Title for MeetingAbstracts
Alphabetical listing of titles
Knowledge, treatment, and control of hypertension in Scotland.
Knowledge-attitudes of French truck drivers related to HIV prevention and prostitutes.
Knowledge-Based Design of Novel beta-Lactams as Inhibitors of beta-Lactamases and Penicillin-Binding Proteins.
Knowledge/behaviour studies and HIV/AIDS prevention programs.
Knowledges, attitudes and practices related to HIV/AIDS of health-care workers in rural towns of Boyaca, Colombia.
Knowlegde attitude and perception of HIV/AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases among senior secondary school students In selected public schools of alimosho local government area, Lagos State, Nigeria.
Knowlege and attitude to HIV-infection in journalists in Russia.
Knowlege and attitudes related to plasma HIV RNA levels and CD4+ cell counts in HIV infected individuals: a patient perspective survey.
Knowlledge, attitudes and practice with six communities low income in Joao Pessoa -- PB _ Brazil.
Knowlledge, attitudes and practice with women sex professional in Joao Pessoa, PB - Brazil.
KONDOM KAPERS: the streetplay: an AIDS information/prevention project for lower income communities in the Philippines.
KP-103, a novel topical antifungal triazole: structure-activity relationships of azolylamine derivatives.
KRH-1120, a small- CXCR4 antagonistic nonpeptide molecule, with highly potent and selective anti-HIV-1 activity.
KRH-2731: An Orally Bioavailable CXCR4 Antagonist Is a Potent Inhibitor of HIV-1 Infection.
KRM-1648 (KRM) in combination with other agents in a murine model of M. tuberculosis (MTB).
KS-like cells from peripheral blood of KS patients coexpress CD45 and macrophage and endothelial antigens.
KSHV (HHV8) encoded oncogenes and oncogenesis.
KSHV/HHV-8 G protein-coupled receptor is a viral oncogene and angiogenesis activator.
KSHV/HHV-8 in Tanzanian Kaposi's sarcoma (KS) and malignant lymphoma (ML).
KSHV/HHV-8 Infection in AIDS-related (AKS) and Endemic (EKS) Kaposi's sarcoma (KS) from Tanzania.
KSHV/HHV8 and Kaposi's sarcoma.
KSHV/HHV8 cell association during AKS and EKS evolution.
Kuala Lumpur AIDS support services (KLASS) society cell support groups for people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHAs).
KwaZuluHLA associations with HIV-1 seronegative sex workers from -Natal, South Africa.
Kynetics of HHV-6 transactivation of HIV-1 LTR and effect of HIV-1 tat on HHV-6 replication.
Kynostatin (KNI)-272: an orally bioavailable tripeptide HIV protease inhibitor containing allophenylnorstatine.
Kynurenine pathway metabolism in human fetal astrocytes. Neuroscience of HIV Infection.