Division of
Hydrologic Sciences
October 26, 2008
Welcome to the Division of Hydrologic Sciences
Tahoe Rocks

The Division of Hydrologic Sciences (DHS) is one of three scientific research divisions within the Desert Research Institute. Since its inception in 1960, the Division has grown steadily and built a strong program of research, development and education in the hydrologic sciences. The mission of the DHS is to improve society’s fundamental knowledge and understanding of hydrologic systems and to encourage more effective and efficient management of water resources. We affect our mission through multidisciplinary research and education with a support staff of graduate research assistants, technicians, computer and information processing specialists who assist the researchers with their projects. The Division’s scientific interests involve the natural and human factors that influence the availability and quality of water resources. Nevada is the driest and most mountainous of the 50 states, circumstances that focused the Division’s early research efforts on the nature of water resources within the complex geology of the state’s many isolated groundwater basins, and on the topic of regional groundwater flow. The scientific areas currently encompassed by the Division reflect issues and concerns common to arid and developing regions worldwide. Consequently, the scope and relevance of this research extends well beyond the borders of Nevada and the nation. The Division has over 60 ongoing research projects with an annual budget of ~$13.3 million, derived largely from research sponsors.