English Longitudinal Study of Ageing





Department of Epidemiology, University College London
Institute for Fiscal Studies
National Centre for Social Research


The English Longitudinal Study of Ageing is an interdisciplinary data resource on health, economic position and quality of life as people age.

ELSA is the first study in the UK to connect the full range of topics necessary to understand the economic, social, psychological and health elements of the ageing process. The aim of ELSA is to explore the unfolding dynamic relationships between health, functioning, social networks and economic position. It is in effect a study of people's quality of life as they age beyond 50 and of the factors associated with it.

The survey covers the broad set of topics relevant to a full understanding of the ageing process, these include:

  • Health, disability, healthy life expectancy;
  • The relationship between economic position and both physical and cognitive health;
  • The determinants of economic position in older age;
  • The timing and circumstances of retirement and post-retirement labour market activity;
  • The nature of social networks, support and participation;
  • Household and family structure and the transfer of resources.

Survey progress

Wave 4 Collection

Summer 2008: fieldwork, including a nurse visit as well as an interview, is underway.

Wave 3 Dataset

Fieldwork finished in 2007; data is being deposited at the ESDS. A one-off life history interview was also completed in 2007 and will be archived later in 2008.

Waves 1 and 2 Datasets and Reports

Interview and nurse data are available from the Economic and Social Data Service and can be accessed by registered users direct from the ESDS.

The reports and presentations from the launch are available on the publications page.

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