Title for MeetingAbstracts
Alphabetical listing of titles
Knowledge, attitude and practice related to HIV/AIDS and STDs in rural schools in Nigeria.
Knowledge, attitude and practice relating to AIDS among a random sample of students at a Paris university.
Knowledge, attitude and practice towards AIDS in Rwandan nursing students.
Knowledge, attitude and practices (KAP) regarding HIV/AIDS and voluntary counselling and testing (VCT) centre operations: western Kenya experience.
Knowledge, attitude and practices of Egyptian workers towards HIV/AIDS.
Knowledge, attitude and risk behaviuor to HIV/AIDS af Akha youth population in Chiang Rai: The cultural perspective.
Knowledge, attitude and source of information regarding HIV or AIDS among the teachers of secondary and higher secondary schools of Ahmedabad city.
Knowledge, attitude of CSWs towards STD/HIV and prevalence of STD/HIV among CSWs.
Knowledge, attitude to HIV/AIDS and sexual risk behaviour among unmarried male youths of the University of Ibadan, Nigeria.
Knowledge, attitude, behavior and perception related to AIDS: the French surveys 1987-1990.
Knowledge, attitude, practice and behaviour of heroin and cocaine users in Nigeria in relation to HIV/AIDS.
Knowledge, attitude, practise and behavior of CSWs in north Chennai.
Knowledge, attitudes and adherence to HAART: preliminary data from a multi-site adherence evaluation project.
Knowledge, attitudes and behavior about HIV infection in teachers at Miranda Municipium, Carabobo State, Venezuela.
Knowledge, attitudes and behavior among newcomers of college in Porto Alegre, State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.
Knowledge, attitudes and behavior of physicians towards economic evaluations of health interventions: preliminary results of a survey carried out in Italy.
Knowledge, attitudes and behaviors of street-involved people in Vancouver.
Knowledge, attitudes and behavioural response to HIV/AIDS among Makerere University students.
Knowledge, attitudes and behaviours of HIV-infected persons.
Knowledge, attitudes and beliefs about HIV infection and AIDS among female sex workers in six Brazilian informal sector mine areas.
Knowledge, attitudes and beliefs of European drug users related to HIV preventive measures.
Knowledge, attitudes and beliefs of Greek people on AIDS.
Knowledge, attitudes and beliefs of health-care workers regarding alternatives to prolonged and predominant breastfeeding within a PMTCT project. ANRS 1201/1202 Ditrame Plus project, Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire.
Knowledge, attitudes and beliefs of physicians regarding HIV infection in a London health district.
Knowledge, attitudes and beliefs of prison staff toward AIDS and HIV infection: a pilot study in European prisons.
Knowledge, attitudes and beliefs on HIV infection on Italian general practitioners.
Knowledge, attitudes and experiences of Greek IDUs in preventing the spread of AIDS.
Knowledge, attitudes and infection control practices as predictors of HIV/AIDS avoidance and discrimination in providing madical care for patients at the University of Brasilia teaching Hospital.
Knowledge, attitudes and perceived risks of AIDS among urban Tanzania women in relation to behaviour change.
Knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP) about HIV infection and AIDS among health care workers (HCWs) in Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.