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USGS CMG InfoBank Geology School: subduction

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Title Comment Keywords
Geologic Glossary n.a. / n.a. geologic term, glossary, ablation, absolute age, alluvial fan, amphibole, annual snowline, Archaean Eon, ash, asthenosphere, basalt, Basin and Range province, boulder, breccia, calcite, cave, cave system, Cenozoic Era, chemical weathering, cinder, cinder cone, clast, clay, cobble, conglomerate, continental collision, continental drift, convergent plate boundary, core, craton, crust, daughter product, desert pavement, dike, divergent plate boundary, dune, earthquake, Sea Floor Spreading and Subduction 11:02 - 11:53 (00:51) / 0.5 MB "mid-oceanic ridge", fissure, "lava flow", crust, subduction
Sampling the Deep Sea Floor 11:53 - 13:06 (01:13) / 1.1 MB subduction, "Grand Canyon", vessel, instrument, "camel-grab", "box corer", "James Sadd"
No Evidence For An Expanding Earth 12:56 - 13:54 (00:58) / 0.7 MB "Harry H. Hess", "sea floor spreading", "mid-oceanic ridge", Earth, crust, trench, subduction, "Alfred Wegener", data, geopoetry, paleomagnetism
Plate Tectonics 20:30 - 20:57 (00:27) / 0.2 MB "plate tectonics", "mid-oceanic ridge", subduction, fault, plate, "Donald MacKenzie", "Robert Palmer", Earth
Plate Dynamics 30 minutes / n.a. "plate tectonics", plate, volcano, mantle, convection, subduction, crust, continent, "oceanic crust", orogeny, mountain, earthquake, "convergent plate margin", "hot spot"
Sea Floor Spreading 04:35 - 05:33 (00:58) / 0.5 MB "plate tectonics", "oceanic crust", crust, magma, volcano, "divergent plate", "mid-oceanic ridge", rift, "sea floor spreading", plate, topography, orogeny, collision, "deep-sea trench", subduction
Ocean-Ocean Convergence Zone 05:33 - 06:10 (00:37) / 0.4 MB "Jason Saleeby", "plate tectonics", "convergent plate", crust, "ocean-ocean convergence zone", "Mariana Trench", "volcanic chain", "lava flow", basalt, "oceanic crust", "continental crust", subduction, volcano, eruption
Ocean-Continent Convergence Zone 06:10 - 06:37 (00:27) / 0.3 MB "Jason Saleeby", "plate tectonics", "oceanic crust", "continental crust", plate, subduction, Andes, "South America", "Pacific Plate", continent, andesite, rhyolite, "volcanic chain", volcano, "granitic rock", eruption
Continent-Continent Convergence Zone 06:37 - 07:15 (00:38) / 0.5 MB "Jason Saleeby", "plate tectonics", "ocean basin", collision, subduction, "oceanic crust", plate, continent, mountain, orogeny, "Himalaya Mountains", Alps
Subduction Zone 07:15 - 07:45 (00:30) / 0.3 MB "plate tectonics", "convergent plate", "oceanic crust", "continental crust", subduction, plate, mantle, convection, mechanism
Island Arc System 07:45 - 08:41 (00:56) / 0.4 MB "plate tectonics", plate, subduction, trench, earthquake, mantle, crust, basalt, "oceanic crust", pressure, magma, andesite, eruption, "volcanic chain", island, "island arc"
Continental Margin Subduction 08:41 - 09:05 (00:24) / 0.3 MB "plate tectonics", subduction, "continental margin", continent, andesite, "volcanic chain", volcano, landscape, eruption, "divergent plate", magma, gas, basalt, viscosity
Earthquakes At Convergent Boundaries 09:05 - 09:26 (00:21) / 0.4 MB earthquake, "convergent plate", "divergent plate", subduction, stress, plate, collision, crust, orogeny, mountain, fold, Andes, "continental margin"
Large Mountain Ranges and Plateaus 09:26 - 09:45 (00:19) / 0.2 MB mountain, plateau, orogeny, "plate tectonics", continent, subduction, "sea floor", volcano, collision
Upper and Lower Mantle 18:18 - 19:53 (01:35) / 1.0 MB "Don L. Anderson", mantle, plate, subduction, "Pacific Ocean", earthquake, depth, seismic, convection, viscosity, "mid-oceanic ridge", basalt, lithosphere, "plate tectonics"
Mountain Building and the Growth of Continents 30 minutes / n.a. orogeny, mountain, continent, erosion, crust, mantle, uplift, subduction, sediment, "metamorphic rock", craton, collision, "sedimentary rock", "ocean basin", lithosphere, "igneous rock", accretion
Orogeny at the Edge of Continents 09:29 - 10:36 (01:07) / 1.3 MB sediment, orogeny, lithosphere, continent, "convergent plate", pressure, subduction, volcano, "island arc", "continental margin", trench, uplift, heat, melting, "metamorphic rock", crust, "igneous rock", granite
The Rock Cycle 11:12 - 11:57 (00:45) / 1.1 MB sediment, continent, magma, mantle, subduction, "sea floor", volcanism, "sedimentary rock", "metamorphic rock", "igneous rock", "rock cycle", crust, erosion, orogeny
Subduction and Accretion 13:27 - 14:37 (01:10) / 1.4 MB subduction, accretion, mountain, orogeny, lithosphere, India, Asia, "ocean basin", collision, "sedimentary rock", "metamorphic rock", "igneous rock", "convergent plate margin", Madagascar, Fiji
Seaward Jump of Subduction Zone 14:37 - 15:08 (00:31) / 0.5 MB subduction, metamorphism, "igneous rock", continent, collision, seamount, island, trench, "convergent plate"
Terranes 15:08 - 16:02 (00:54) / 1.1 MB continent, seamount, "island arc", "Western North America", subduction, "Pacific Ocean", lithosphere, "exotic terrane", "suspect terrane", "accreted terrane", "fault zone", collision
When Mountain Building Ends 18:25 - 19:36 (01:11) / 0.9 MB mountain, orogeny, "convergent plate margin", subduction, craton, fault, volcanism, erosion, uplift, "Gary Ernst"
Dance of the Continents 25:14 - 26:48 (01:34) / 1.2 MB mountain, orogeny, continent, "oceanic crust", collision, subduction, "convergent plate margin", orogeny, erosion, "convergent plate", supercontinent, Alaska, "sea floor spreading", "strike-slip fault", "North American Continent", "Mediterranean Sea", "ocean basin", Africa, Europe, volcano, earthquake, "James Sadd"
arc, forearc, backarc n.a. / n.a. arc, forearc, backarc, subduction, "subduction zone"
subduction, subduction zone n.a. / n.a. subduction, "subduction zone"
Volcanoes Far From Plate Margins 11:51 - 13:20 (01:29) / 2.7 MB "Richard Hazlett", "Robert Tilling", volcano, "convergent plate margin", "divergent plate margin", "oceanic hot spot", desert, California, subduction, "cinder cone", crust, tension, fracture, "plate tectonics", pressure, magma, eruption
Ocean Basalt 13:04 - 13:49 (00:45) / 0.6 MB ocean, ridge, "spreading center", magma, mantle, crystal, basalt, subduction, crust, volcano, "rim of fire", "J. Lawford Anderson"
Oceanic and Continental Magmas 13:49 - 14:51 (01:02) / 1.0 MB magma, "plate tectonics", "sea floor", iron, magnesium, basalt, "Bowen's Reaction Series", subduction, silica, andesite, "South America", ocean, ridge, "Dee Trent"
Other Plutonic Igneous Rocks 16:24 - 17:40 (01:16) / 1.5 MB continent, crust, mantle, subduction, andesite, diorite, "convergent plate", melting, upwelling, basalt, "lava flow", crust, felsic, viscosity, volcano, pluton, "David Sigurdson"
Tectonic Clues 20:52 - 22:15 (01:23) / 1.4 MB erosion, "tectonic activity", batholith, plutonic, weathering, "Sierra Nevada", California, pluton, intrusion, mountain, andesite, "volcanic arc", ocean, crust, Andes, subduction, "James Sadd"
Foliation 07:50 - 08:54 (01:04) / 1.3 MB "J. Lawford Anderson", "directed stress", compression, metamorphism, structure, temperature, pressure, mineral, layering, geologist, foliation, "shear stress", "metamorphic rock", "mica schist", subduction, recrystallization
Blue Schist 21:02 - 22:19 (01:17) / 1.5 MB "James Sadd", geologist, metamorphism, "metamorphic facies", pressure, temperature, "metamorphic rock", "plate tectonics", "blue schist", experiment, mineral, crust, "blue schist facies", heat, subduction
Conclusion 25:25 - 26:50 (01:25) / 1.5 MB "James Sadd", metamorphism, crust, "Earth's surface", "metamorphic rock", "oceanic crust", "metamorphic grade", fossil, life, "geologic time", "plate tectonics", mountain, erosion, ocean, continent, temperature, pressure, collision, "convergent plate margin", subduction, melting, magma
Geology School Keywords

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