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TOC\ Computers & Internet\ Software Engineering\ Application Development\ Software Development Life Cycle 

Business Technology Associates, Software Development Life Cycle  - Concept Exploration, Preliminary Requirements Analysis, Architectural Design, Data Modeling, Process Modeling, Interface Design, Detailed Design, Code and Testing, Deliver Application, Customer Feedback, Incorporate Changes, Deliver Final Application.   URL:
Prototyping in the Software Development Cycle  - Prototyping and iterative design have a reputation for being difficult to manage. The keys to managing a prototyping effort are becoming clear, however; they include knowing what you want to learn from the prototype, access to rapid prototyping techniques, and end-user involvement in development of the prototype. This article provides a framework for prototyping within the development process.   URL:
Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)  - Project development methodology is the definition, planning, and control of a project to ensure that it meets its stated goals. The following are the major issues addressed by development methodology: Scope, Approach, Construction, Deliverables, Organization, Work plan, Reporting, Estimates, Risks, Change control, Configuration management, Quality management.   URL:

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