October 2008

Table 7.  Number and percent of students in city, suburban, town, and rural public elementary and secondary schools with membership who are eligible for free or reduced-price lunch, by state or jurisdiction: School year 2006–07

State or jurisdiction Total   City   Suburban   Town   Rural
Number of students Percent
free or
Number of students Percent
free or
Number of students Percent
free or
Number of students Percent
free or
Number of students Percent
free or
Reporting States1  19,950,418 41.4   7,581,973 53.9   5,467,243 32.2   2,710,401 44.7   4,190,801 37.9
Alabama  377,995 51.1   99,547 61.2   51,712 41.8   51,946 50.1   174,790 49.9
Alaska  44,271 36.9   15,606 35.2   995 23.4   8,406 27.8   19,264 46.7
Arizona  425,538 40.7   228,579 46.1   65,155 28.0   53,564 48.4   78,240 37.9
Arkansas  278,295 58.7   70,884 58.9   22,826 49.3   71,096 63.4   113,489 58.1
California  3,042,713 49.9   1,480,926 55.5   1,113,122 44.9   230,069 56.7   218,596 40.1
Colorado  264,547 34.0   119,312 46.6   74,452 26.8   29,326 34.1   41,457 26.2
Connecticut  149,992 26.9   78,264 52.5   59,070 19.3   5,838 24.5   6,820 8.7
Delaware  42,745 37.7   8,916 56.1   18,302 34.8   8,841 36.2   6,686 32.8
District of Columbia  36,483 54.5   36,483 54.5   0 0.0   0 0.0   0 0.0
Florida  1,181,540 45.2   305,479 48.2   617,886 44.6   79,131 53.7   179,044 40.1
Georgia  817,142 50.4   155,922 66.8   293,074 45.6   112,042 57.7   256,104 46.4
Hawaii  73,500 40.7   16,264 38.8   29,052 39.2   18,774 41.5   9,410 49.0
Idaho  97,345 37.1   24,516 32.4   13,637 33.6   24,866 41.4   34,326 39.8
Illinois  792,998 37.7   397,753 61.7   249,328 26.4   78,282 34.3   67,635 23.8
Indiana  390,393 37.5   157,594 54.5   75,882 30.7   65,646 36.7   91,271 28.0
Iowa  152,831 32.1   52,479 40.6   7,282 18.3   45,045 35.6   48,025 26.6
Kansas  182,860 39.8   60,695 53.5   13,545 21.2   56,479 46.0   52,141 32.7
Kentucky  325,944 51.0   69,040 54.4   35,544 38.6   75,328 50.8   146,032 53.8
Louisiana  402,007 61.5   111,281 64.5   80,701 53.9   85,713 68.5   124,312 60.3
Maine  67,279 34.7   9,219 39.6   4,516 18.5   14,596 37.5   38,948 36.3
Maryland  267,810 32.1   72,239 53.4   153,644 30.9   13,745 25.8   28,182 19.2
Massachusetts  271,839 28.9   112,497 56.9   140,740 22.8   5,954 28.9   12,648 12.0
Michigan  597,882 36.1   236,760 56.4   172,931 26.6   64,652 32.7   123,539 31.9
Minnesota  247,675 30.6   76,484 45.5   57,896 23.5   45,609 27.7   67,686 29.5
Mississippi  334,359 67.5   40,838 79.6   25,109 47.9   114,527 75.6   153,885 64.2
Missouri  356,773 38.9   91,246 54.0   78,242 28.3   75,959 40.4   111,326 39.3
Montana  50,533 35.0   10,795 33.3   1,338 34.4   16,271 31.3   22,129 39.6
Nebraska  104,637 36.5   39,264 41.2   8,480 24.5   26,744 39.5   30,149 33.8
New Hampshire  35,945 17.7   9,001 30.1   7,344 11.5   7,693 21.8   11,907 16.0
New Jersey  367,281 27.1   71,324 54.5   267,629 25.1   8,644 35.0   19,684 14.6
New Mexico  196,133 60.9   53,774 49.2   26,077 60.3   64,087 66.5   52,195 71.1
New York  1,179,269 43.5   805,253 70.2   195,751 19.7   72,155 34.4   106,110 29.1
North Carolina  618,845 43.2   162,807 45.2   81,783 35.0   97,218 53.0   277,037 42.2
North Dakota  29,246 30.3   6,164 23.5   2,003 21.6   6,007 31.1   15,072 36.0
Ohio  616,614 33.7   223,669 59.9   184,302 25.4   89,618 33.9   119,025 25.6
Oklahoma  352,052 55.2   88,934 64.9   46,829 38.5   93,160 56.7   123,129 57.3
Oregon  229,888 41.8   72,595 42.8   47,110 35.1   70,124 47.3   40,059 40.9
Pennsylvania  544,310 30.4   206,585 58.8   160,850 20.0   71,465 30.3   105,410 26.4
Rhode Island  47,246 32.5   20,681 45.5   23,538 30.3   641 23.0   2,386 12.2
South Carolina  360,907 51.3   51,879 51.9   84,663 41.8   72,577 62.0   151,788 53.5
South Dakota  34,996 28.9   9,733 33.3   699 23.6   9,493 26.5   15,071 28.4
Tennessee  464,281 47.8   179,835 60.6   51,728 30.9   71,335 49.6   161,383 44.3
Texas  2,126,815 47.0   1,004,580 52.6   454,491 39.2   279,915 52.0   387,829 42.4
Utah  160,067 31.2   41,251 44.9   72,022 25.4   27,292 37.4   19,502 30.3
Vermont  24,467 26.3   1,884 31.1   1,603 16.8   8,104 30.0   12,876 25.4
Virginia  382,584 31.4   128,573 44.5   102,778 22.3   36,083 40.0   115,150 30.5
Washington  367,857 37.2   116,932 44.5   130,882 29.8   58,198 47.2   61,845 37.9
West Virginia  139,067 49.7   17,211 45.1   19,424 44.8   35,378 49.5   67,054 52.7
Wisconsin  269,919 31.0   124,803 50.8   40,689 19.5   42,984 24.3   61,443 25.6
Wyoming  24,703 29.4   5,623 27.7   587 54.7   9,781 26.7   8,712 33.7
Department of Defense dependents schools, Bureau of Indian Education, and other jurisdictions 
DoDDS: DoDs Overseas2         
DDESS: DoDs Domestic2         
Bureau of Indian Education         
American Samoa  15,685 96.9        
Northern Mariana Islands  11,526 98.8        
Puerto Rico  484,034 92.0   75,681 92.0   343,452 92.0   14,436 92.0   50,465 92.0
U.S. Virgin Islands         
— Not available.
† Not applicable.
1 Nevada did not report the number of students eligible for free or reduced-price lunch. A reporting states total is shown if data for any item in the table were not available for some, but not more than 15 percent, of all schools in the United States.
2 DoDDS and DDESS are the Department of Defense dependents schools (overseas) and the Department of Defense dependents schools (domestic), respectively.
NOTE: Details may not sum to totals because not all districts could be assigned to a locale category. City includes the categories of City, Large Territory, City, Mid-size Territory, and City, Small Territory. Suburban includes the categories of Suburb, Large Territory, Suburb, Mid-size Territory, and Suburb, Small Territory. Town includes the categories of Town, Fringe Territory, Town, Distant Territory, and Town, Remote Territory. Rural includes the categories of Rural, Fringe, Rural, Distant, and Rural, Remote. See Glossary for more detail. The number of students eligible for free or reduced-price lunch was unavailable for 2.6 percent of U.S. schools.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Common Core of Data (CCD), "Public Elementary/Secondary School Universe Survey," 2006–07, Version 1a.