Press Room

November 14, 2006

Opening Statement of Michele Davis Nominee for Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs
Before the Senate Finance Committee

Washington, D.C. – Chairman Grassley, Ranking Member Baucus, and members of the Senate Finance Committee, thank you for the opportunity to appear before you today. It is a great privilege to be considered for the position of Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Public Affairs. I am honored that President Bush has nominated me to serve in this position and that you are taking the time to consider my nomination today. I also thank Secretary Paulson for his leadership and for having the confidence in me to serve in this post.

The Treasury Department is at the center of President Bush's efforts to work with Congress to keep America's economy strong and to promote global economic growth and to prevent the use of our financial system to support terrorism and weapons proliferation. The public affairs office at Treasury plays an essential role in explaining the work of the Department in these and other areas. I learned in my previous years working at the Treasury Department that an informed public debate leads to better policy. If confirmed, I look forward to communicating our work to the public, news media, financial markets, international audiences, and to the Congress.

I can think of no greater honor than to be asked to do this job again and to work with Secretary Paulson. I am eager to get to work with the talented people in the Department, across the Administration and here in the Congress. Thank you.
