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We'll be expanding our online offerings with digital editions and even more of the technical articles that you expect from Dr. Dobb's
January 6, 2009
A powerful yet compact algorithm that can extract features and patterns from huge and complex data sets
January 9, 2009
Perforce SCM Updated
January 12, 2009
by Jon Erickson

Dr. Dobb's 2009 Calendar: Don't Forget It

If you're like me, you'll be writing '2008' on your checks for a few more weeks. Which will lead you to break that new year's resolution about cursing. How can you prevent catastrophies such as these?

By knowing what's the correct day, week, month, and year. And how do you know that? With you personal copies of Dr. Dobb's Hall of Fame 2009 calendar. You can download it right now. Don't forget.




Sun, 04 Jan 2009 19:00:00 +0100


March 9 - 13, 2009
Santa Clara, CA
SD West 2009 features comprehensive software development training taught by industry experts. Register by January 16 and save up to $400!

ON THE NEWSSTAND show me more
It's Time to Get Good at Functional Programming
If you've been wondering what functional programming is all about, don't wait any longer. Michael examines functional languages like Scala, F#, Erlang, and Haskell, and Mike Riley adds a note about functional programming with Mathematica.
.NET Development on Linux
Eric finds out that a VM and Mono comes in handy when creating C# .NET programs. In addition to Linux, Mono lets you develop and run .NET client and server applications on Solaris, Mac OS X, Windows, and UNIX.
Even though the DOORS OS is an operating system designed to run on the HC11, there's nothing stopping you from porting the code to your processor of choice.
Lock Options
The two major problems in concurrent programs are data races and deadlocks. The solutions that Bartosz presents here is based on a deadlock-avoidance protocol.
The iPhone Application Builder
Why bother writing apps for Apple's iPhone when you can write an app to write the apps.
Effective Concurrency
When it comes to scalability and concurrency, more is always better.
Disciplined Agility
Scott examines the myths surrounding agile software development.

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Ugur Kaner decribes Kuneri's KuneriLite's plug-in architectureat extends Flash Lite on S60.; flash; mobile; nokia; A new rendering mode lets you design web pages that have smooth interactions, content loaded via XML, and transitions in a static design; adobe; dreamweaver; flash; web page design; $10 million contest for ideas that will improve the lives of others.; Social networking giant launches its own music site; Ericsson joins new UN initiative to bring digital-health benefits to Africa; T-Mobile G-1 features Android OS, an intuitive touchscreen, and QWERTY keyboard, plus popular Google products ; Google staffers tour US campuses to visit users of Google Apps Education Edition; browser; education; google; Web 2.0; Web Applications; Honeywell offers portable avionics system for general aviation pilots.; Moket's Mobi Screen Maker is a server application that builds Flash Lite mobile content.; flash; mobile; software; Dr. Dobb/s interviews Paul Kimmel, author of "LINQ Unleashed for C#", about Microsoft's new query technology that lets developers poll any information from any data source regardless of location or structure. I; C#; Dr. Dobb's; LINQ; microsoft; It takes a supercomputer to build a super car. ; HPC; simulation; Dr. Dobb's shows how to install and execute cross-platform scripting languages on the Windows Mobile platform. In this installment, Mike Riley examines Perl for Windows Mobile devices.; mobile devices; perl; windows; Dr. Dobb's shows how to install and execute cross-platform scripting languages on the Windows Mobile platform. In this installment, Mike Riley examines Python CE which is optimized for Windows Mobile devices.; mobile devices; python; windows; Dr. Dobb's shows how to install and execute cross-platform scripting languages on the Windows Mobile platform. In this installment, Mike Riley examines Ruby for Windows Mobile devices.; mobile devices; ruby; windows; Young participants at ITU TELECOM ASIA 2008 in Bangkok, Thailand received free laptops as part of ITU’s initiative to promote affordable devices to increase access to information and communication technologies.; communication; itu; IBM has unveiled plans to build a $360 million energy-efficient data center which will provide a variety of IT services to strategic outsourcing clients, including technologies for cloud computing. ; cloud computing; data center; ibm; Currently technical strategist to Microsoft's Chief Software Architect, Rebecca Norlander has had a tremendous impact on Excel, Internet Explorer, Windows XP SP2, and Windows Vista Security. ; microsoft; Distributed teams managing software development for parallel releases ; ALM; distributed development; Lifecycle; SCCM; Logitech has introduced a force-feedback wheel for use with the Ninendo Wii gaming system.; Google enters the browser market; Contributing authors to the book "Beautiful Code" got together at Dr. Dobb's SD West Conference in March, 2008. Part 1 of 3.; programming; software development; Contributing authors to the book "Beautiful Code" got together at Dr. Dobb's SD West Conference in March, 2008. Part 2 of 3.; programming; software development; Contributing authors to the book "Beautiful Code" got together at Dr. Dobb's SD West Conference in March, 2008. Part 3 of 3.; programming; software development; Anders Hejlsberg discusses C#, Turbo Pascal, and what it means to design a programming language. ; C#; microsoft; Turbo Pascal; Solar powered laptops given to youths at ITU Asia 2008.; News; telecommunications; The Interop Forms Toolkit lets you build VB.NET user controls to be used in a legacy Visual Basic 6 applications.; Mike Riley spoke to ActiveState's Jeff Hobbes about the new features in Tcl Dev Kit and Perl Dev Kit including the code coverage and hot-spot analysis tool and Mac OSX support.; IBM breakthrough stands to impact future direction of information technology.; Tim O'Reilly addressed the OSCON convention in his Wednesday keynote titled "Degrees of Freedom, Open Source in the Wed 2.0 Era.;


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