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Frontier Workshop Materials

On June 23rd and 24th, 2005, the Technical Assistance Center of AoA’s ADDGS National Resource Center conducted a Frontier Workshop in Cheyenne, Wyoming. The Workshop was designed to provide ADDGS grantees and project partners from frontier states with an opportunity to:

  • Discuss issues of mutual concern; and
  • Learn about innovative ways to improve service delivery to people with Alzheimer’s disease and their families in frontier communities.

Workshop Summary Article

Workshop Faculty Presentations
Workshop faculty presentations can be found below.

  • To view Susan Raymond’s and Dennis Dudley’s presentation on Collaborations go to: (618Kb - PPT)
  • To view Melissa Mitchell’s presentation the Alzheimer’s Disease Resource Center of Alaska go to: (4.97Mb - PPT)
  • To view Susan Reinhard, Ph.D.’s presentation on Nurse Practice Acts go to: (322Kb - PPT)
  • To view Diane Braunstein’s presentation on Understanding Systems Change go to: (1.25Mb - PDF).


Workshop Audio Recording
To listen to an audio recording of the two-day workshop go to:


Life on the Frontier: Demographics, Economics and Culture
Carol Miller , Frontier Education Center.
(8.40Mb Quick Time Format)

What are the needs of people with Alzheimer’s Disease and their families?
Cheryl Dunaway , Alzheimer’s Association Colorado Chapter - Part 1
(10.6Mb Quick Time Format)

What are the needs of People with Alzheimer’s Disease and their families?
Cheryl Dunaway , Alzheimer’s Association Colorado Chapter - Part 2
(4.14Mb Quick Time Format)


Friday :

Life on the Frontier: Demographics, Economics and Culture
Bobbi Turner, Alzheimer’s Association Great Plains Chapter
(2.81Mb Quick Time Format)

Innovations in Delivery of Indirect Services
Cheryl Dunaway, Alzheimer’s Association Colorado Chapter
(5.75Mb Quick Time Format)

Innovations in Delivery of Indirect Services - AoA Regional Offices: Collaborations
Susan Raymond and Dennis Dudley,
AoA Regional Offices
(13.6Mb Quick Time Format)

Innovations in Delivery of Indirect Services - Shared Office/Health Information Kiosks
Kate Gordon, AoA’s ADDGS National Resource Center – Part 1
(4.25Mb Quick Time Format)

Innovations in Delivery of Indirect Services - Shared Office/Health Information Kiosks
Kate Gordon, AoA’s ADDGS National Resource Center – Part 2
(3.09Mb Quick Time Format)

Models of Direct Service Delivery -Remote Respite
Melissa Mitchell, Alzheimer Resource Agency of Alaska
(9.77Mb Quick Time Format)

Models of Direct Service Delivery - Medicaid Personal Care Options
Doyle Smith, New Mexico Aging & Long-Term Services Department.
(12.3Mb Quick Time Format)

Models of Direct Service Delivery - Nurse Practice Acts and Medicare’s Hospice Provisions
Susan Reinhard, Rutgers Center for State Health Policy.
(12.6Mb Quick Time Format)

The Link between the Alzheimer’s Demonstration Grant to States Program, Medicaid and Systems Change
Diane Braunstein, Technical Assistance and Systems Change, Alzheimer’s Association.
(7.03Mb Quick Time Format)
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