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NIH Record

'All You Ever Wanted to Know About Y2K'
NIH Holds Y2K Awareness Day, Oct. 29 in Masur Auditorium

Just how prepared is NIH for the coming of the new millennium? Plan to attend the NIH Y2K Awareness Day on Friday, Oct. 29 in Masur Auditorium, Bldg. 10, to have this and many other Y2K questions answered.

With fewer than 75 days until the year 2000, many of us have been inundated with news, predictions and warnings about the so-called "Y2K bug" — computer malfunctions caused by their potential inability to distinguish the year 2000 from the year 1900. From 9 a.m. to noon, panelists from NIH, utility companies and community organizations will help you sort through the rumors and get the facts about their Y2K preparation activities. "This event is our chance to show that NIH and its surrounding community are ready for Y2K," said Alan Graeff, NIH's chief information officer.

The Center for Information Technology is sponsoring the Y2K Awareness Day as a "one-stop shopping" event to help NIH'ers understand what actions have been taken by NIH staff and by community organizations to ensure that the new year starts out right.

You may be asking yourself whether basic services such as power, water and telephone will be available. NIH has invited several companies and associations including Pepco, the WSSC, and Bell Atlantic to talk about their Y2K status. Others have been invited to discuss topics such as banking issues, the availability of emergency services, and bus and subway service. You'll be able to ask one-on-one questions and collect literature from any of the information booths from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

You might also say to yourself, "Okay — I can make it in to work. Will I be able to work? Will NIH be open for business?" NIH's own panel will include a presentation from Graeff on Y2K readiness and its effect on payroll services, personal computers, computer center services, networks and telephones, computer security concerns and biomedical equipment. He'll also talk about NIH contingency plans and preparation for "day one," or New Year's weekend. Juanita Mildenberg, deputy director of the Division of Engineering Services, Office of Research Services, will talk about the readiness of infrastructure components such as elevators, heating, ventilation and automated building systems. A speaker from the Clinical Center will describe efforts to ensure uninterrupted care to patients.

Anyone in the NIH community — employees, contractors and patients — who wants to know more about preparing for Y2K at home and at work is invited to the all-day festival. For more information, check the Web site at At the site, there is an opportunity to submit questions for the panelists in advance. Email questions and requests for reasonable accommodation to

Y2K Awareness Day, Oct. 29

Have fun while you learn how to be prepared for Y2K at work and home!

  • Learn about NIH readiness.
  • Hear from Pepco, Washington Gas, WSSC, Bell Atlantic, the Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association, Montgomery County government, the Washington Metro Area Transit Authority (subway/bus), and the NIH Federal Credit Union.
  • Visit the information booths of the above organizations and Crestar Bank, Morgan Stanley Dean Witter, several computer companies, a travel agency, and others.
  • Be one of the lucky ones to win a prize.
For more information, visit or email

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