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PMEL Newport Visitor Information

Oregon State University (OSU) | Hatfield Marine Science Center (HMSC)

NOAA/PMEL Ocean Environment Research Division
Mark O. Hatfield Marine Science Center
2115 Marine Science Drive
Newport, OR 97365
FAX: 541-867-3907

Directions from Portland Airport (2.5 to 3 hrs): (map)

Inland route: Take I-205 south (around city of Portland) to I-5 south; exit at Corvallis for Hwy 20; travel 55 miles west to Newport and connect with Hwy 101; turn left at traffic signal, travel south apx. 3 miles, cross Yaquina Bay Bridge, take right lane exit to OSU Hatfield Marine Science Center.

Coastal route: Take I-205 south to I-5 south, exit for 99W through Tigard for Ocean Beaches; just before McMinnville, connect to Hwy 18; follow signs to Newport, Hwy 101. Continue south apx. 5 miles, cross Yaquina Bay Bridge, take right lane exit to OSU Hatfield Marine Science Center.

Directions from Eugene Airport (2 to 2.5 hrs):

Take 99W (Pacific Coast Hwy) north to Corvallis; exit Ocean Beaches, Hwy 20; travel 55 miles west to Newport to connect with Hwy 101; turn left at traffic signal, travel south apx. 3 miles, cross Yaquina Bay Bridge, take right lane exit to OSU Hatfield Marine Science Center.

The following information does not represent an endorsement by the U.S. Dept. of Commerce

Accommodations in Newport:

Valu-Inn, 1-800-443-7777
Whaler Motel, 1-800-433-9444
Hallmark Resort, 1-800-982-8668
Ashley Inn, 1-800-427-4539

Shilo Inn, 1-800-222-2244
Hotel Newport, 1-800-547-3310
Embarcadero Resort Hotel, 1-541-265-8521

Bed & Breakfast:
Sylvia Beach, 1-800-262-7844 or 1-542-265-8801

For further information contact: Jessica Black , 1-541-867-0274

Also see PMEL Seattle Visitor Information

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US Department of Commerce | NOAA | OAR | PMEL
Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory
7600 Sand Point Way NE
Seattle, WA 98115
  Phone: (206) 526-6239
Fax: (206) 526-6815
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