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Public Affairs Office
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September 16, 1998
Press Contact: Yvonne French (202) 707-9191
Public Contact: William Haig (202) 707-7544 voice, (202) 707-9948 TTY

Senator Tom Harkin To Offer Disability Employment Awareness Month Keynote Address

WHO: Sen. Tom Harkin (D-Iowa)

WHAT: Will offer a keynote address on upcoming topics in Congress related to the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and success stories resulting from their implementation

WHEN: 1 p.m. Oct. 5

WHERE: Mumford Room, sixth floor, James Madison Building, 101 Independence Ave. S.E.

WHY: To herald the Library's observance of Disability Employment Awareness Month

Librarian of Congress James H. Billington said: "This year's theme for Disability Employment Awareness Month is 'Opening Doors to Ability.' Sen. Harkin continues his advocacy for people with disabilities and is truly one of the great Americans in helping to open the doors of opportunity. We are, indeed, honored to have him speak at the Library."

Interpreting services (American Sign Language, Contact Signing, Oral and/or Tactile) will be provided if requested five business days in advance of the event. Call (202) 707- 6362 TTY and voice to make a specific request. For other ADA accommodations, contact the Disability Employment office at (202) 707-9948 TTY and (202) 707-7544 voice. The speech is free and open to the public. Neither tickets nor reservations are required.


Sen. Harkin was the chief sponsor of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and continues his role in the Senate as a longtime advocate for people with disabilities. He was co-sponsor in 1997 of legislation directing the Department of the Interior to raise private money to create a statue addition to the FDR Memorial in Washington to provide recognition of the fact that President Roosevelt's national and international leadership was provided while he used a wheelchair.

Sen. Harkin applauded professional golfer Casey Martin's February court victory in Oregon allowing him to use a golf cart as a reasonable accommodation. And in June, Sen. Harkin offered an amendment to the defense bill to nearly double funding for Gulf War illness research.

A reception will follow Sen. Harkin's keynote address.

For information about other Disability Employment Awareness Month events at the Library of Congress, call William Haig at (202) 707-7544 voice, (202) 707-9948 TTY or e-mail him at

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PR 98-142
ISSN 0731-3527

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