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Developmental Synaptic Plasticity Section - Publications

  • Terashima, A., Pelkey, K.A., Rah, J., Suh, Y., Roche, K.W., Collingridge, G.L., McBain, C.J. and Isaac, J.T.R. (2008) An essential role for PICK1 in NMDA receptor-dependent bidirectional synaptic plasticity, Neuron.

  • Daw, M.I., Ashby, M.C. and Isaac, J.T.R (2007) Coordinated recruitment of latent fast spiking interneurons into the layer IV barrel cortex circuit enables rapid development of thalamocortical feed forward inhibition, Nature Neurosci 10, 453-461.

  • Daw, M.I., Scott, H.L. and Isaac, J.T.R (2007) Developmental synaptic plasticity at the thalamocortical input to barrel cortex: mechanisms and roles, Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience 34, 493-502.

  • Isaac, J.T.R., Ashby, M. and McBain, C.J (2007) The role of the GluR2 subunit in AMPA receptor function and synaptic plasticity, Neuron 54, 859-871.

  • Daw, M.I., Bannister, N.J. and Isaac, J.T.R. (2006) Rapid, activity-dependent plasticity of timing precision in neonatal barrel cortex, J.Neurosci. 26, 4178-4187.

  • Plant, K., Pelkey, K.A., Bortolotto, Z.A., Morita, D., Terashima, A., McBain, C.J., Collingridge, G.L. and Isaac, J.T.R. (2006) Transient incorporation of GluR2-lacking AMPA receptors during hippocampal long-term potentiation, Nature Neurosci. 9, 602-604.

  • Lauri, S.E., Vesikansa, A., Segerstrale, M., Collingridge, G.L., Isaac, J.T.R. and Taira, T. (2006) Developmental and activity-dependent regulation of tonically activated presynaptic kainate receptors at CA1 synapses in neonatal hippocampus, Neuron 50, 415-429.

  • Nasu-Nishimura, Y., Hurtado, D., Braud, S., Tang, T.T., Isaac, J.T.R. and Roche, K.W. (2006) Identification of an ER-retention motif in an intracellular loop of the kainate receptor subunit KA2, J. Neurosci 26, 7014-7021.

  • Park, Y., Jo, J., Isaac, J.T.R. and Cho, K. (2006) Long-term depression of kainate receptor-mediated synaptic transmission, Neuron 49, 95-106.

  • Lim, W. and Isaac J.T.R. (2005) ATP hydrolysis is required for the rapid regulation of AMPA receptors during basal synaptic transmission and long-term synaptic plasticity. , Neuropharmacology 48, 949-955.

  • Lauri, S.E., Segerstrale, M., Vesikansa, A., Maingret, F., Collingridge, G.L., Isaac, J.T.R. and T. Taira. (2005) Endogenous activation of kainate receptors regulate glutamate release and network activity in the developing hippocampus., Journal of Neuroscience 25, 4473-4484.

  • Bannister, N.J., Benke, T.A., Mellor, J., Gurdal, E., Crabtree, J.W. and Isaac, J.T.R. (2005) Developmental changes in AMPA and kainate receptor-mediated quantal transmission at thalamocortical synapses in the barrel cortex., Journal of Neuroscience 25, 5259-5271.

  • Kim, C.H., Braud, S., Isaac, J.T.R. and Roche, K.W. (2005) PKC phosphorylation of the metabotropic glutamate receptor mGluR5 on serine 839 regulates Ca2+ oscillations., J.Biol. Chem. 280, 25409-25415.

  • Maingret, F., Lauri, S.E., Taira, T. and Isaac J.T.R. (2005) Profound regulation of neonatal CA1 rat hippocampal GABAergic transmission by functionally distinct kainate receptor populations., Journal of Physiology 567, 143-157.

  • Palmer, C.L., Lim, W., Hastie, P., Toward, M., Korolchuk, V.I., Burbidge, S.A., Banting, G., Collingirdge, G.L., Isaac, J.T.R. and Henley, J.M. (2005) Hippocaclin functions as a calcium sensor in hippocampal LTD., Neuron 47, 487-494.

  • Isaac, J.T.R., Mellor, J., Hurtado, D and Roche, K.W. (2004) Kainate receptor trafficking: physiological roles and molecular mechanisms, Pharmacology and Therapeutics 104, 163-172.

  • Terashima, A., Cotton, L., Dev, K.K., Meyer, G., Zaman, S., Duprat, F., Henley, J.M., Collingridge, G.L. and Isaac, J.T.R. (2004) Regulation of synaptic strength and AMPA receptor subunit composition by PICK1. , J. Neurosci 24, 5381-5390.

  • Collingridge, G.L., Isaac, J.T.R. and Wang, Y-T. (2004) Receptor trafficking and synaptic plasticity, Nature Reviews Neuroscience 5, 952-962.

  • Palmer, M.J., Isaac, J.T.R. and Collingridge, G.L. (2004) Multiple, developmentally-regulated expression mechanisms of LTP at CA1 synapses, J. Neurosci 24, 4903-4911.

  • Luthi, A., Wikstrom, M.A., Palmer, M.J., Matthews, P., Benke, T.A., Isaac, J.T.R. and Collingridge, G.L. (2004) Bi-directional modulation of AMPA receptor unitary conductance by synaptic activity., BMC Neuroscience 5, 44.

  • Hirbec, H., Francis, J.C., Lauri, S.E., Braithwaite, S.B., Coussen, F., Mulle, C., Dev, K.K., Couthino, V., Meyer, G., Isaac, J.T.R., Collingridge, G.L. and Henley, J.M. (2003) Rapid and differential regulation of AMPA and kainate receptors at hippocampal mossy fibre synapses by PICK1 and GRIP, Neuron 37, 625-638.

  • Duprat, F., Daw, M. I., Lim, W., Collingridge, G.L. and Isaac J.T.R. (2003) GluR2 protein-protein interactions and the regulation of AMPA receptors during synaptic plasticity, Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B. 358, 715-720.

  • Collingridge, G.L. and Isaac, J.T.R. (2003) Functional roles of protein interactions with AMPA and kainate receptors, Neurosci. Res 47, 3-15.

  • Lauri, S.E., Bortolotto, Z.A., Bleakman, D., Ornstein, P.L., Lodge, D., Isaac, J.T.R. and Collingridge, G.L. (2003) A role for Ca2+ stores in kainate receptor-dependent synaptic facilitation and LTP at mossy fiber synapses in the hippocampus. , Neuron 39, 327-341.

  • Isaac, J.T.R. (2003) Postsynaptic silent synapses: Evidence and mechanisms, Neuropharmacology 45, 450-460.

  • Hayes, D., Braud, S., Hurtado, D., McCallum, J., Standley, S., Isaac, J.T.R. and Roche, K.W. (2003) Trafficking and surface expression of the glutamate receptor subunit, KA2. , Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 310, 8-13.

  • Bortolotto, Z. A., Lauri, S., Isaac, J.T.R. and Collingridge, G.L. (2003) Kainate receptors and the induction of mossy fibre LTP, Proc. R.. Soc. Lond. B. 358, 657-666.

  • Molnar, E. and Isaac, J.T.R. (2002) Developmental and activity dependent regulation of ionotropic glutamate receptors at synapses, TheScientificWorldJournal 2, 27-47.

  • Kidd, F.L., Coumis, U., Collingridge, G.L., Crabtree, J.W. and Isaac, J.T.R. (2002) A kainate autoreceptor is involved in regulating the dynamic properties of thalamocortical synapses during development. , Neuron 34, 635-646.

  • Crabtree, J.W. and Isaac, J.T.R. (2002) New intrathalamic pathways allowing modality-related and cross-modality switching in the dorsal thalamus, J. Neurosci 22, 8754-8761.

  • Kidd, F.L., Coumis, U., Collingridge, G.L., Crabtree, J.W. and Isaac, J.T.R. (2002) A kainate autoreceptor is involved in regulating the dynamic properties of thalamocortical synapses during development., Neuron 34, 635-646.

  • Daw, M.I., Bortolotto, Z.A., Saulle, E.M.G., Zaman, S., Collingridge, G.L. and Isaac, J.T.R. (2002) Phosphatidylinositol 3 kinase regulates the specificity of hippocampal LTD. , Nature Neurosci 5, 835-836.

  • Benke, T.A., L�thi, A., Palmer, M.J., Wikstr�m, M., Anderson, W.W., Isaac, J.T.R. and Collingridge, G.L. (2001) Mathematical modeling of non-stationary fluctuation analysis of synaptic AMPA receptors in branched structures, J.Physiol. (London) 537, 407-420.

  • Lauri, S.E., Bortolotto, Z.A., Bleakman, D., Ornstein, P.L., Lodge, D., Isaac, J.T.R. and Collingridge, G.L. (2001) A critical role of a facilitatory kainate autoreceptor in mossy fibre LTP., Neuron 32, 697-709.

  • Lauri, S.E., Delaney, C., Clarke, V., Bortolotto, Z.A., Ornstein, P.L., Isaac, J.T.R. and Collingridge, G.L. (2001) Synaptic activation of a presynaptic kainate receptor facilitates AMPA receptor-mediated synaptic transmission at hippocampal mossy fibre synapses, Neuropharmacology 41, 907-915.

  • Isaac, J.T.R. (2001) Protein phosphatases and LTD: synapses are the architects of depression, News & views for Neuron 32, 963-966.

  • Kidd, F.L. and Isaac, J.T.R. (2001) Kinetics and activation of postsynaptic kainate receptors at thalamocortical synapses: role of glutamate clearance., J.Neurophysiol 86, 1139-1148.

  • Kidd, F.L. and Isaac, J.T.R. (2000) Glutamate transport blockade has a differential effect on AMPA and NMDA receptor-mediated synaptic transmission in the developing barrel cortex. , Neuropharmacology 39, 725-732.

  • Daw, M.I., Chittajallu, R., Bortolotto, Z.A., Dev, K.K., Duprat, F., Henley, J.M., Collingridge, G.L. and Isaac, J.T.R. (2000) PDZ proteins interacting with c-terminal GluR2/3 are involved in a PKC-dependent regulation of AMPA receptors at hippocampal synapses. , Neuron 28, 873-886.

  • Hjelmstad, G.O., Isaac, J.T.R., Nicoll, R.A. and Malenka, R.C. (1999) Lack of AMPA receptor desensitization during basal synaptic transmission in the hippocampal slice. , J.Neurophysiol. 81, 3096-3099.

  • L�thi, A., Chittajallu, R., Duprat, F., Palmer, M.J., Benke, T.A., Kidd, F.L., Henley, J.M., Isaac, J.T.R and Collingridge, G.L. (1999) Hippocampal LTD expression involves a pool of AMPA receptors regulated by the NSF-GluR2 interaction., Neuron 24, 389-399.

  • Fox, K.D., Henley, J.M. and Isaac, J.T.R. (1999) Experience-dependent development of NMDA receptor transmission, News & views for Nature Neuroscience 2, 297-299.

  • Kidd F.L. and Isaac J.T.R. (1999) Developmental and activity-dependent regulation of kainate receptors at thalamocortical synapses, Nature 400, 569-573.

  • Isaac, J.T.R., Nicoll, R.A. and Malenka, R.C. (1999) Silent glutamatergic synapses in the mammalian brain, Can. J. Physiol Pharmacol 77, 735-737.

  • Benke, T.A., L�thi, A., Isaac, J.T.R. and Collingridge, G.L. (1998) Modulation of AMPA receptor unitary conductance by synaptic activity. , Nature 393, 793-797.

  • Crabtree, J.W., Collingridge, G.L. and Isaac, J.T.R. (1998) A new intrathalamic pathway linking modality-related nuclei in the dorsal thalamus. , Nature Neuroscience 1, 389-394.

  • Nishimune, A., Isaac, J.T.R.*, Molnar, E., Noel, J., Nash, S.R., Tagaya, M., Collingridge, G.L., Nakanishi, S. and Henley, J.M. (1998) NSF binding to GluR2 regulates synaptic transmission., Neuron 21, 87-97.

  • Feldman, D.E., Nicoll, R.A., Malenka, R.C. and Isaac, J.T.R. (1998) Long-term depression at thalamocortical synapses in developing rat somatosensory cortex. , Neuron 21, 347-357.

  • Isaac, J.T.R., L�thi, A., Palmer, M.J., Anderson, W.W., Benke, T.A. and Collingridge, G.L. (1998) An investigation of the expression mechanism of LTP of AMPA receptor-mediated synaptic transmission at hippocampal CA1 synapses using failures analysis and dendritic recordings. , Neuropharmacology 37, 1399-1410.

  • Turner, D.A., Chen, Y., Isaac, J.T.R., West, M. and Wheal, H.V. (1997) Excitatory synaptic site heterogeneity during paired pulse plasticity in CA1 pyramidal cells in the rat hippocampus in vitro. , J.Physiol.(London) 500, 441-461.

  • Isaac, J.T.R., Crair, M.C., Nicoll, R.A. and Malenka, R.C. (1997) Silent synapses during development of thalamocortical inputs. , Neuron 18, 269-280.

  • Isaac, J.T.R, Hjelmstad, G.O., Nicoll, R.A. and Malenka, R.C. (1996) Long-term potentiation at single fiber inputs to hippocampal CA1 pyramidal cells. , Proc. Natl. Acad. USA 93, 8710-8715.

  • Isaac, J.T.R, Oliet, S.H.R, Hjelmstad, G.O., Nicoll, R.A. and Malenka, R.C. (1996) Expression mechanism of long-term potentiation in the hippocampus, J. Physiol. (Paris) 90, 299-303.

  • Isaac, J.T.R, Nicoll, R.A. and Malenka, R.C. (1995) Evidence for silent synapses: implications for the expression of LTP., Neuron 15, 427-434.

  • Isaac, J.T.R. and Wheal, H.V. (1993) The local anaesthetic QX-314 enables enhanced whole-cell recordings of excitatory synaptic currents in rat hippocampal slices in vitro. , Neurosci. Lett. 150, 227-230.


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