Title for MeetingAbstracts
Alphabetical listing of titles
Knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP) about HIV/AIDS and sexuality among high school students in Tibilisi, Georgia.
Knowledge, attitudes and practices about HIV testing among high risk women of childbearing age.
Knowledge, attitudes and practices about HIV treatment among physicians in Quang Ninh, Vietnam.
Knowledge, attitudes and practices among Caribbean laboratory workers with reference to prevention of laboratory acquired HIV infection.
Knowledge, attitudes and practices of Greek health care workers in relation to AIDS.
Knowledge, attitudes and practices of housegirls on HIV/STDs transmission and risk factors.
Knowledge, attitudes and practices on HIV/AIDS among men who had sex with men (MSM) and visited the Consultation Unit of the Pasteur Institute in Hochiminh City (PIHCMC) Vietnam.
Knowledge, attitudes and practices on HIV/AIDS in the women of the Popular Council Parraga, Municipality Arroyo Naranjo, Havana City.
Knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding AIDS in Nicaragua.
Knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding HIV/STI infection in eastern and western parts of the parish of Westmoreland, Jamaica.
Knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding STI among Maasai youth in school in Kajiado District, Kenya.
Knowledge, attitudes and practices related to AIDS and STD among adolescents that visited the health clinic "Miguel Paz Barahona" in San Pedro Sulla (SPS) Cortes, Honduras, Centro America.
Knowledge, attitudes and practices related to AIDS and STD among high school students of low socioeconomic status (SES) in Lima.
Knowledge, attitudes and practices with respect to HIV infection in adolescents of Asuncion, Paraguay.
Knowledge, attitudes and risk behaviors regarding HIV/AIDS among Burmese migrants in Bangkok.
Knowledge, attitudes and risky practices related to HIV/AIDS in subsaharian inmigrants.
Knowledge, attitudes and safe sex regarding AIDS among female sex workers controlled in STD clinic.
Knowledge, attitudes and sexual practices of taxi drivers and truck drivers/helpers.
Knowledge, attitudes and sexual risk behaviors among dropout students who participated in a vocational training program in Castellon (Spain).
Knowledge, attitudes, & practices (KAP) of university students regarding HIV/AIDS.
Knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors related to AIDS among Chilean technical school students.
Knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs about HIV/AIDS among women students at an Indian university.
Knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs regarding HIV among pregnant women in rural Tamil Nadu, India.
Knowledge, attitudes, and practices among midwives and counselors regarding prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV (PMTCT) - Botswana, 2003.
Knowledge, attitudes, and practices of bisexual men in Paraguay.
Knowledge, attitudes, and practices of men who have sex with men in Singapore.
Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices of Primary Care Providers toward Breast Cancer Control.
Knowledge, attitudes, and practices of women at high risk for AIDS/STDs in the area of Butare--Rwanda.
Knowledge, attitudes, and practices regarding prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV (PMTCT) among antenatal and postnatal women - Botswana, 2003.
Knowledge, attitudes, belief and practice related to HIV/AIDS among the communities of Quangninh, Binhdinh and Cantho provinces--prevention measures.