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Comment: 25:25 - 26:55 (01:30)

Source: Annenberg/CPB Resources - Earth Revealed - 25. Living With Earth, Part I

Keywords: "James Sadd", earthquake, "earthquake prediction", liquefaction, epicenter

Our transcription: While earthquake prediction may never become a practical tool, we can use what we know about earthquakes to limit their impact on our lives.

For example, we can avoid building in areas where the ground will rupture or subside during a quake and in areas where liquefication is likely to occur.

We can design new buildings and homes to withstand the shaking of earthquakes.

Old buildings can be reinforced or torn down.

The contents of all structures should be secured to avoid the injuries caused by toppling furniture and falling objects.

We can also prepare for earthquakes by storing emergency supplies at home, in our cars, and at work and by arranging for earthquake plans with our friends, our families and co-workers.

And, finally, we can require our elected representatives to create a comprehensive earthquake policy to strengthen building codes and public structure.

Such a policy would employ the best current technology to ensure that highways, bridges, and dams are able to withstand the earthquakes that we know will come.

We understand why earthquakes happen.

We can sometimes forecast the general location of the epicenter, the intensity of shaking, and even where the Earth will rupture and subside, but knowledge alone isn't enough.

We must have the collective will to apply this knowledge and to finance the changes we know must be made.

Only then can we make our world, if not earthquake proof, at least relatively earthquake safe.

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