
Special List 29: List of Selected Maps of States and Territories

Special List No. 29


To order a map, you need the following information:
  • Indicate the map is from Special List 29
  • Name of State
  • Entry Number
  • The date (if any) of the record
  • The file designation

232. Map of Illinois. Constructed from the Surveys in the General

     Land Office and other Documents, By John Melish. [Published

     by John Melish and Saml. Harrison, 1818.]

     1 inch to 15 miles. 27 x 21. Annotated published.

Settlements, military posts, township and range numbers,

boundaries of Military Bounty Lands, Kaskaskia and Shawnee

Districts, and roads. Filed as RG 77: US 31-1.

233. Map of Illinois. Constructed from the Surveys in the General

     Land Office and other Documents, By John Melish. [Published

     by John Melish. Improved to 1819. ]

     1 inch to 15 miles. 27 x 21. Annotated published. Counties

(boundaries in color), settlements, military posts, township and

range numbers, boundaries of Military Bounty Lands, and roads.

Filed as RG 77: US 31-2.

234. New Sectional Map of the State of Illinois. Compiled from

     the United States Surveys. Also exhibiting the Internal

     Improvements; distances between Towns, Villages & Post

     Offices; the outlines of Prairies, Woodlands, Marshes &c. By

     J. M. Peck and John Messinger. Published by J. H. Colton &

     Co., New York, 1836. Engraved by S. Stiles & Co., New York.

     1 inch to 10 miles. 43 x 31. Published. Counties (in color),

township and section lines, towns, post offices, roads, canals,

and projected railroads. Inset maps of the "Vicinity of Alton &

St. Louis" and of the "Vicinity of Galena, the Lead Region, and

part of Wisconsin Territory." Both inset maps are on a scale of 1

inch to 4 miles. Filed as RG 77: US 104.

235. No. 2 (c) Diagram of the State of Illinois. (Accompanying

     report of 30th October 1837.)

     1 inch to 18 miles. 27 x 16. Published. Shows status of

public land surveys. Filed as RG 46: Doc. 11, No. 3, 25th Cong.,

2d sess., 6.

236. Diagram of the State of Illinois. [Issued by the Surveyor

     General's Office, St. Louis, Oct. 1, 1839.]

     1 inch to 18 miles. 22 x 13. Published. Map includes

explanation of colors and symbols used to indicate status of

township surveys. "H (Referred to in Report of the 1st October)."

Filed as RG 46: 26th Cong., 1st sess., 23.

237. Map of Illinois & Missouri Exhibiting the Post Offices, Post

     Roads, Canals, Rail Roads, &c. By David H. Burr (Late

     Topographer to the Post Office) . . . Entered according to

     the act of Congress, July 10th, 1839.

     1 inch to 10 miles. 4 sections, each 19 x 25.5.

Published. Also shows counties (in color), mileages between post

offices, township and range numbers, military posts, and physical

features. Filed as RG 28: Burr Atlas, 12.

238. No. 3 [Map of] Illinois.

     1 inch to ca. 38 miles. 13 x 9. Published. Shows land

districts and locations of land offices in 1828 and 1841 and

public land offered for sale, 1828-41. 1828 land district

boundaries are shown in red. For further explanation of the map,

see S. Doc. 92, 26th Cong., 2d sess., Serial 377. (This map

without the 1828 land districts shown is filed as Illinois 2,

Published, in RG 49.) Filed as RG 46: 26th Cong., 2d sess., 16.

239. H . . .  Diagram of the State of Illinois. [Issued by the

     Surveyor General's Office, St. Louis, Oct. 1840.]

     1 inch to 18 miles. 24 x 15. Published. Shows extent and

status of public land surveys. Map includes an explanation of the

colors and symbols used on the map to indicate the status of

township surveys. A copy of this map is published in S. Doc. 61,

26th Cong., 2d sess., Serial 377. Filed as RG 46: 26th Cong., 2d

sess., 7.

240. Diagram of the State of Illinois [Issued by Surveyor's

     Office, St. Louis, Oct. 27, 1841].

     1 inch to 18 miles. 22.5 x 13.5. Published. Shows status of

public land surveys. "Referred to in Report of the 27th October

1841." Filed as RG 46: 27th Cong., 2d sess., 3.

241. [Map of] Illinois . . . Entered according to Act of Congress

     in the year 1844, by Sidney E. Morse and Samuel Breese.

     1 inch to ca. 28 miles. 18 x 14. Published. Shows county

names and boundaries, towns, roads, canals, and railroad lines.

Filed as Ref. Coll.: Illinois, 1844.

242. G Diagram of the State of Illinois [Issued by Surveyor's

     Office, St. Louis, Oct. 20, 1848].

     1 inch to 18 miles, 23 x 15.5. Published. Shows land

districts and status of public land surveys. Central Railroad and

canal land-grant limits are shown in color. Filed as RG 49:

Special Published, Illinois 3.

243. G Diagram of the State of Illinois Accompanying report of

     the 30th October, 1852. [Issued by the Office of the

     Surveyor General for Illinois and Missouri, Oct. 30, 1852.]

     1 inch to 18 miles. 23.5 x 16.5. Published. Shows status of

public land surveys. Filed as RG 49: Special Published, Illinois


244. Map of the State of Illinois. [Issued by the General Land

     Office on Oct. 2, 1866.]

     1 inch to 18 miles. 23 x 17. Published. County boundaries

and mineral regions are shown in color. Also shows public

surveys, county seats, railroad land-grant limits, and drainage;

note on mineral resources. Filed as RG 49: Special Published,

Illinois 5.

245. Colton's Sectional Map of the State of Illinois. Compiled

     from the United States Surveys. Also exhibiting the Internal

     Improvements, distances between Towns, Villages, & Post

     Offices: the outlines of Prairies, Woodlands, Marshes, & the

     lands donated to the State by the Genl. Govt. for the

     purpose of Internal Improvements. By J. M. Peck John

     Messinger, and A. J. Mathewson. Published by G. W. and C. B.

     Colton & Co. . . . 1867.

     1 inch to 10 miles. 42 x 28.5. Published. Counties (in

color), township and section lines, post offices, towns, roads,

canals, and railroads. Inset maps of the cities of St. Louis and

Chicago. Annotated apparently to show land survey base lines and

principal meridians. Tables showing areas in square miles of

individual counties and "Progressive Movement of Population."

Filed as RG 77: P 104-2.

246. Illinois. Colton's Popular Series of Sectional Maps.

     Published By G. W. & C. B. Colton & Co. . . . 1872.

     1 inch to 12 miles. 34 x 23. Published. Counties (in color),

township and section lines, towns, railroads, and outlines of

private land claims. Filed as RG 77: P 166.5.

247. Post Route Map of the States of Illinois, Iowa, and Missouri

     with adjacent parts of Indiana, Wisconsin, Minnesota,

     Nebraska, Kansas, and Arkansas . . .  up to date as of April

     1, 1873.

     1 inch to 10 miles. 2 sections: 2 & 3 of 4 sections, each 33

x 30. Published. Frequency and types of mail service, mileages

between post offices, discontinued post offices, counties, towns,

railroads, and physical features. Post routes shown in color to

illustrate frequency of service. Section of map showing most of

Missouri is missing. Filed as RG 28: Regional Maps, Folder 2.

248. [Map of the] State of Illinois. . . . 1878. Compiled from

     the official Records of the General Land Office.

     1 inch to 14 miles. 34 x 21.5. Published. County boundaries

are shown in color. Also shows names of counties, public land

surveys, towns, principal railroad stations, canals, railroad

lines, railroad land-grant limits, and physical features. Filed

as RG 49: Standard Published, Illinois 1878.

249. [Map of the] State of Illinois. . . . 1885. Compiled from

     the official Records of the General Land Office.

     1 inch to 14 miles. 34 x 27. Published. County boundaries

and railroad land-grant limits are shown in color. Also shows

county names, public land surveys, towns, principal railroad

stations, canals, railroad lines, and physical features. Filed as

RG 49: Standard Published, Illinois 1885.

250. Post Route Map of the States of Illinois, Iowa, and

     Missouri, with adjacent parts of Kansas and Arkansas,

     showing post offices with the intermediate distances and

     mail routes in operation on the 1st of October, 1885.

     Published . . . under the direction of W. L. Nicholson,

     Topographer, P. O. Dept. . . . Drawn by P. Goepel & A. Kilp.

     1 inch to 10 miles. 4 sections, each 34.5 x 29. Published.

Frequency and types of mail service, mileages between post

offices, discontinued post offices, counties, towns, railroads,

and physical features. Post routes in color to show frequency of

service. Filed as RG 28: Regional Maps, Folder 6.

251. Post Route Map of the State of Illinois showing post offices

     with the intermediate distances on mail routes in operation

     on the 1st of March, 1901.

     1 inch to 8 miles. 46.5 x 33. Published. Frequency and types

of mail service, discontinued post offices, counties, towns,

railroads, physical features, and parts of adjoining States. Post

routes in colors to show frequency of service. Inset map

"Environs of Chicago." 1 inch to ca. 4.5 miles. Filed as RG 28:

State Maps, Illinois, 1901.

252. [Map of the] State of Illinois . . . Compiled in 1909 and

     1910 in cooperation with the State of Illinois. [Issued by

     U.S. Geological Survey.]

     1 inch to ca. 8 miles. 52 x 31. Published. County names and

boundaries, township and range numbers, towns and cities, steam

and electric railroad lines, and drainage features are shown.

Filed as RG 57: Published State Maps, Illinois, 1910.

253. [Map of the] State of Illinois. Compiled from the official

     Records of the General Land Office . . . 1911. . . . Drawn

     by Charles J. Helm.

     1 inch to 12 miles. 35 x 22. Published. County boundaries in

color. Also shows names of counties, public land surveys, towns

and cities, military reservations, electric railways, railroad

lines, and city limits of Chicago. Also a black and white base

map for this date. 35 x 22. Filed as RG 49: Standard Published,

Illinois, 1911.

254. [Map of Illinois issued by the  U.S. Geological Survey,


     1 inch to ca. 16 miles. 26 x 17. Published. County names and

boundaries, towns and cities, township and range numbers, steam

and electric railroad lines, and drainage features. Filed as RG

57: Published State Maps, Illinois, 1915.

255. Post Route Map of the State of Illinois showing post offices

     with the intermediate distances on mail routes in operation

     on the 1st of January, 1917.

     1 inch to 8 miles. 2 sections, each 25.5 x 35. Published.

Frequency and types of mail service, discontinued post offices,

counties, towns, railroads, physical features, and parts of

adjoining States. Inset "Chicago and Vicinity." 1 inch to 4

miles. Filed as RG 28: State Maps, Illinois, 1917.

See also entries 256 in Indiana, 

and 459, 460, and 473 in Missouri.

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