Title for MeetingAbstracts
Alphabetical listing of titles
Kinetics of pyrimethamine (PYR), sulfadoxin (SDX), and n-acetylsulfadoxin (NAS) during prophylactic medication with fansidar.
Kinetics of replication of nef-deleted HIV in vivo.
Kinetics of response in blood and lymph node to adoptively transferred autologous HIV-1-specific cytotoxic T-lymphocytes.
Kinetics of SIV-specific cellular immune responses in SIV-infected neonatal rhesus macaques.
Kinetics of the 3' Processing Reaction of HIV-1 Integrase as Determined by Fluorescence Cross Correlation Spectroscopy.
Kinetics of TNF-alpha and sTNFRII in HIV-infected patients treated with a triple combination of stavudine (d4T), didanosine (ddI) and hydroxyurea (HU).
Kinetics of upward bending response of snapdragon shoots.
Kinetics of virus expression in early simian immunodeficiency virus infection.
Kinetics, magnitude and duration of antibody responses in HIV-1 rgp160 vaccinees.
Kinship connection: mental health services, case management and permanency planning for infected women, children and caregivers.
Kirkuchi's lymphadenitis in HIV infection: a case report. Stefang Pileri P. Baglioni.
Kit for Africa: a mobile library.
Kitchen table wisdom: Improving medication adherence through home visits and Freirian education.
Klebsiella pneumoniae (KP) Isolates Producing a Carbapenem Hydrolyzing Enzyme (CHE).
Klebsiella pneumoniae Bloodstream Infections and Deaths in a High-Risk Nursery in Cali, Colombia-1999.
KNI-272, a potent HIV protease inhibitor, as a potential anti-HIV drug for oral administration.
KNI-272: a potent HIV protease inhibitor exhibiting a favorable oral bioavailability in beagle dogs.
Know AIDS for no AIDS: A composite awareness program on HIV/AIDS awareness.
Know AIDS for No AIDS: A composite awareness program on HIV/AIDS.
KNOW HIV/AIDS: A Public Education Partnership of the Kaiser Family Foundation and Viacom.
Knowing about AIDS: from information to understanding.
Knowingly exposing others to HIV.
Knowledge about AIDS among urban Botswana women: complexities hidden by surveys.
Knowledge about AIDS and husband-wife communication among married women in Palembang, Indonesia.
Knowledge about AIDS and reported condom use among men and women with multiple partners in Bamenda, Cameroon.
Knowledge about AIDS and Risky sexual practices among commercial drivers in Ibadan,Nigeria.
Knowledge about AIDS at secondary school in Chiclayo, Peru.
Knowledge about AIDS in rural Uganda.
Knowledge about HIV /AIDS among teenage and adolescent female population in R. Macedonia.
Knowledge about hiv discorndant couples among guidance and counselling students in Kampala.