Listen to a radio or television for weather updates and stay in touch
with your neighbors about evacuation orders.
Plan a place to meet your family in case you are separated during
a disaster. Choose a friend or relative out of state for your family
members to call to say they are OK.
Assemble your disaster supplies kit. Store extra water now! Check
to make sure you have enough food.
Storm shutters are the best protection for windows. If your house
does not have them, help an adult board up windows with 5/8" marine
plywood. Tape does NOT prevent windows from breaking!
Bring in outside furniture. An adult should remove roof antennas,
if they can do so safely.
Help an adult shut off your utilities -- water, electricity and gas.
Make sure there is gas in the car and you are ready to evacuate immediately,
if you are told to do so.
If you dont need to evacuate, be sure to STAY INDOORS during
a hurricane. You could be hit by flying objects. Dont be fooled
if there is a pause in the wind. It could be the eye of the storm, and
the winds will come again.
Avoid using the phone except for an emergency so the phone lines
can stay open for others.
If you do evacuate, do NOT go back home until local officials say
it is safe.
Hurricanes can be very scary. If you are scared,
be sure to talk to someone about it.