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Knowledge, attitudes and practices on HIV/AIDS in the women of the Popular Council Parraga, Municipality Arroyo Naranjo, Havana City.

Mora Rodriguez N, Aragones Lopez C; International Conference on AIDS (15th : 2004 : Bangkok, Thailand).

Int Conf AIDS. 2004 Jul 11-16; 15: abstract no. TuPeC4858.

GPSIDA, Havana, Cuba

Background: For biological and social causes, the women are more sensitive to contract an STD or the HIV. The GPSIDA of Havana City has intended to take its work of prevention to the feminine population, with ages between 15 and 49 years, belonging to the Popular Council Parraga. Our objective was to explore knowledge, attitudes and practices related to the STDs and HIV/AIDS within this population. Methods: We visited at night two medical clinics belonging to this community, which were chosen in a random way, guaranteeing that in them there had not been carried out prevention actions previously. A survey was applied to a representative sample of the women that assist to these clinics, with ages between 15 and 49 years. To all of them were explained that their participation in the study was voluntary and that the obtained information would be confidential and anonymous. Results: The applied survey allowed us to detect: Low perception of risk in the studied population, Lack of sensitization, False prejudices, Ignorance of the topics HIV, AIDS and STDs, significant Differences between both clinics in several aspects. In a general way, they don't have a very positive attitude toward the secura and protected sexual relations, Great part of the women has not used never condoms in the sexual relations, although they know where they can buy them. Conclusions: The carried out initial diagnosis allowed us to have an important approach to this community and to detect that an inadequate level of the women's knowledge exists in this thematic, that they don't have an appropriate attitude before this situation and that in their sexual practice they are risk. All these data will be good us to trace strategies of work in the future together with the feminine population of this community.

Publication Types:
  • Meeting Abstracts
  • Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
  • Attitude
  • Cities
  • Condoms
  • Female
  • HIV Infections
  • HIV Seropositivity
  • Humans
  • Knowledge
  • Prejudice
  • Sexual Behavior
  • Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Other ID:
  • GWAIDS0038458
UI: 102282674

From Meeting Abstracts

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