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TOC\ Web Developer References\ Web Development Resources\ Site Design & Navigation\ Portals 

      Portal Sites
      Portal Software

CNET - Web Business - Looking at Web Portals  - With the success of Web sites like Yahoo, almost every dot-com wants its Web site to be a portal these days. But if you're the Web developer charged with building a portal site, how exactly do you get started?   URL: - Business Computing - Knowledge Management - Enterprise Portals  - Related Enterprise Portal articles from around the Web.   URL:,10000,0-7800,00.html
CNN - Web opens enterprise portals  - Unlocking the vast wealth of knowledge stored in enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, Web sites, data warehouses, legacy mainframes, and client/server systems is at the top of the list for every major corporation today.   URL:
Data Gateway  - Businesses Are Adopting The Web Portal Model As A Way Of Transforming Intranets Into More Powerful Data-Delivery Platforms.   URL:
DKMS Brief 8: Enterprise Information Portals & Enterprise Knowledge Portals  - In November of 1998, a new "investment space" called Enterprise Information Portals (EIPs), was declared by Christopher Shilakes and Julie Tylman of Merrill Lynch's Enterprise Software Team [1, P. 1]. "Enterprise Information Portals are applications that enable companies to unlock internally and externally stored information, and provide users a single gateway to personalized information needed to make informed business decisions. " They are: ". . . an amalgamation of software applications that consolidate, manage, analyze and distribute information across and outside of an enterprise (including Business Intelligence, Content Management, Data Warehouse & Mart and Data Management applications.)"   URL:
Portals - ZDNet: Anchordesk  - Nowadays, all manner of online services, search engines and Web directories are beefing themselves up and vying to become your all-purpose portal to the Internet -- the place you go to get to everything else. To stay on top of the portal wars, use the sites linked here.   URL:,10729,6014697-6014706-9,00.html
The power of the portal  - A corporate portal promises to organize a glut of information in a way that's intuitive to users. But getting to the payoff requires a lot of muscle that supports processes as well as content.   URL:
Traffick -- The Guide to Portals  - A portal can contain thousands of pages and hundreds of useful tools. Unfortunately portals have become unwieldy and often difficult to use to the average user. We may want to use them but often we feel intimidated by their seeming complexity. What can be done about this? Why, it's Traffick to the rescue! We're the quirky and utterly useful source for everything related to portals.   URL:

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