Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
Printable Version

Table 1-46bM: U.S. Tonne-Kilometers of Freight


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  1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
TOTAL U.S. tonne-kilometers of freight (millions) 5,233,157 5,252,143 5,411,253 5,441,974 5,699,964 5,929,145 6,031,867 6,038,469 6,112,056 6,218,531 6,256,278 6,302,293 6,374,315 6,360,660
Air 15,213 14,541 16,045 16,848 17,563 18,571 20,089 20,294 20,644 21,170 23,082 19,400 20,202 22,040
Truck 1,247,147 1,275,370 1,308,670 1,365,880 1,453,746 1,520,864 1,563,629 1,634,000 1,677,096 1,731,471 1,756,493 1,786,391 1,832,861 1,845,291
Railroad 1,554,005 1,521,187 1,603,603 1,657,092 1,782,732 1,922,797 2,010,520 2,030,951 2,114,554 2,195,309 2,257,582 2,334,980 2,344,032 2,341,159
Domestic water transportation 1,216,951 1,238,639 1,250,733 1,152,877 1,189,756 1,179,260 1,116,422 1,032,799 982,262 957,539 942,848 907,646 893,620 884,956
Coastwise 699,522 733,100 733,360 654,657 668,083 642,891 595,794 510,761 459,693 427,378 414,445 400,848 384,977 407,214
Lakewise 88,956 80,793 81,443 82,398 85,062 87,166 85,167 90,761 90,013 83,284 84,502 74,245 78,332 69,406
Internal 426,886 423,332 434,543 414,477 434,724 447,232 433,307 429,265 430,540 444,889 441,726 430,489 428,370 406,386
Intraport 1,587 1,413 1,387 1,345 1,886 1,971 2,153 2,012 2,016 1,988 2,175 2,063 1,940 1,951
Pipeline 1,199,841 1,202,406 1,232,202 1,249,277 1,256,166 1,287,653 1,321,207 1,320,426 1,317,499 1,313,043 1,276,272 1,253,876 1,283,600 1,267,215
Oil and oil products 852,770 844,594 859,632 865,617 863,427 877,589 904,015 900,073 904,891 902,263 842,404 840,944 855,544 861,383
Natural Gas 347,071 357,812 372,570 383,660 392,739 410,064 417,192 420,353 412,609 410,781 433,868 412,932 428,057 405,831


BTS is developing more comprehensive and reliable estimates of tonne-kilometers for the air, truck, rail, water, and pipeline modes than are presented in table 1-46a. These improved estimates are not comparable to data in table 1-46a. Improved estimates for 1960-1989, which will allow more comprehensive and reliable data for the entire period from 1960 to present, are still under development and will be reported when they are completed.

Numbers may not add to totals due to rounding.

1.459972 tonne-kilometers = 1 ton mile.


U.S. Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, special tabulation.