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September 2, 1998
Press Contact: Media Contact: Guy Lamolinara (202) 707-9217
Public Contact: Hispanic Division (202) 707-5400

Hispanic Heritage Month Celebrated by the Library, September 15- October 15

The Library of Congress Hispanic Division is sponsoring a series of events in celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month.

All events are in the Madison Building of the Library, unless otherwise specified. The Madison Building is at 101 Independence Ave. S.E. Metrorail stop: Capitol South. All events are free and open to the public.

Sept. 15 Kickoff: Performance by 'Las Morales', Music, Food, Door Prizes, Dining Room A, 6th Floor 12-2 pm

Sept. 16 The World of 1898: A Web Exhibit Digital Library Center Visitors' Center, 1st Floor Atrium, 12-1 pm

Sept. 17 Linda Downs (Head of Education, National Gallery of Art), Mexican Muralists in the United States Pickford Theater, 3rd Floor, 12:30-1:30 pm

Sept. 22 John Incledon slide lecture: Magic Carpet Ride: Magical Realism in Modern Art & Literature Mumford Room, 12-1 pm

Sept. 23 Cortez Austin:Wildlife Photographs of Peru's Amazon Region, West Dining Room, 12-1 pm

Sept. 25 Panel: Hispanics in the Media: Ernesto Clavijo (Univision WMDO 48) and speakers from Hispanic radio and newspapers, Dining Room A, 6th floor, 12-1:30 pm

Sept. 28 Hispanics in the Arts Keynote Program: Ana Maria Escallón, Director of the Organization of American States Art Museum of the Americas: Changes in Art Since WWII; and Susana Torrulla Leval: The Status of Hispanic Art in the U.S. Mumford Room, 6th Floor, 10 am

Oct. 2 Challenges to Peace in the Americas, 1898-1998 Part I: 1898--Learning from the Past: Pickford Theater, 3rd floor, 9am- 12 pm

Part 2: Intervention and Conflict Resolution in the 20th Century, Mumford Room, 6th floor, 2-5:30 pm

Oct. 6 Film: "Picasso," part I, Pickford Theater, 3rd Floor, 12-1 pm

Oct. 7 A Musical Interlude: Two Performances by Isolina Bergantinos on violin and Lola G. Viloria on classical guitar, Coolidge Auditorium, Jefferson Building, 1st floor, 12-1 pm

Oct. 8 Film: "Picasso," part II, Pickford Theater, 3rd floor, 12-1 pm

Oct. 13 Film: "Hemingway in Cuba, " Pickford Theater, 3rd Floor, 12-1

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PR 98-137
ISSN 0731-3527

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