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  • Del Negro, C., N. Koshiya, R.J. Butera, and J.C. Smith (2002) Persistent sodium current, membrane properties, and bursting behavior of pre-Bötzinger complex inspiratory neurons in vitro, J. Neurophysiology 88, 2242-2250.
  • Del Negro, C., R.J. Butera, C.G. Wilson, and J.C. Smith (2002) Periodicity, mixed-mode oscillations, and quasiperiodicity in a rhythm-generating neural network, Biophysical Journal 82, 206-214.
  • Johnson, S.M., N. Koshiya, and J.C. Smith (2001) Isolation of the kernel for respiratory rhythm generation in a novel in vitro preparation: the pre-Botzinger complex island, J. Neurophysiology 85, 1772-1776.
  • Del Negro, C., S.M. Johnson, R.J. Butera, and J.C. Smith (2001) Models of respiratory rhythm generation in the pre-Bötzinger complex. III. Experimental tests of model predictions, J. Neurophysiology 86, 59-74.
  • Butera, R.J., C.G. Wilson, C. Del Negro, and J.C. Smith (2001) A methodology for achieving high-speed rates for artificial conductance injection in electrically excitable biological cells, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 48, 1460-1470.
  • Smith, J.C., R.J. Butera, N. Koshiya, C. Del Negro, G.G. Wilson, ans S.M. Johnson (2000) Respiratory rhythm generation in neonatal and adult mammals: the hybrid pacemaker-network model, Respiration Physiology 122, 131-148.
  • Butera, R.J., Jr., J. Rinzel, and J. C. Smith (1999) Models of respiratory rhythm generation in the pre-Bötzinger complex. I. Bursting pacemaker neurons, J. Neurophysiology 81, 382-397.
  • Butera, R.J., Jr., J. Rinzel, and J.C. Smith (1999) Models of respiratory rhythm generation in the pre-Bötzinger complex. II. Populations of coupled pacemaker neurons, J. Neurophysiology 81, 398-415.
  • Koshiya, N. and J.C. Smith (1999) Neuronal pacemaker for breathing visualized in vitro, Nature 400, 360-363.
  • Smith, J.C., H.H. Ellenberger, K. Ballanyi, D.W. Richter, and J.L. Feldman (1991) Pre-Botzinger Complex: A brainstem region that may generate respiratory rhythm in mammals, Science 254, 726-729.
  • Smith, J.C., J.J. Greer, G. Liu, and J.L. Feldman (1990) Neural mechanisms generating respiratory pattern in mammalian brain stem-spinal cord in vitro. I. Spatiotemporal patterns of motor and medullary neuron activity, J. Neurophysiology 64, 1149-1169.