
Special List 29: List of Selected Maps of States and Territories

Special List No. 29


To order a map, you need the following information:
  • Indicate the map is from Special List 29
  • Name of State
  • Entry Number
  • The date (if any) of the record
  • The file designation
87.  Map of the Californias by T. J. Farnham . . . . Entered

     according to Act of Congress in the year 1845.

     1 inch to ca. 55 miles. 18 x 14. Published. Towns, missions,

roads, and physical features. Shows State of California, Baja

California, and area east to Santa Fe, N. Mex., and south to

Mazatlan, Sonora, Mexico. Filed as Ref. Coll.: California, 1845.

88.  A Newly Constructed and Improved Map of the State of

     California Shewing The extent and Boundary of the different

     Counties according to an Act passed by the Legislature,

     April 25th, 1851. With a corrected and improved delineation

     of the Gold Region Compiled from the best and most recent

     Surveys by J. B. Tassin . . . Published by Cooke and


     1 inch to 25 miles. 26 x 20. Published. County names and

boundaries, settlements, and roads. Relief is shown by hachures.

Filed as RG 75: Central Map Files, 37.

89.  Approved & Declared to be the Official Map of the State of

     California by an Act of the Legislature Passed March 25th

     1853. Compiled by W. M. Eddy, State Surveyor General. Pub-

     lished for R. A. Eddy . . . by J. H. Colton . . . 1854.

     1 inch to ca. 19 miles. 2 sections, each 22 x 39. Counties

(in color), towns, roads, railroads, and physical features. Inset

map of "San Francisco and Adjoining Bays" at a scale of 1 inch to

ca. 2½ miles. Table shows population of entire State and of

individual counties in 1852. Filed as RG 77: W 26.

90.  Map of Public Surveys in California to accompany Report of

     Surveyor Genl., 1854.

     1 inch to 16 miles. 21 x 48. Annotated published. Annotated

apparently to show land districts and locations of land offices.

Also shows extent of public land surveys and a few towns. Filed

as RG 49: Old Map File, California 5.

91.  [Map of] California, Published by J. H. Colton & Co. . . .


     1 inch to ca. 50 miles. 17 x 14. Counties (in color), towns,

railroads, and physical features. Inset map of San Francisco. 1

inch to ½ mile. Filed as RG 77: W 601.

92.  Map of Public Surveys in California to accompany Report of

     Surveyor Genl., 1856.

     1 inch to 18 miles. 39 x 34. Annotated published. Annotated

to show land districts, locations of land offices, and names and

boundaries of a few counties. Also shows extent of public land

surveys and towns and cities. Relief is shown by hachures. A

published copy of the map without annotations is filed as 34th

Cong., 3d sess, in RG 46. Filed as RG 49: Old Map File,

California 7.

93.  Map of Public Surveys in California to Accompany Report of

     Surveyor Genl., 1857.

     1 inch to 18 miles. 36 x 31. Annotated published. Annotated

in different colors to show: (1) "Surveys of public lands

contracted for previous to July 1st 1857 . . ." (2) areas of

"Contracts for public work entered into by J. W. Mandeville, U.S.

Survr. Genl., Cala.," (3) "Surveys made under these Contracts  .

. ." (4) "Ranchos surveyed under instructions issued previous to

1st of July 1857 . . ." and (5) "Ranchos surveyed under

instructions issued during the fiscal year 1857-1858. . . . "Also

shows a few towns and cities and private land claims. Private

land claims surveyed are numbered and keyed to a list appearing

on the map. Relief is shown by hachures. A published copy of the

map without annotations is filed as 35th Cong., 1st sess., in RG

46. Filed as RG 49: Old Map File, California 9.

94.  [Map of the] State of California compiled in the Bureau of

     Topogl. Engrs., 1859.

     1 inch to ca. 24 miles. 34 x 30. Manuscript. Shows towns,

roads, military posts, and drainage features. Annotated to show

additional military posts, railroad lines, proposed route of the

Southern Pacific Railroad, and the Butterfield Route. Filed as RG

77: W 49-1.

95.  Atlas of the United States. California and Nevada. [ca.


     1 inch to ca. 50 miles. 17 x 14. Counties (in color), towns,

roads, railroads, military posts, "U.S. Mail Route," and physical

features. Filed as Ref. Coll.: California, 1860.

96.  Map of Public Surveys in California to Accompany Report of

     Surveyor Genl., 1859.

     1 inch to 18 miles. 36 x 31. Published. Status of public

land surveys, towns, and private land claims. Private land claims

are numbered and keyed to a list appearing on the map. Relief is

shown by hachures. Filed as RG 46: 36th Cong., 1st sess., 3.

97.  Map of Public Surveys in California to accompany Report of

     Surveyor Genl., 1861.

     1 inch to 18 miles. 38½ x 33. Annotated published. Annotated

to show assigned numbers in each private land claim. Part of map

showing list of private land claims is missing. Also shows towns

and cities. Relief is shown by hachures. A published copy of this

map without annotations is filed as 36th Cong., 2d sess., in RG

46. Filed as RG 49: Old Map File, California 16.

98.  Map of Public Surveys in California to accompany Report of

     Surveyor Genl., 1862.

     1 inch to 18 miles. 36½ x 31. Annotated published. Shows

status of public land surveys, towns, and private land claims.

List of private land claims appears on map. Annotated to show

locations of lighthouses and military reservations. Also shown

are some private land claims in different colors, but there is no

key to the colors. Filed as RG 49: Old Map File, California 17.

99.  Map of Public Surveys in California & Nevada to Accompany

     Report of Surveyor Genl., 1864-5.

     1 inch to 18 miles. 36 x 31. Annotated published. Annotated

apparently to show land district boundaries and land offices.

Only a small portion of public surveys in Nevada is shown. Map

also shows private land claims in California. List of private

land claims appears in lower left portion of map. Filed as RG 49:

Old Map File, California 23.

100. Map of Public Surveys in California and Nevada to accompany

     Report of Commissioner of the General Land Office, 1866.

     1 inch to ca. 20 miles. 38 x 31. Published. County

boundaries, locations of land offices, lighthouse reservations,

boundaries of mining districts, and mineral deposits are shown in

color. Also shows settlements and private land claims. Very

little information shown about Nevada. Filed as RG 233: H. Ex.

Doc. 1, 38th Cong, 1st sess., 2.

101. Skeleton Map of the Military Department of California

     showing the Location of Military Posts and Stations. [1868.]

     1 inch to 45 miles. 20 x 22½. Manuscript. Also shows

railroad lines, wagon roads, and a few towns. Map includes States

of California, Utah, and Arizona. Inset map of San Francisco area

showing location of military posts. Shown on emblem: "Engineer

Office, Military Division of the Pacific. Henry M. Robert, Major

of Engineers. San Francisco, California. August. 1868." Filed as

RG 77: Z 469.

102. Map of the State of California Showing the U.S. Land

     Districts, the County Boundaries, and what Townships have

     been Surveyed by the U.S. Government. Prepared Under the

     Direction of John Mullan . . . 1870. . . . The Original

     drawn by R. Gibbons, draughtsman, U.S. Surveyor General's

     office, S. F.

     1 inch to ca. 24 miles. 30½ x 26. Annotated published.

Annotated to show additional township and range numbers and

locations of land offices. Filed as RG 49: Old Map File,

California 29.

103. Map of Public Surveys in California to accompany Report of

     Surveyor Genl., 1871 [?].

     1 inch to 18 miles. 35½ x 30½. Annotated published.

Annotated to show, in color, land district boundaries; locations

of land offices; lighthouse reservations; and mineral deposits.

Also shows extent of public land surveys, towns and cities,

completed and projected railroad lines, railroad land-grant

limits, and private land claims, which are numbered and keyed to

a list on the map. Relief is shown by hachures. Date in title has

been added in ink. Note on map states "Map accompanying

Commissioner's Annual Report for 1869," but this date has been

corrected in pencil to 1870. Filed as RG 49: Old Map File,

California 30.

104. State Geological Survey of California. . . . Map of

     California and Nevada . . . 1873. Drawn by F. v. Leicht and

     A. Craven.

     1 inch to 18 miles. 43½ x 34½. Published. Settlements and

roads. Relief is shown by shading. Filed as RG 77: W 170-7.

105. Post Route Map of the States of California and Nevada . . .

     Dec. 1, 1876.

     1 inch to 12 miles. 56½ x 49. Annotated photoprocessed.

Settlements, post offices, railroad lines, and types of mail

service. Annotated to show additional post offices. Filed as RG

75: Central Map File, map 278.

106. [Map of the] State of California. . . . 1876. Compiled from

     the official Records of the General Land Office.

     1 inch to 20 miles. 35½ x 31½. Published. Boundaries of

private land claims, counties, land districts, military

reservations, and Indian reservations. Also shows public land

surveys, towns and cities, locations of U.S. land offices,

railroad lines, and railroad land-grant limits. List of private

land claims by name, with the numbers used to designate them.

Filed as RG 49: Standard Published, California, 1876.

107. [Map of the] State of California. . . . 1876. Compiled from

     the official Records of the General Land Office.

     1 inch to 20 miles. 43 x 33. Annotated to give a history of

the land districts of California from 1853 to 1878, and the

locations of land offices in 1878. Filed in RG 49: Old Map File,

California 42.

108.  Map of Public Surveys in California to accompany the Report

     of the U.S. Surveyor General, 1878.

     1 inch to 12 miles. 2 sections, each 29 x 52½. Annotated

photoprocessed. Annotated in various colors to show townships and

smaller areas surveyed from 1872 to 1881. Filed as RG 49: Old Map

File, California 44 (OS).

109. Map of California and Nevada with parts of Utah & Arizona.

     Prepared in the Office of the Chief of Engineers, U.S.A.,


     1 inch to ca. 25 miles. 37½ x 31. Published. Map includes

California, Nevada, parts of adjoining States and Territories,

and adjacent areas in Mexico. Towns, roads, railroads, military

posts, and physical features. Relief shown by hachures. Filed as

RG 77: Published Record Set, 187.

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