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Security Section
Covers security related issue for the Internet Information Server, Active Server Pages, and ISAPI applications, including authentication, NTLM, and SSL.

Supporting Products/Tools

Built around the Microsoft CryptoAPI, AspEncrypt helps you harness all major encryption and hashing algorithms such as DES, Triple-DES, RC2, RC4, RSA, MD5 and SHA1 in just a few lines of code. The component can be used in tandem with AspEmail to send encrypted and signed mail in the industry-standard S/MIME format, or with AspUpload to encrypt files as they are being uploaded. AspEncrypt can also be used to issue and manage X.509 digital certificates.

AspPDF is an ASP/ASP.NET component which enables generation and management of documents in PDF format. Features include advanced text formatting, font embedding, form fill-in, images, tables, content and page extraction, document stitching, encryption, digital signatures, and more.


Feb 3, 2005 - ASP.NET Mixed Mode Authentication
In many web applications it is desirable for both intranet users and external parties to be able to seamlessly log onto the system. The problem this raises is that it is not easy to allow intranet users to log in via Windows integrated authentication while also allowing external parties to log in to the same application using standard forms authentication. This article will show you one way to achieve the best of both worlds when it comes to authentication.
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Dec 8, 2004 - Designing Role-Based Security Models for .NET
In this article, Michele Leroux Bustamante discusses authentication, authorization and role-based security in .NET. Along the way, he provides some best practices for implementing role-based security in some typical .NET application scenarios including rich clients, Web applications, and Web services.
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May 11, 2004 - SharePoint Security and .NET Impersonation
When implementing custom components that require access to restricted resources, implicit impersonation must be used. Jay Nathan shows how to create a class that makes using .NET Impersonation a snap.
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Mar 10, 2004 - Intellectual Property Protection and Code Obfuscation
Learn about the execution process of CLR-based programs and how to protect your applications from being easily disassembled back into source code.
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Feb 24, 2004 - How to Send Secure Mail in ASP-Based E-Commerce Applications - Part II
Businesses that utilize encrypted e-mail may find Secure Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (S/MIME) to be somewhat restrictive. This article shows how to use security features in PDF as an alternative to S/MIME.
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Feb 2, 2004 - Fighting Spambots with .NET and AI
Bill Gates, in a recent interview, predicted the end of spam by 2006. One of the methods he mentioned involved a challenge only a real live person could handle. Adnan Masood shows how to use AI and .NET to create a user verification scheme that incorporates similar concepts Gates alluded to.
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Jan 21, 2004 - Configuring .NET Code Access Security
Code Access Security (CAS) is the .NET Framework security model that grants code permission to resources based on "evidence" pertaining to the encapsulating assembly. In this article, David Myers examines CAS and explains different configuration methods.
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Mar 10, 2003 - Platform Neutral and Transparent Encryption of Sensitive Customer Information
Zhenlei Cai combines an open source C++ encryption library with SQL Server extended stored procedures to create a platform neutral, transparent encryption solution that resides at the database layer.
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Jan 15, 2003 - Exploring Machine.Config - User Security and More
Christopher Spann offers a .NET configuration tip that should help ease system administrators' fears of security compromise and thus assuage growing developer demand for a .NET environment.
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Dec 10, 2002 - Encrypting Cookie Data with ASP.NET
You don't have to be a cryptography expert or spend lots of money on third-party components to secure sensitive data in .NET. In this article, Wayne Plourde shows just how easy it is to encrypt cookie data using encryption classes in the .NET System.Security.Cryptography namespace.
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Aug 21, 2002 - Web Application Error Handling and Logging For ASP
One of the most important aspects of an application is how well it responds to the user, and this includes response to errors. In this article, Adam Tuliper shares techniques for catching ASP errors and shows how to create a notification system that is sure to keep customers at bay.
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Jul 15, 2002 - Securing SQL Server for Web Applications
If your SQL Server is exposed to the Internet, then hackers are probing it. This article shows how to secure a SQL Server database that's being used with a Web application
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Jul 1, 2002 - Protecting Your Web Application Against Dangerous Requests
Enrico Di Cesare provides a solution for hiding and securing querystring values that pass through a url.
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May 14, 2002 - Complying with IT's Security Requirements for Web Applications
The application is done. It's been tested, documented and is ready for deployment or sale. Finally, you can relax and start working on version 2. Well, not so fast ...
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Mar 12, 2002 - Web Services Security in The .NET Framework
The proliferation of Web Services on the market and their universal acceptance on the Internet makes them more vulnerable to security threats. Therefore, we need to tighten security for our Web Services and pay attention to it. With ASP.NET, Microsoft has provided the necessary features for securing our Web Services and other Web resources. In this article, Mansoor Ahmed Siddiqui explains how to unleash the power of ASP.NET security.
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Mar 5, 2002 - Using Forms Authentication in ASP.NET - Part 2
Creating custom authentication schemes just became easier. Jeff Gonzalez continues to explain Forms Authentication, this time using a custom XML file.
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Feb 20, 2002 - Using Forms Authentication in ASP.NET - Part 1
Creating custom authentication schemes just became easier. Jeff Gonzalez shows us how to use Forms Authentication in ASP.NET.
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Oct 30, 2001 - Protecting Your IIS Server and Web Application
Internet viruses such as Code Red and Nimbda have brought down numerous IIS Web servers recently. Fortify and defend your system with this comprehensive strategy authored by 30-year industry veteran, Andrew Novick.
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May 2, 2001 - Storing Sensitive Data Securely
Members of the 15Seconds discussion list provide some general ideas on how to secure credit-card numbers stored in SQL Server.
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Jan 31, 2001 - Using MS Certificate Server To Create SSL
Read what advice members of the 15Seconds Discussion list had to offer on using Microsoft's Certificate Server instead of a third-party SSL solution.
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Jan 22, 2001 - Eliminating Some Credit Card Risk for E-Business
Creator of the SC Profanity Check ASP component explains how Webmasters can take a proactive approach to eliminating some online credit-card fraud.
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Jan 4, 2001 - JavaScript Protection With An ISAPI Filter
This article by Itay Weinberger describes how to use an ISAPI filter to prevent unauthorized access to your JavaScript or VBScript files.
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Dec 5, 2000 - Random Passwords
Want to Create a random password and mail it to the person who tried to register at your site? Here is a quick and easy example of how to do this task. It is fairly straight forward.
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Aug 16, 2000 - The Wonders of the File System Object
The file system object (FSO) is a wonderful tool that few web developers know about. You can do nearly anything with the FSO, from making databases, to message boards, to content management. The FSO is an essential block in an ASP developer's foundation. We'll discuss the basic operations of the FSO here, along with some examples on creating a guestbook, and some more complex features.
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Aug 11, 2000 - Servers-Side Validations on the Client Side
Servers-side validations on the client side...isn't that an oxymoron? Maybe, but Pandurang Nayak shows us how to accomplish a type of remote scripting using a mix of Javascript and ASP.
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Apr 13, 2000 - Web Applications: Securing Access to Your Pages
Edward Mason examines how to secure access to your Web pages, specifically pages that are intended to be displayed in a set order. He offers sample code from one of his custom Web applications that includes a folder structure and an ASP file structure. The article also addresses bookmarking, special cases, adding or changing page links, and adding more process screens.
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Feb 17, 2000 - Protecting Passwords with a One-way Hash Function
Peter Persits’ article shows that the path to a password-protected Web site involves using one-way hash functions. The hash-based password-protection method uses an encryption algorithm that does not require a key and produces an irreversibly encrypted cipher-text. Even if your site’s password database is compromised, it’s still tough for an intruder to recover the original passwords because they are stored by their one-way encrypted values. Persits also demonstrates a third-party component that is necessary to compute the one-way hash function of a string in the ASP environment.
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Dec 17, 1999 - How to Send Secure Mail in ASP-Based E-Commerce Applications
Peter Persits' article explains how Secure Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions, or S/MIME, has come to rescue of e-commerce Web sites that need some order information to be contained in encrypted E-mail. Customers don't want to use automatic on-line credit card authorization, so order information instead is sent over an SSL-protected HTML form and credit card numbers are sent via encrypted E-mail for manual processing.
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Dec 16, 1999 - Crash Course in Cryptography
Peter Persits' article "Crash Course in Cryptography" explains encryption so that you can grasp secure multipurpose Internet mail extensions, or S/MIME.
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Feb 11, 1999 - Programming a Visual Basic Component to Change NLTM Passwords
The application we will develop in this article is a browser-based Windows NT domain account password-changing utility that runs as a component in an MTS package on IIS and is accessible via the Internet. While IIS 4.0 provides native account password-changing functionality through the use of .htr files and an Internet Server API (ISAPI) extension, it does not provide for easy modification and does not run as an MTS component by default. The application we will develop demonstrates an extensible framework that could be easily enhanced to provide additional account-maintenance functionality specific to your individual requirements.
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Jan 14, 1999 - Easy Application State Securely
This article by Dmitry Khanine shows how to make your web site 100-percent secure when maintain your application state.
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Nov 4, 1998 - ASP Authentication Using IP Address
This article by Alain Trottier explains how to control web application access by validating the user’s login and password against a database using Active Server Pages. Once validated the IP Address of the user is ensure that the user has access to the database.
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Nov 30, 1997 - Advanced Security Concepts
This article is a reprint of chapter 19, by Nelson Howell , in a new book called 'Using Microsoft Internet Information Server 4' from Que Education & Training (ISBN 0789712636) due for publication in early March 1998. This chapter covers advanced security concepts. Including: how to secure content Enforce security permissions for sensitive and private content and configuring user authentication understand and use authentication methods for securing content.
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ActiveNews   (NOTE: ASPToday articles require a paid subscription)
Oct 24, 2000 - Windows Password Flaw Exposes Shared Files
A security flaw was discovered in the way passwords for Windows shares are handled. The vulnerability makes it possible for an attacker to gain access to a password-protected shared folder.
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Aug 16, 2000 - Translate:f Security Hole
Article contains information about the latest security hole that, under some circumstances, permits a Web visitor to view the source of your ASP pages. This hole can only effect those sites that run on Windows 2000 (IIS 5) and don't haveService Pack 1 installed.
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Apr 17, 2000 - Using ADSI, NT Groups and IIS Authentication
With ADSI, NT Groups and IIS Authentication we can provide integrated Business and Web Applications that are simple to use and maintain. Christopher Schmidt presents a solution to solving the problem many users and administrative staff face managing numerous usernames and passwords. This article explains how to set up ADSI, NT and IIS security, enabling you to begin fully integrating your solutions with NTFS, SQL Sever 7.0, MS Exchange, and so on, while providing simple interfaces to administer these sites.
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Mar 8, 2000 - Security, The Poor Mans Solution
As a gesture of my gratitude for the many times I found examples out on the Internet which solved a problem I had, I am writing my first article as a way to give back.
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Feb 16, 2000 - Creating a Database-Driven Login Page
This article, by Corin Martens, demonstrates how to create a database-driven login page. With Corin's application, you can restrict particular users to particular sections of your Web site. The list of users and their security-level is maintained in a database. An good explanation of how to create a user-authentication system.
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Jan 20, 2000 - Encrypting the Information Passed through the QueryString
This article, by Derrick, demonstrates how to encrypt the information passed through the QueryString! Using the encryption technique discussed in an earlier article, Encryption with ASP, you can encrypt the variable names and values that are being passed through the QueryString! A very worthwhile read, and a very useful technique, especially if you ever need to pass sensitive information through the QueryString!
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Jan 12, 2000 - Authentication in Corporate "Self Service" Applications
Mark Kordelski provides a brief explanation of authentication schemes, their advantages and disadvantages, and provides a proposed approach to a "digital signature" scheme, to drive these applications.
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Dec 16, 1999 - SSL: Both Secure and Friendly? Part II: Requiring SSL and Redirecting.
In this second of a two part series, Byron Hynes considers how to require a user to use SSL, and how to automatically take them to a secure channel.
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Sep 19, 1999 - Password Protecting a Page
Steve Schofield shows an example of what he uses to secure pages. This example uses 2 asp pages and a database that stores the userid and password. Once you've logged successfully, the log in page will always come up.
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Sep 19, 1999 - Password Protecting a Page
Steve Schofield shows an example of what he uses to secure pages. This example uses 2 asp pages and a database that stores the userid and password. Once you've logged successfully, the log in page will always come up.
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Sep 8, 1999 - Encoding and decoding strings using the ROT13 method
ROT13 is a useful method of encoding text so that it cannot easily be read. The method originated on USENET, where it was commonly used to hide answers to jokes and spoilers for forthcoming TV show episodes.
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Jul 12, 1999 - Basic Password Protection
Password protection isn't always about enormous databases, heavy-handed security and reams of code. Ken Baumbach adds a neat little trick to the database discourse.
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Jun 4, 1999 - Simple Visitor Access Control
You can choose to keep track of visitor access to your site either through cookies or through ASP Sessions. Alex Homer gives us the pros, the cons, and the code for the both.
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May 26, 1999 - How to Overcome Pitfalls in the IIS Security Model
It's not always obvious which of the IIS security settings allow or deny web applications access to resources on a network. The security context under which it runs is all important. Ulrich Schwanitz investigates.
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Jan 5, 1999 - Untangling Web Security: Getting the Most from IIS Security
This article contains detailed explanations of some of the misunderstood security features in Microsoft® Internet Information Server (IIS) 4.0, including client certificate mapping, IP address restrictions, Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) server bindings, and Web permissions. You'll not only find out how these features work, but also how to optimize their configuration.
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Jul 27, 1998 - Servin' It Up: Fight fire with firewalls
In his monthly SBN Magazine column on server issues, Tom Moran explains the basics of firewalls, and how they smoke out the differences between friends and foes.
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Apr 1, 1998 - The Basics of Security
Security is a wide-reaching topic -- and can get extremely complex. Don't let that stop you, because most of what you really need to know can be absorbed in bite-sized chunks and implemented in stages. When thinking about security for your site, you need to be concerned with several discrete areas , as well as a few basic concepts.
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Oct 29, 1997 - Implementing a Secure Site with ASP
This article provides an overview of Microsoft® Windows NT® Server security in areas relevant to Microsoft® Internet Information Server and Microsoft® SQL Server. After gaining a basic understanding of these three products' relationships, you will learn how their mutual features are utilized to implement security with Active Server Pages. These topics will not be explored in any more depth than is necessary for understanding the implementation of security with Active Server Pages.
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Oct 10, 1997 - Authentication and Security for Internet Developers
This article explains Windows NT security as it relates to IIS, so you can effectively troubleshoot security-related problems. We will cover the three forms of authentication, how they differ, several ways of controlling access to key areas on your Web server, and the important but almost universally misunderstood concept of "delegation." Understanding delegation is mandatory for anyone building a data-driven Web site using IIS. Understanding how Windows NT handles different users will potentially save you days, or even weeks, of troubleshooting.
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Mar 1, 1997 - Security Topics for Visual InterDev
Visual InterDev uses the Microsoft® FrontPage® extensions on a Web server to manage Web security, in the same way that FrontPage does. In fact, although the Visual InterDev user interface in general differs from that of FrontPage, Visual InterDev exposes the same user interface as FrontPage does for managing security. The FrontPage extensions, in turn, simply use the existing security features of Microsoft® Windows NT® and the Internet Information Server (IIS) to manage Web security. Thus users of Visual InterDev need to be familiar with the security features of FrontPage, Internet Information Server (IIS), and Windows NT. This paper provides concise coverage of these topics and pointers to more in-depth reading.
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Nov 1, 1996 - Making Sure Your Server's Secure
After bandwidth, security is the next-biggest concern when it comes to creating active content on the Internet. This article examines Web security as it relates to the Microsoft® Internet Information Server (IIS). After an overview of the IIS security model, this article discuss the scripting engine (codenamed Denali) of the ActiveX Server Framework as a means of extending the functionality offered by IIS. Finally, this article will build a sample Web site to demonstrate how a Web administrator might actually implement the security features described by the IIS model, and how to extend the model using Denali.
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Code Samples
Authenticate in ASP without NT

Knowledge Base Articles
IIS Execution File Text Can Be Viewed in Client
Q164059 - 1997.06.23
INFO: Security Ramifications for IIS Applications
Q158229 - 1997.08.28
PRB: Accessing SQL Database Fails on Second Att...
Q166659 - 1997.09.06
IIS: Authentication & Security Features
Q142868 - 1997.09.07
File Upload Does Not Work with NTLM Authenticat...
Q169546 - 1997.09.07
Can't Connect to SSL-Enabled Site and/or Server...
Q184321 - 1998.05.08
IIS: Certificate Security Affected By Schannel.dll
Q184055 - 1998.05.08
How to Set IIS 3.0 Authentication from the Regi...
Q178232 - 1998.05.08
How to Use Personalization Server w/ Anonymous ...
Q177505 - 1998.05.08
FILE: Authentication and Security for Internet ...
Q174811 - 1998.02.10
Require Secure SSL Channel Not Available
Q174779 - 1998.05.08
INFO: Security Issues with Objects in ASP and I...
Q172925 - 1998.05.08
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Options
Q172023 - 1998.05.08
Security Certificate Doesn't Match Internet Add...
Q172424 - 1998.05.08
How to Grant/Deny Access to a Group of Computer...
Q166003 - 1998.05.08
NetScape Navigator Hangs Connecting to Secure I...
Q165670 - 1998.05.08
ASP Queries When SSL Enabled Gives Incomplete R...
Q164073 - 1998.05.08
NTFS Alternate Data Stream Name of a File May R...
Q188806 - 1998.09.28
FTP Passive Mode May Terminate Session
Q189262 - 1998.09.28
Problems Remotely Accessing W3 or FTP Perfmon C...
Q185349 - 1998.09.28
FIX: ASP Incorrectly Delivers SSL Data in 32K S...
Q170985 - 1998.09.28
Password Synchronization and Local User Account...
Q183722 - 1998.09.29

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