
Records of the National War Labor Board (World War II) [NWLB]

(Record Group 202)
4,898 cu. ft.

Overview of Records Locations

Table of Contents

  • 202.3 RECORDS OF THE NATIONAL WAR LABOR BOARD 1941-47 (bulk 1942-45) 1,101 lin. ft.
  • 202.3.1 General records of headquarters
  • 202.3.2 Headquarters records relating to cases
  • 202.3.3 Records of headquarters organizations
  • 202.4.1 General records of headquarters
  • 202.4.2 Headquarters records relating to cases
  • 202.4.3 Records of headquarters organizations
  • 202.5.1 Records of Region I
  • 202.5.2 Records of Region II
  • 202.5.3 Records of Region III
  • 202.5.4 Records of Region IV
  • 202.5.5 Records of Region V
  • 202.5.6 Records of Region VI
  • 202.5.7 Records of Region VII
  • 202.5.8 Records of Region VIII
  • 202.5.9 Records of Region IX
  • 202.5.10 Records of Region X
  • 202.5.11 Records of Region XI
  • 202.5.12 Records of Region XII
  • 202.5.13 Records of the Territorial War Labor Board for Hawaii
  • 202.6.1 Records of the Daily Newspaper Printing and Publishing Commission
  • 202.6.2 Records of the Detroit Tool and Die Commission
  • 202.6.3 Records of the Meat Packing Commission
  • 202.6.4 Records of the National Airframe Panel
  • 202.6.5 Records of the National Telephone Commission
  • 202.6.6 Records of the Nonferrous Metals Commission
  • 202.6.7 Records of the Northern Textile Commission
  • 202.6.8 Records of the Shipbuilding Commission
  • 202.6.9 Records of the Southern Textile Commission
  • 202.6.10 Records of the Steel Commission
  • 202.6.11 Records of the Trucking Commission
  • 202.6.12 Records of the War Shipping Panel
  • 202.6.13 Records of the West Coast Aircraft Committee
  • 202.6.14 Records of the West Coast Lumber Commission


Established: In the Office for Emergency Management (OEM) by EO 9017, January 12, 1942.

Predecessor Agencies:

  • National Defense Mediation Board (NDMB, 1941-42)

Transfers: To Department of Labor, by EO 9617, September 19, 1945.

Functions: Adjusted and settled labor disputes deemed threatening to the war effort.

Abolished: By EO 9672, December 31, 1945.

Successor Agencies: National Wage Stabilization Board (NWSB), Department of Labor.

Finding Aids: Estelle Rebec, comp., Preliminary Inventory of the Records of the National War Labor Board (World War II), PI 78 (1955); supplement in National Archives microfiche edition of preliminary inventories. Estelle Rebec, Arthur Hecht, and Paul Flynn, comps., Lists of Wage Stabilization Cases Acted on by the Headquarters Office of the National War Labor Board, 1942-45, SL 10 (1953).

Related Records: Record copies of publications of the National War Labor Board in RG 287, Publications of the U.S. Government. Records of the National Mediation Board, RG 13. Records of the National Labor Relations Board, RG 25. Records of the Internal Revenue Service, RG 58. Records of the Wage and Hour Division, RG 155. Records of the Maritime Labor Board, RG 157. General Records of the Department of Labor, RG 174. Records of the War Manpower Commission, RG 211. Records of the Wage Adjustment Board, RG 236. Records of the War Shipping Administration, RG 248. Records of the Office of War Mobilization and Reconversion, RG 250. Records of the Shipbuilding Stabilization Committee, RG 254.

Subject Access Terms: World War II agency.

26 lin. ft.

History: Established in OEM by EO 8716, March 19, 1941, to mediate labor disputes considered by the Secretary of Labor to threaten the national defense. Abolished and superseded by the NWLB, 1942. SEE 202.1.

Textual Records: Official files of the vice chairman, 1941-42. Transcripts of executive sessions, 1941-42. Dispute case files, 1941-43, with indexes, 1941-42. Transcripts of dispute case hearings, 1941-42. Dispute case findings, recommendations, and agreements, 1941-42.

1941-47 (bulk 1942-45)
1,101 lin. ft.

202.3.1 General records of headquarters

Textual Records: Transcripts and minutes of executive sessions, 1942-45. Resolutions, 1942-45. General orders, 1942-45. Memorandums, 1942-45. Files of the chairman, the vice chairman, and board members representing the public, 1941-45. Files of board members and executive assistants representing labor, 1942- 45. Committee minutes, reports, and other records, 1941-45.

202.3.2 Headquarters records relating to cases

Textual Records: Dispute case files, 1942-45, with indexes. Transcripts of dispute case hearings, 1942-45. Voluntary wage and salary adjustment case files, 1942-45. Enforcement case files, 1943-45, consolidated with those of the NWSB (1946-47). Noncompliance case files, 1942-45. Dispute and voluntary wage and salary adjustment case files handled by special industry commissions and panels, 1942-46.

202.3.3 Records of headquarters organizations

Textual Records: Records of the Office of the Executive Director, 1942-46, including correspondence, headquarters and regional office memorandums, and activity reports. Records of the Office of the General Counsel (OGC), consisting of general records, 1942-45; official files of key OGC officials, 1942-45; and memorandums and opinions, 1943-45. Subject files and related records of the Historical Section, 1942-45. Records of the Legal Division, consisting of general records, 1942-46; records relating to civil cases, 1944-45; chronological files, 1942-47; and general records of the Enforcement Section and the Dispute Opinion and Rulings Section, 1943-45. Records of the Wage Stabilization Division, including official files of the director, 1942-45; and records of the Program Appraisal Branch and subordinate units, 1942-45. Records of the Disputes Division and its Strike Section, 1942-45; the Public Information Division, 1941-45; and the Administrative Management Division, 1942-45.

161 lin. ft.

History: Established in the Department of Labor by EO 9672, December 31, 1945, to succeed the NWLB, abolished by same order. Arbitrated labor disputes and passed on adjustment in certain wages and salaries. Abolished, effective February 24, 1947, by EO 9809, December 12, 1946, with enforcement functions transferred to Department of the Treasury and remaining functions to Secretary of Labor.

Related Records: Record copies of publications of the National Wage Stabilization Board in RG 287, Publications of the U.S. Government.

202.4.1 General records of headquarters

Textual Records: Transcripts of executive sessions, 1946-47. Official files of various board members, 1945-47. General files, reports, and correspondence of the Office of the Executive Director, 1943-47. Case analysis memorandums, 1946.

202.4.2 Headquarters records relating to cases

Textual Records: Voluntary wage and salary adjustment case files, 1945-46, with indexes. Case files of voluntary wage and salary adjustment cases relating to general wage approvals, 1946. Case files of voluntary cases submitted by the War Department Wage Coordination Board, 1946. Index to board action on steel industry general wage approval cases, 1946. Index to war shipping industry cases, 1946. Enforcement case files, 1946-47, consolidated with those of the NWLB (1943-45).

202.4.3 Records of headquarters organizations

Textual Records: Records of the Legal Division, including correspondence and other records relating to regional enforcement activities, 1943-46; and staff members' official files, 1944-46. Records of the Division of Public Information, consisting of general records, 1945-46; activity reports, 1946; and press releases, 1946-47. Records of the Case Analysis and Program Appraisal Division, consisting of general records, 1945-46; records relating to regional office activities, 1946-47; reports concerning headquarters review of regional cases ("Post Review Reports"), 1946; and records of the Wage and Board Action Reference Section, 1945-46. Records of the Division of Administrative Management, 1943-46.

3,232 lin. ft.

History: Regional NWLB directors, assisted by regional advisory boards, established November 22, 1942, with offices in Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Dallas, Kansas City, Cleveland, Chicago, Denver, and San Francisco. Advisory boards reconstituted as regional war labor boards, January 12, 1943, with additional boards in Detroit and Seattle. All boards operational by March 21, 1943. Territorial board established in Hawaii, June 1944. NWLB regional boards continued by NWSB, 1946. Regional headquarters and jurisdictions as follows:

Region Headquarters Jurisdiction
I Boston, MA CT, ME, MA, NH, RI, VT
II New York, NY NJ (northern), NY
III Philadelphia, PA DE, DC, MD, NJ (southern), PA
IV Atlanta, GA AL, FL, GA, MS, NC, SC, TN, VA
V Cleveland, OH KY, OH, WV
VI Chicago, IL IL, IN, MN, ND, SD, WI
VII Kansas City, MO AR, IA, KS, MO, NE
VIII Dallas, TX LA, OK, TX
IX Denver, CO CO, ID, MT, NM, UT, WY
X San Francisco, CA AZ, CA, NV
XI Detroit, MI MI
XII Seattle, WA AK (territory), OR, WA
* Honolulu, HI HI (territory)

*Territorial War Labor Board for Hawaii

202.5.1 Records of Region I

Textual Records (in Boston): Records of the Office of the Board, consisting of general correspondence, 1943-45; board minutes, January-November 1946; and records of the Reports and Control Section, 1943-46. General correspondence, maintained by the Administrative Management Division, 1942-45. Correspondence, copies of findings and determinations, and other official records of the director of information, 1942-46. Press releases issued by the Public Information Division, 1946. Reading files of the Legal Division, 1946. Records of the Wage Stabilization Division, including general correspondence, 1943-46; records concerning voluntary cases involving the New England Power Association, 1943; records concerning NWSB Form 9, "Notice of Wage or Salary Increase," 1946; and reference materials, 1942-45. Dispute case files, 1942-45, with indexes, 1943-45. Voluntary wage and salary adjustment case files, 1942-46, with indexes, 1945-46. Enforcement case files, 1943-47, with indexes. Historical and policy documentation files, 1943-45. Index to occupational wage- rate survey reports, 1943-45.

202.5.2 Records of Region II

Textual Records (in New York): Instructional memorandums issued by the Administrative Management Division, 1943-44. Records of the Disputes Division relating to potential dispute cases, 1943- 45. Records of the Wage Stabilization Division, consisting of general records, 1943-46; copies of board minutes, 1946; rulings, 1946; records relating to wage data, 1943-46, including a wage bracket book, 1943-44; records concerning NWSB Form 9, "Notice of Wage or Salary Increase," 1946; and a voluntary applications docket, 1946. Dispute case files, 1942-45, with indexes, 1943-45. Voluntary wage and salary adjustment case files, 1942-45, with indexes, 1945-46. Enforcement case files, 1943-47, with indexes. Historical and policy documentation files, 1943-45. Index to occupational wage-rate survey reports, 1943-45.

202.5.3 Records of Region III

Textual Records (in Philadelphia): Records maintained by the Administrative Management Division, including transcripts of board proceedings, 1943-45; weekly reports of hearing officers, 1944-45; and an operations manual, 1943-44. Wage stabilization inspection reports, compiled by the Enforcement Section of the Legal Division, 1943-44. Records of the Strike Section of the Disputes Division, consisting of records relating to strikes, 1943-45; and final reports on strikes, 1944-45. Records of the Wage Stabilization Division, consisting of wage adjustment rulings made in response to employers' requests, 1942-44. Minutes and press releases, 1946. Records relating to NWSB Form 9, "Notice of Wage or Salary Increase," 1946. Dispute case files, 1942-45, with indexes, 1943-45. Voluntary wage and salary adjustment case files, 1942-46, with indexes, 1945-46. Enforcement case files, 1943-47, with indexes. Historical and policy documentation files, 1943-45. Index to occupational wage- rate survey reports, 1943-45.

202.5.4 Records of Region IV

Textual Records (in Atlanta): Central files, 1942-45. Complaint correspondence, 1943-45. Board minutes, January-November 1946. Press releases, 1945-46. Dispute case files, 1942-45, with indexes, 1943-45. Voluntary wage and salary adjustment case files, 1942-46, with indexes, 1945-46. Enforcement case files, 1943-47, with indexes. Historical and policy documentation files, 1943-45. Index to occupational wage-rate survey reports, 1943-45.

202.5.5 Records of Region V

Textual Records (in Chicago, except as noted): General correspondence, 1943-45. Administrative records ("Central Files"), 1943-45. Records of the Office of the Board, consisting of minutes, January 1946-January 1947; and records relating to the appointment of arbitrators, 1946. Records of the Information Division, consisting of general records, 1946-47; and press releases, 1946. Records of the Wage Stabilization Division, consisting of general correspondence, 1944-47; and records relating to NWSB Form 9, "Notice of Wage or Salary Increase," 1946. Dispute case files, 1942-45 (in Atlanta), with indexes, 1943-45 (in Atlanta). Voluntary wage and salary adjustment case files, 1942-46 (in Atlanta), with indexes, 1945-46 (in Atlanta). Enforcement case files, 1943-47, with indexes (in Atlanta). Historical and policy documentation files, 1943-45 (in Atlanta). Index to occupational wage-rate survey reports, 1943-45 (in Atlanta).

202.5.6 Records of Region VI

Textual Records (in Chicago): Records of the Office of the Board, consisting of general correspondence, 1943-46; reports, 1943-47; and copies of minutes of the Daily Newspaper Printing and Publishing Commission, 1944-45. Records of the Legal Division, consisting of general records, 1944-46; minutes, 1944-46; correspondence with industrial firms, 1943-47; wage stabilization inspection reports, 1943-45; and records relating to enforcement activities, 1944-46. Records of the Administrative Management Division, consisting of general records, 1943-46; minutes, with related agendas and reports, 1943-46; records relating to organization and policy, 1942-46; activity reports, 1944-46; publicity materials, 1942-46; and an organization and procedures manual, 1943. Records of the Disputes Division, consisting of records relating to compliance cases and strikes, 1944-45; and case analysis memorandums, 1944-45. Records of the Wage Stabilization Division, consisting of correspondence, 1943-46; records relating to a metal-working survey conducted by the Bureau of Labor Standards, 1943-44; records relating to wage brackets, 1943-46; records relating to NWSB Form 9, "Notice of Wage or Salary Increase," 1946; and a manual containing job descriptions for various industries, 1943-44. Dispute case files, 1942-45, with indexes, 1943-45. Voluntary wage and salary adjustment case files, 1942-46, with indexes, 1945-46. Enforcement case files, 1943-47, with indexes. Historical and policy documentation files, 1943-45. Index to occupational wage- rate survey reports, 1943-45.

Related Records: Records of the Daily Newspaper Printing and Publishing Commission UNDER 202.6.1.

202.5.7 Records of Region VII

Textual Records (in Kansas City): Records of the Office of the Board, consisting of general records, 1943-46; minutes, 1944-45; staff members' official files, 1944-45; and correspondence with industrial concerns, 1946. Records of the Administrative Division, including general correspondence, 1943-45; minutes, 1943-46; transcripts of hearings, 1943-45; reference materials, 1943-45; and miscellaneous records, 1942-46. Records of the Disputes Division, consisting of divisional files, 1943-45, and correspondence of the Strike Section, 1943-45. Records of the Wage Stabilization Division, including general correspondence, 1944-45; staff members' official files, 1944-46; correspondence regarding appeals, 1944-45; case analysis memorandums, 1944-45; records concerning the preparation of wage brackets, 1943-45; occupational wage-rate survey schedules, 1943-45; copies of labor-management contracts and agreements, 1942-44; and records relating to NWSB Form 9, "Notice of Wage or Salary Increase," 1946. General records of the Enforcement Division, 1944-46; the Information Division, 1943-46; and the Research and Statistics Section, 1943-44. Dispute case files, 1942-45, with indexes, 1943-45. Voluntary wage and salary adjustment case files, 1942- 46, with indexes, 1945-46. Enforcement case files, 1943-47, with indexes. Historical and policy documentation files, 1943-45. Index to occupational wage-rate survey reports, 1943-45.

202.5.8 Records of Region VIII

Textual Records (in Fort Worth): General records of the Office of the Board, 1944-46, including minutes, reports, issuances, and press releases. General correspondence and other records maintained by the Administrative Management Division, 1943-46. Records of the Wage Stabilization Division relating to wage brackets, 1943-45; and to NWSB Form 9, "Notice of Wage or Salary Increase," 1946. General records of the Legal Division, 1943-46; and the Information Division, 1943-46. Dispute case files, 1942- 45. Voluntary wage and salary adjustment case files, 1942-46, with indexes, 1945-46. Enforcement case files, 1943-47, with indexes. Historical and policy documentation files, 1943-45. Index to occupational wage-rate survey reports, 1943-45.

202.5.9 Records of Region IX

Textual Records (in Denver): General records, 1944-46. Records relating to NWSB Form 9, "Notice of Wage or Salary Increase," 1946. Dispute case files, 1942-45. Voluntary wage and salary adjustment case files, 1942-46, with indexes, 1943-45. Enforcement case files, 1943-47, with indexes. Historical and policy documentation files, 1943-45. Index to occupational wage- rate survey reports, 1943-45.

202.5.10 Records of Region X

Textual Records (in San Francisco): General records, 1944-47. Central correspondence, 1943-45. Central reading file, 1942-45. Correspondence with industrial firms, 1945-47. Case analysis memorandums, 1946. Records relating to NWSB Form 9, "Notice of Wage or Salary Increase," 1946. Dispute case files, 1942-45. Voluntary wage and salary adjustment case files, 1942-46, with indexes, 1945-46. Enforcement case files, 1943-47, with indexes. Historical and policy documentation files, 1943-45. Index to occupational wage-rate survey reports, 1943-45. General records of the Information Division, 1944-45.

Related Records: Copies of Region X letters, 1943-45, in Records of the West Coast Aircraft Committee UNDER 202.6.13.

202.5.11 Records of Region XI

Textual Records (in Chicago): General records, 1946, including correspondence, reports, and press releases. Minutes, 1946-47. Records of the Administrative Management Division, including records relating to dispute cases, 1943-45; minutes, 1943-45; and an operations manual, 1944-45. Records of the Wage Stabilization Division, consisting of general records, 1944-46; general correspondence, 1943-44; records relating to wage brackets, wage- rate surveys, and wages and industry, 1943-45; records concerning NWSB Form 9, "Notice of Wage or Salary Increase," 1946; a manual of the Screening Branch, 1945; and records of the Research Branch, 1943-45, and the Automotive Section, 1942-45. Press releases issued by the Public Relations Division, 1942-45. Dispute case files, 1942-45, with indexes, 1943-45. Voluntary wage and salary adjustment case files, 1942-46, with indexes, 1945-46. Enforcement case files, 1943-47, with indexes. Historical and policy documentation files, 1943-45. Index to occupational wage-rate survey reports, 1943-45.

Related Records: Copies of Region XI letters, 1943-45, and board minutes, 1944-45, in Records of the Detroit Tool and Die Commission UNDER 202.6.2.

202.5.12 Records of Region XII

Textual Records (in Seattle): Official files of the chairman and the vice chairman, 1943-45. General correspondence, 1946. Central reading file, 1943-45. Minutes, 1943-46. Records concerning enforcement activities, 1944-45. Records relating to the Region XII Trucking Panel, 1944-45, and the West Coast Lumber Commission, 1943-45. General records of the Legal Division, 1943- 47. Records of the Wage Stabilization Division, including general records, 1945-46; correspondence with industrial firms, 1946; copies of labor-management contracts and agreements, 1943-45; and records concerning NWSB Form 9, "Notice of Wage or Salary Increase," 1946. Dispute case files, 1942-45, with indexes, 1943- 45. Voluntary wage and salary adjustment case files, 1942-46, with indexes, 1943-46. Enforcement case files, 1943-47, with indexes. Historical and policy documentation files, 1943-45. Index to occupational wage-rate survey reports, 1943-45.

Related Records: Records of the West Coast Lumber Commission UNDER 202.6.14.

202.5.13 Records of the Territorial War Labor Board for Hawaii

Textual Records (in San Francisco): Dispute case files, 1944-45. Voluntary wage and salary adjustment case files, with indexes, 1944-46. Enforcement case files, 1944-47, with indexes. Historical and policy documentation files, 1944-45. Index to occupational wage-rate survey reports, 1944-45.

814 lin. ft.

202.6.1 Records of the Daily Newspaper Printing and Publishing

Textual Records (in Washington Area, except as noted): Historical and policy documentation files, 1943-45. Records relating to newspaper guild cases, 1943-45. Dispute case files, 1942-46 (in Chicago). Index to voluntary wage and salary adjustment case files, 1943-45. Voluntary wage and salary adjustment case files, 1942-46 (in Chicago).

Related Records: Copies of commission minutes in Records of Region VI UNDER 202.5.6.

202.6.2 Records of the Detroit Tool and Die Commission

Textual Records (in Chicago): Historical and policy documentation files, 1943-45. General records, 1943-45, including correspondence, reports, and case materials. Interoffice memorandums, 1943-45. Correspondence with Region XI officials, 1943-45, and government agencies, 1943. Reading file, 1942-45. Copies of Region XI board minutes, 1944-45. Directives and regulations, 1942-43. Progress reports, 1943-44. Records relating to wage brackets, 1942-45. Inspection reports, 1943-45. Records relating to a tool and die industry conference, held in Detroit, MI, 1942. Official records of the commission economist, 1942. Voluntary wage and salary adjustment case files, 1942-46. Enforcement case files, 1943-46.

Related Records: Records of Region XI UNDER 202.5.11.

202.6.3 Records of the Meat Packing Commission

Textual Records (in Chicago): Historical and policy documentation files, 1945-46. Official records of the chairman, 1945-47. Records relating to wage rate differentials by geographic region, 1944-45; to appeal cases, 1943-47; and to the occupational wage- rate survey, 1943-47. Wage data cards and reports, n.d. Index to rulings, 1945-47. Rulings, January-February 1947. Dispute case files, 1942-46. Voluntary wage and salary adjustment case files, 1942-46.

202.6.4 Records of the National Airframe Panel

Textual Records (in Los Angeles): General correspondence, 1944- 45. Monthly reports, 1944-45. Records relating to the review of West Coast Aircraft Committee orders ("Post Review File"), 1943- 45. Transcripts of hearings, 1943-45. Dispute case files, 1942- 46. Status cards for voluntary cases, 1943-45. Voluntary wage and salary adjustment case files, 1942-46.

Related Records: Records of the West Coast Aircraft Committee UNDER 202.6.13.

202.6.5 Records of the National Telephone Commission

Textual Records: Press releases, 1944-45. Records relating to wage brackets, 1943. Dispute case files, 1942-46, with indexes, 1942-45. Voluntary wage and salary adjustment case files, 1942- 46, with indexes, 1943-45.

202.6.6 Records of the Nonferrous Metals Commission

Textual Records (in Denver): Historical and policy documentation files, 1943-45. General records, 1942-45, including correspondence, reports, and minutes. Reports and studies, 1943- 45. Directive orders, 1943-45. Dispute case files, 1942-46. Voluntary wage and salary adjustment case files, 1942-46.

202.6.7 Records of the Northern Textile Commission

Textual Records (in Boston): Historical and policy documentation files, 1945-46. Official correspondence of Robert Amory, president of the Nashua Manufacturing Company, Boston, MA, in his capacity as alternate commission member representing industry, 1942-46. Miscellaneous case material, 1945-46. Records containing wage data, 1943-45. Copies of labor-management contracts and agreements, 1943-45.

Related Records: Records of the Southern Textile Commission UNDER 202.6.9.

202.6.8 Records of the Shipbuilding Commission

Textual Records: General records, 1942-45, including correspondence and reports. Minutes, 1943-45. Records relating to cases, including digests of voluntary cases, 1943-45; a docket of dispute and voluntary cases, 1943-45; and miscellaneous records, 1943-45. Records relating to wages, 1943-45. Copies of labor- management contracts and agreements, 1942-45. Dispute case files, 1942-46, with indexes, 1943-45. Voluntary wage and salary adjustment case files, 1942-46, with indexes, 1943-45.

202.6.9 Records of the Southern Textile Commission

Textual Records (in Atlanta): Historical and policy documentation files, 1945-46. Dispute case files, 1942-46, with index, 1945.

Related Records: Records of the Northern Textile Commission UNDER 202.6.7.

202.6.10 Records of the Steel Commission

Textual Records: General records, 1945-47, including correspondence, reports, and minutes. General correspondence, 1945-47. Dispute case files, 1942-46.

202.6.11 Records of the Trucking Commission

Textual Records: General correspondence, 1943-45. Reading file, 1943-45. Directive orders, authorizations, and rulings, 1943-45. Index to authorizations, 1943-45. Correspondence and other records of the Wage Stabilization Division, 1943-45. Case analysis sheets, 1943-45. Records relating to dispute cases, 1943-45, including petitions for review, and documents submitted by companies and unions. Dispute case files, 1942-45, with indexes. Voluntary wage and salary adjustment case files, 1942- 46, with indexes, 1943-45. "Research reference" cards, 1943-45. Index to cases involving the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen, and Helpers of America ("Union Index"), 1943-45.

202.6.12 Records of the War Shipping Panel

Textual Records: General records, 1944-45, including correspondence, reports, minutes, directive orders, and press releases. General correspondence, 1943-45. Reading file, 1943-45. Transcripts of hearings, 1943-44. Case analysis memorandums, 1943-45. Records containing wage information, 1943-45. Copies of labor-management contracts and agreements, 1941-46. Dispute case files, 1943-45, with indexes. Voluntary wage and salary adjustment case files, 1942-46, with indexes, 1943-45.

202.6.13 Records of the West Coast Aircraft Committee

Textual Records (in Los Angeles): General records, 1943-45, including correspondence, reports, directive orders, and press releases. Correspondence, mainly with the NWLB, unions, and aircraft companies, 1943-45. Committee minutes, 1943-45. Reports of field examiners, arbitrators, and subcommittees, 1943-45. Records relating to petitions and rulings, including petition status control cards, 1943-45; grievance petitions and rulings, 1943-44, with index, 1943-45; and petitions for new jobs and revisions, with rulings, 1943-45. Transcripts of hearings, 1943- 44. Correspondence with Region X officials regarding committee general orders and dispute orders, 1943-45. Southern California aircraft industry wage stabilization plan, 1942-43. Records relating to the Restudy Committee, 1943-45.

Related Records: Records of the National Airframe Panel UNDER 202.6.4. Records of Region X UNDER 202.5.10.

202.6.14 Records of the West Coast Lumber Commission

Textual Records (in Seattle): Historical and policy documentation files, 1943-45. General records, 1943-45, including correspondence, reports, reference materials, press releases, and news clippings. Case materials, 1943-45, including directive orders, decisions, opinions, and referee reports. Transcripts of hearings, mainly of dispute cases, 1942-44. Job classification index, 1942-45. Dispute case files, 1942-46, with index, 1942-45. Voluntary wage and salary adjustment case files, 1942-46, with index. Enforcement case files, 1943-46.

Related Records: Records relating to the West Coast Lumber Commission in Records of Region XII UNDER 202.5.12.

Bibliographic note: Web version based on Guide to Federal Records in the National Archives of the United States. Compiled by Robert B. Matchette et al. Washington, DC: National Archives and Records Administration, 1995.
3 volumes, 2428 pages.

Ordering information

This Web version is updated from time to time to include records processed since 1995.


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