Title for MeetingAbstracts
Alphabetical listing of titles
Knowledge on HIV and risk behaviors among injection drug users (IDUs) in Montreal (Mtl) and Toronto (Tor).
Knowledge on HIV does not eliminate stigma on HIV: Care givers' problem.
Knowledge on HIV/AIDS transmission and prevention helps to increase use of safer sex practices.
Knowledge on maternal-child HIV infection among women in northern Thailand.
Knowledge on prevention of infection among family members of AIDS and HIV clients.
Knowledge on reproductive health and risk behaviors among female sex workers in roadside inns in Hainan, China.
Knowledge on the net: internet-based training on sexuality, HIV/AIDS and STI for a global audience of reproductive health providers.
Knowledge Protects: New and specific approaches to contain the spread of HIV in developing countries.
Knowledge Protects: Performance analysis of the first complete set of site-of-care HIV-diagnosis.
Knowledge regarding AIDS among employees and spouses at a bank in Kinshasa, Zaire.
Knowledge retained by peer educators on HIV/AIDS and STI transmission after training.
Knowledge transfer/utilization in international settings: Application of advances in perinatal transmission prevention in resource poor obstetric services with moderate HIV prevalence.
Knowledge, action and commitment for HIV/AIDS prevention at the local government level of the Philippines: Imperatives and lessons.
Knowledge, actitudes and practices of physicians on non-occupational post-exposure prophylaxis (NONOPEP) to HIV.
Knowledge, altitiude, practice of unsafe sex among the youths in Agbani, Enugu State Nigeria.
Knowledge, anxiety and attitude regarding AIDS in school.
Knowledge, attitude & practice (KAP) of selected population groups towards the disease AIDS.
Knowledge, attitude & practice of condoms by Makerere University students Uganda in STD/AIDS prevention.
Knowledge, attitude & risk-taking behaviours towards HIV/AIDS of marginal youth in Hong Kong.
Knowledge, attitude and behavior on AIDS of Turkish and Rumanian sex workers.
Knowledge, attitude and behavior to AIDS/HIV in acupuncture therapists and hairdressers.
Knowledge, attitude and behaviors toward HIV among students from North of France in 1989.
Knowledge, attitude and behaviour of HIV/AIDS among the commercial sex workers of Nepalgunj, Nepal.
Knowledge, attitude and concerns of hospital staff about AIDS.
Knowledge, attitude and perception of prisoners towards AIDS, and HIV infection: a pilot study in the Tabriz Prison, Iran, Dec. 2001.
Knowledge, attitude and perception of risk in relation to HIV/AIDS in rural populations of Yucatan State, Mexico.
Knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) of fresh Nigerian graduates on prevention of HIV transmission.
Knowledge, attitude and practice of long distance drivers towards HIV/AIDS.
Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Nurses on HIV.
Knowledge, Attitude and Practice on HIV/AIDS: A Case Study of High School Students in Kenya.