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Publications and Selected Current Projects


    The Built Environment, Climate Change, and Health: Opportunities for Co-Benefits [PDF, 802 KB]
    Margalit Younger, Heather R. Morrow-Almeida, Stephen M. Vindigni, Andrew L. Dannenberg. . Am J Prev Med 2008; 35(5):517–526.

    Influencing the Built Environment in Your Community.
    Journal of Heishman H, Dannenberg AL. Environmental Health, Nov 2008; 71(4):66-67.

    Designing and Building Healthy Places for Children
    Wendel, A.M.,Dannenberg, A.L. and Frumkin, H. (2008) ‘Designing and building healthy places for children’, Int. J. Environment and Health, Vol. 2, Nos. 3/4, pp.338–355.

    Workshop to develop research agenda on health and built environment, May 2003
    Dannenberg AL, Jackson RJ, Frumkin H, Schieber RA, Pratt M, Kochtitzky C, Tilson HH. The Impact of Community Design and Land-Use Choices on Public Health: A Scientific Research Agenda. American Journal of Public Health. 2003;93:1500-1508.
    The design of a community’s built environment influences the physical and mental health of its residents. Because few studies have investigated this relationship, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention hosted a workshop in May 2002 to help develop a scientific research agenda on these issues. This report describes the 37 questions in the resulting research agenda.

    AJPH special issue on health and built environment, September 2003
    Jackson RJ, guest editor. American Journal of Public Health. 2003:93.
    September 2003 special issue of American Journal of Public Health containing 40 solicited and unsolicited articles on health and built environment topics.

    Crime prevention and the built environment, 2003
    Carter SP, Carter SL, Dannenberg AL. Zoning Out Crime and Improving Community Health in Sarasota, Florida: Crime Prevention through Environmental Design. American Journal of Public Health 2003;93:1442-1445.

    Costs of obesity on airlines, 2002.
    Dannenberg AL, Burton DC, Jackson RJ. Economic and environmental costs of obesity: the impact on airlines. Letter. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2004;27:264.

    Walking to transit study based on National Household Travel Survey data, 2004
    Besser LM, Dannenberg AL. Walking to public transit: steps to help meet physical activity recommendations. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2005; 29:273-280.

    Workshop on health impact assessments, Princeton, October 2004
    Dannenberg AL, Bhatia R, Cole BL, Dora C, Fielding J, Kraft K, McClymont-Peace D, Mindell J, Onyekere C, Roberts JA, Ross CL, Rutt CD, Scott-Samuel A, Tilson HH. Growing the Field of Health Impact Assessment in the United States: An Agenda for Research and Practice. American Journal of Public Health. 96: 262-270, 2006.

    American Planning Association (APA) draft model zoning codes, 2006
    Model zoning codes developed to promote healthy walkable communities.

    Workplace walkability audit tool, 2004
    Dannenberg AL, Cramer TW, Gibson CJ. Assessing the Walkability of the Workplace: A New Audit Tool. American Journal of Health Promotion. 2005;20:39-44. Audit tool available at

    Manuscript on basics of planning for public health professionals, 2005
    Malizia EE. City and regional planning: a primer for public health officials. American Journal of Health Promotion. 2005 May-Jun;19(5):Suppl 1-13. To obtain a copy of article, please contact Dr. Emil Malizia at

    Case studies of built environment projects in predominantly low income areas, 2003
    The built environment and health: 11 profiles of neighborhood transformation. Oakland, CA: The Prevention Institute; 2004.

    TRB/IOM report on physical activity and built environment, 2003
    Committee on Physical Activity, Health, Transportation, and Land Use, Transportation Research Board, Institute of Medicine of the National Academies. Does the built environment influence physical activity? Examining the evidence. Transportation Research Board Special Report 282. Washington, DC: National Academies Press; 2005.

    Book on Urban Sprawl and Public Health, 2003
    Frumkin H, Frank L, Jackson R. Urban sprawl and public health: designing, planning, and building for healthy communities. Washington, DC: Island Press; 2004.

    U.S. Health Impact Assessment Case-Studies Manuscript, 2007
    Dannenberg A, Bhatia R, Bole B, Feldman J, Rutt C. Use of health impact assessment in the United States: 16 case studies, 1999-2006. Submitted for publication.

    Safe Routes to School Manuscript, 2007
    Watson M, Dannenberg AL. Investment in Safe Routes to School projects: public health benefits for the larger community. Prev Chronic Dis 2008;5(3).

    From Health Destruction to Health Promotion, Conversion of a Worksite Smoking Shelter, 2007 Dannenberg AL, Bauer DR, Bland AD, Hobson SE, Kenneth Rose K. By removing a bench and installing a bicycle rack, a government agency inexpensively converted a smoking shelter into a bicycle shelter.

    Use of Health Impact Assessment in the U.S. 27 Case Studies, 1999–2007 [PDF, 390KB]
    CDC scientists examined 27 Health Impact Assessments (HIAs) that were completed in the U.S. From 1999 –2007. HIAs help planners and others consider the health consequences of their decisions.

    Selected Current Projects

    Fourteen NIH/CDC funded grants on obesity and the built environment, 2004-present.
    Grant information for 11 NIH/CDC grants. Available at

    U.S. Green Building Council LEED for Neighborhood Developments (LEED ND) Rating System, 2003-present [PDF, 3321 KB]
    Draft certification process being developed to promote healthy walkable community design.

    NEHA Built Environment Case Studies, 2006
    Case studies developed by the National Environmental Health Association to highlight exceptional solutions in local government that integrate environmental health considerations into land use planning and design.

    Moving to walkable communities.
    Supplemental funding (2006-2009) to two Prevention Research Centers (St. Louis University and Emory University) to study physical activity and travel patterns of persons moving from less walkable conventional communities to more walkable Smart Growth communities.

    Health Impact Assessment, Atlanta Beltline
    CDC collaboration to provide technical assistance to the Center for Quality Growth and Regional Development at the Georgia Institute of Technology to conduct a health impact assessment (HIA) of the Atlanta Beltline redevelopment and transit project. (With funding from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation)

    Bicycles used for transportation in the U.S.: contributions to physical activity
    Hobson S, Dannenberg A. Publication analyzes the 2001 National Household Travel Survey to look at what populations use bicycles for transportation. Submitted for publication.

    Non-Motorized Transportation Pilot Program
    Collaboration with Federal Highway Administration to provide technical and financial support to add health questions to assess physical activity, walking, and bicycling in the evaluation of non-motorized transportation investments authorized by the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU) legislation to be conducted in four communities (Columbia, MO; Marin County, CA; Minneapolis, MN; and Sheboygan County, WI).

    Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Partner Network
    Technical support and financial collaboration with SRTS Partner Network helps facilitate national efforts to develop and implement SRTS programs and infrastructure.

    SRTS aims to increase physical activity, reduce traffic congestion, improve air quality, and enhance neighborhood safety for children and their communities through the creation of safe bicycle and walking paths. See the Partner Network’s website at

    Walking and Biking Benchmarking Project, Thunderhead Alliance
    Developing a benchmarking data analysis and reporting system for walking and bicycle use, facilities, policies, and funding for all 50 states and larger metropolitan areas.

    Selected Collaborative Efforts

    Healthy Places Research Group, 2003-present
    The HPRG meets once a month to discuss issues related to health and the built environment. Emory University, Georgia Institute of Technology, CDC, students, and researchers participate in this forum.

    Public Health and Built Environment Course Curriculum
    Collaboration with Emory University and Georgia Institute for Technology faculty to

    • create a joint course in Public Health and Planning to be jointly taught at these universities and
    • develop core curriculum for Public Health and Planning course for publication with expertise provided by current faculty nationwide already teaching the course.