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Title Comment Keywords
Fossils, Rocks, and Time n.a. / n.a. fossil, rock, geologic time
Age of Ocean Crust 09:45 - 10:39 (00:54) / 0.9 MB crust, fossil, Australia, stromatolite, "James Sadd"
Correlating Geology Across Continents 03:44 - 04:35 (00:51) / 0.5 MB "Jason Saleeby", "Alfred Wegener", "continental drift", map, fossil, "mineral deposit", continent, "ocean basin", Gondwana, Antarctica, Australia, Africa, "South America", plant, climate, glaciation, coal
Sampling the Sea Floor 19:31 - 20:30 (00:59) / 1.3 MB "transform fault", oceanographer, sampling, "sea floor", "Glomar Challenger", "drill core", "mid-oceanic ridge", paleomagnetism, "sea floor spreading", fossil, paleoclimate, mountain, "mineral deposit"
Origin of Accreted Terranes 16:02 - 16:45 (00:43) / 1.1 MB "accreted terrane", fossil, continent, magnetism, "Scott Bogue"
How Far Did These Terranes Travel 17:18 - 18:25 (01:07) / 1.2 MB terrane, "exotic terrane", "suspect terrane", paleomagnetism, fossil, "oceanic crust", continent, accretion, mountain, "metamorphic rock", "igneous rock", "J. Lawford Anderson"
Dating Unconformity 21:02 - 21:25 (00:23) / 1.2 MB "Dee Trent", unconformity, fossil, "radiometric age dating"
Geologic Time 30 minutes / n.a. "absolute age dating", "James Hutton", isotope, "geologic time", element, fossil, Bible, "age", superposition, "sedimentary rock", "rock formation", "relative age dating", radioactivity, "radioisotope", "Principle of Superposition", "mass spectrometer", correlation
Geologic Time Correlations 12:24 - 13:07 (00:43) / 1.1 MB "James Sadd", correlation, fossil, "rock formation"
Faunal Succession 13:07 - 14:07 (01:00) / 1.2 MB fossil, "Principle of Faunal Succession", "faunal succession", Darwin, evolution
Paleontologists 14:07 - 15:10 (01:03) / 1.5 MB paleontologist, fossil, "Grand Canyon", Wales, Cambria, Cambrian
Chronology On the Basis of Superposition 15:43 - 16:36 (00:53) / 0.7 MB "geologic time", "Principle of Superposition", "Dee Trent", correlation, Europe, fossil, superposition, chronology
Evolution Through Time 30 minutes / n.a. fossil, evolution, life, environment, extinction, animal, plant, Mesozoic, mammal, dinosaur, stromatolite, "sedimentary rock", Paleozoic, ecosystem, climate, Cenozoic, atmosphere, "rock formation"
Algae the Oldest Fossils 01:13 - 02:04 (00:51) / 0.8 MB "James Sadd", algae, fossil, Australia, Africa, "North American Continent", plant, animal, life, origin, bacteria
Formation of Fossils 02:04 - 03:02 (00:58) / 1.5 MB mold, bone, shell, "sedimentary rock", groundwater, cast, fossil, track, burrow, nest
Oceans Preserve Fossils 03:02 - 03:55 (00:53) / 1.4 MB "Dee Trent", fossil, erosion, "plate tectonics", "sedimentary rock", "terrestrial life", vertebrate, weathering, predation, scavenging
Stromatolites 03:55 - 04:59 (01:04) / 1.4 MB fossil, "marine organism", bone, shell, stromatolite, algae, oxygen, atmosphere, evolution, "sedimentary rock"
Change in Environmental Conditions 04:59 - 06:49 (01:50) / 2.8 MB "Stanley Aramic", fossil, "Alexander Hills", "Eastern California", stromatolite, "sedimentary rock", environment, sand, cyanobacteria, "rate of sedimentation", deposition, precipitation, "calcium carbonate", "Crystal Spring Formation"
Simple Cell Structure 06:49 - 07:24 (00:35) / 1.0 MB stromatolite, prokaryotic, fossil, eukaryotic, animal
Cambrian Explosion 08:22 - 08:59 (00:37) / 0.5 MB eukaryotic, "sexual reproduction", fossil, life, "hard part", Precambrian, Cambrian
Life in the Paleozoic 10:00 - 10:50 (00:50) / 1.1 MB "James Sadd", Cambrian, Paleozoic, evolution, life, fossil, vertebrate, environment, invertebrate, animal, brachiopod, trilobite, coral, fish, plant
Mass Extinction Survivors 13:02 - 13:58 (00:56) / 0.8 MB "Stanley Aramic", extinction, Paleozoic, Mesozoic, environment, fossil
Dinosaurs 14:38 - 15:13 (00:35) / 1.0 MB dinosaur, fossil, egg
Extinction of Dinosaurs 15:13 - 16:47 (01:34) / 1.4 MB dinosaur, fossil, track, climate, Mesozoic, predation, environment, extinction, volcano, atmosphere, asteroid
Rancho La Brea Tar Pits 17:31 - 18:36 (01:05) / 1.5 MB "George Jefferson", Cenozoic, "Rancho La Brea", "Los Angeles", tar, animal, fossil, life, Cenozoic, "Ice Age", climate, vertebrate
Studying the Bones 18:36 - 20:01 (01:25) / 1.1 MB "Eric Scott", "Rancho La Brea", fossil, plant, pollen, mammoth, bison, "saber toothed cat", tar
Reconstructing an Environment 20:01 - 21:07 (01:06) / 1.2 MB "Shelley M. Cox", fossil, soil, plant, shell, insect, microfossil, climate, mouse, gopher, environment
Los Angeles Basin Habitat 21:07 - 21:48 (00:41) / 0.7 MB fossil, tar, environment, habitat, "Rancho La Brea", "Los Angeles Basin", sagebrush, cypress, "pine tree", animal, deer, "dire wolf", "saber toothed cat", "ground sloth", mastodon, mammal, ecosystem, extinction, woodland
Method of Evolution 21:48 - 23:23 (01:35) / 1.7 MB "Jamie Webb", fossil, "Rancho La Brea", Cenozoic, life, horse, evolution, ecosystem, woodland, grassland, environment, habitat, "Charles Darwin"
Punctuated Equilibrium 23:55 - 25:29 (01:34) / 2.5 MB "Stanley Aramic", "Charles Darwin", evolution, fossil, "intermediate species", "punctuated equilibrium", environment
Ice Age Mammals 25:29 - 26:11 (00:42) / 0.8 MB "James Sadd", Pleistocene, "Ice Age", mammal, "ground sloth", "saber toothed cat", extinction, humans, Africa, fossil, evolution
Minerals Are Like Fossils 03:23 - 03:48 (00:25) / 0.5 MB mineral, fossil, composition, "geologic age", "J. Lawford Anderson"
Biological Contribution 07:42 - 08:56 (01:14) / 1.3 MB "sedimentary rock", "chemical sedimentation", ocean, "biological activity", algae, coral, invertebrate, "calcium carbonate", shell, reef, "sea floor", limestone, fossil, chalk, plant, animal, life, "continental shelf", radiolaria, diatom, silica, chert, diatomite
Principle of Uniformity 10:14 - 11:49 (01:35) / 2.3 MB "James Sadd", "sedimentary rock", "clastic sediment", geologist, "Principle of Uniformity", "geologic time", weathering, water, wind, tide, "sea level change", lithification, deposition, "Earth's surface", limestone, "calcium carbonate", mud, quartz, sand, fossil, "tropical sea", Bahamas, "Florida Keys"
Conclusion 25:25 - 26:50 (01:25) / 1.5 MB "James Sadd", metamorphism, crust, "Earth's surface", "metamorphic rock", "oceanic crust", "metamorphic grade", fossil, life, "geologic time", "plate tectonics", mountain, erosion, ocean, continent, temperature, pressure, collision, "convergent plate margin", subduction, melting, magma
Past Deserts 07:38 - 08:29 (00:51) / 1.6 MB "Southwestern United States", desert, "fossil dune", "Grand Canyon", sandstone, "Zion National Park", "cross-bedding", oxidation, iron, "dry land", plant, animal, fossil, forest, "geologic time", "plate tectonics", orogeny, mountain, "rain shadow"
Indicators of Past Ice Ages 14:04 - 15:37 (01:33) / 1.9 MB "Brian Edwards", data, "Ice Age", "Earth's orbit", "drill core", "deep-sea sediment", fossil, microfossil, plant, temperature, ocean, "geologic time", Sun, continent, "plate tectonics", "ocean current", climate, polar, landmass, "ice sheet"
Geology School Keywords

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