Ruby Lake National Wildlife Refuge
California and Nevada Region
Family boating at Ruby Lake NWR, Credit: USFWS Looking through scope, Image by Stephen Ingram/USFWS
Family boating at Ruby Lake NWR, Credit: USFWS Looking through scope image, by Stephen Ingram/USFWS


Recreational opportunities abound at Ruby Lake National Wildlife Refuge. From waterfowl hunting & fishing to bird watching & wildlife observation, diverse habitats offer a variety of opportunities.

Ruby Lake Refuge is fairly primitive, with a few restroom facilities on the refuge and the refuge headquarters. The tour loop and refuge roads are accessible on most days - large amounts of moisture can make passage difficult. The auto tour loop is well marked, but stop by the Ruby Lake Headquarters for more information prior to your trek. The geography of the area makes it such an ideal wildlife observation and birding area, surrounded by desert type habitats and the Ruby Mountains, it is a quiet, serene destination.



Boating is allowed on the refuge at different times of the year. See the refuge regulations for more information.



Camping is not permitted on the refuge. Camp sites are available at the U.S. Forest Service South Ruby Campground, 1.5 miles south of refuge headquarters. For reservations, call 1-877-444-6777. Primitive camping is allowed on Forest Service land 300 feet west of County Road 767 and on BLM land east of the refuge.

Last updated: July 24, 2008