Schools and Libraries

Required Forms

Schools and Libraries Forms:

All Schools and Libraries forms are available for download, including Service Provider Forms (below). Files are available in PDF and may be printed.

Applicant Forms

Form 470
Description of Services Requested and Certification

Estimated Average Burden Hours: 4 hours
Download Form:     653kb
Download Instructions:  159kb

Form 471
Service Ordered and Certification

Estimated Average Burden Hours: 4 hours
Download Form:      153kb

Download Instructions:  233kb

Additional Resources:
- Item 21 Attachments

Form 479
Certification by Administrative Authority to Billed Entity of Compliance with the Children's Internet Protection Act

Estimated Average Burden Hours: 1.5 hours
Download Form:    89kb

Download Instructions:  PDF, 58 KB 58kb


Form 486
Receipt of Service Confirmation Form

Estimated Average Burden Hours: 1.5 hours
Download Form:    73kb
Download Instructions:  157kb

Form 500
Adjustment to Funding Commitment and Modification to Receipt of Service Confirmation

Estimated Average Burden Hours: 1.5 hours
Download Form:    93kb
Download Instructions:  692kb

Form 472 BEAR
Billed Entity Applicant Reimbursement Form

Estimated Average Burden Hours: 1.5 hours
Submit BEAR online

Download Form:    124kb
Download Instructions:  692kb



Service Provider Forms

Form 499-A
Telecommunications Reporting Worksheet
Form 498
Service Provider Identification Number and Contact Information Form
Form 472 BEAR
Billed Entity Applicant Reimbursement Form

Certify BEAR online

Form 473
Service Provider Annual Certification Form

Estimated Average Burden Hours: 1 hours
Download Form:    13kb

Download Instructions:  49kb


Form 474
Service Provider Invoice Form

Estimated Average Burden Hours: 1.5 hours

Complete Form 474 Online or
Download Form:     134kb
Download Instructions:  39kb



Last modified on 3/12/2008