Title for MeetingAbstracts
Alphabetical listing of titles
Knowledge and attitudes about AIDS issues of Italian medical students.
Knowledge and attitudes about HIV-AIDS: a comparative study.
Knowledge and attitudes about HIV/AIDS in the industries.
Knowledge and attitudes about new HIV drug treatments among NYC Latino and black young men who have sex with men.
Knowledge and attitudes of adolescents on HIV/AIDS: A population study in Pires Ferreira, a small and poor town in Northeast of Brazil.
Knowledge and attitudes of college students towards AIDS control programme.
Knowledge and attitudes of correctional facilities staff towards HIV and HBV infections.
Knowledge and attitudes of inner city minority women on HIV vaccine trials.
Knowledge and attitudes of Italian youth about AIDS.
Knowledge and attitudes of rural Georgia physicians concerning AIDS.
Knowledge and attitudes of staff of health facilities in Igbo-Ora, Nigeria about female genital cutting (F.G.C.).
Knowledge and attitudes on the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) among workers of a French non-teaching hospital.
Knowledge and attitudes regarding HIV disease and chemical dependency among a sample of drug abuse counselors in the U.S.
Knowledge and attitudes regarding HIV infection among auxiliary nurses working at IMIP's hospital.
Knowledge and attitudes regarding post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) and highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) as correlates of HIV risk behavior among young men who have sex with men (MSM) in the US.
Knowledge and attitudes regarding protease inhibitors among HIV infected patients in a public hospital population.
Knowledge and attitudes to HIV and AIDS and sexual practices amongst university students in Lusaka, Zambia.
Knowledge and attitudes toward HIV and people living with HIV/AIDS in Moscow, Russian Federation.
Knowledge and attitudes toward HIV infection among new adults in rural Japan.
Knowledge and attitudes towards AIDS among high school students of Zaragoza, Spain.
Knowledge and attitudes towards sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and their prevention among non-medical Makerere University students.
Knowledge and attitudes towards treatment for Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia of the HIV+ incarcerated population.
Knowledge and attitudinal predictors of AIDS-negativity in medical students.
Knowledge and awareness of AIDS among patients at a sexually transmitted disease clinic.
Knowledge and awareness of HIV/AIDS among medical students in a town in India.
Knowledge and awareness of HIV/AIDS among women in India.
Knowledge and awareness of sexually transmitted diseases/AIDS.
Knowledge and behavior of the academic of medicine front to the occupational risk of accident for HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis B and C virus in the of Emergency Unit Armando Lajes, Maceio/AL, Brazil.
Knowledge and behavior of working youth in Brazil: implications for a mass media campaign.