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Mormon Pioneer National Historic TrailOne of several sites used by emigrants for either camping or nooning, Warm Springs in SE WY, was also known as Wash Tub Spring.
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Mormon Pioneer National Historic Trail
Places To Go
Register Cliff near Guernsey, Wyoming.
Photo is courtesy of the "Wagner Perspective."

Following is a list of suggested activities for visiting the Mormon Pioneer NHT. Inquiries about trail segments not listed are best made locally. See the Links and Resources and Trail Sites to Visit pages for more information, and the Auto Tour Route pages for driving directions through each state.



The National Park Service does not offer any camping facilities along the trail. Inquire locally (see Links and Resources page).


Short Hikes (usually less than 300 yards) to trail ruts or historic sites


Hiking access to extensive trail segments

  • South Pass Segment: Independence Rock to Parting of the Ways, 125 miles
  • South Pass near South Pass City, WY
  • Little Emigration Canyon: Mormon Flat to Big Mountain, 4.5 miles


4x4 and horse access over extensive trail segments

  • Oregon Trail Road: Mills, WY to WYO-220 just north of Independence Rock, 41.5 miles
  • South Pass Segment: Independence Rock to Parting of the Ways, 125 miles
  • Parting of the Ways: end of the South Pass segment
  • Fort Bridger to Muddy Creek: approx. 14 miles


Major Trail Museums


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Jail in Carthage, Illinois where Mormon Church founder Joseph Smith and his brother Hyrum were murdered during a riot.  

Did You Know?
Joseph Smith and several other high church leaders were jailed here and placed under the guard of local units of the Illinois State Militia. A few days later, on June 27, 1844, a mob of some 200 men stormed the Carthage jail and murdered Joseph and his brother, Hyrum Smith.

Last Updated: January 31, 2007 at 12:26 EST